
select * from emp;  #凝视




net start mysql


net stop mysql



mysql -h 主机地址 -u username -p 用户password





#改动password:首先在DOS 下进入mysql安装路径的bin文件夹下,然后键入下面命令:

mysqladmin -uroot -p123 password 456;


#格式:grant 权限 on 数据库.* to username@登录主机 identified by 'password'


如。添加一个用户user1密码为password1,让其能够在本机上登录。 并对全部数据库有查询、插入、改动、删除的权限。首先用以root用户连入mysql,然后键入下面命令:

grant select,insert,update,delete on *.* to user1@localhost Identified by "password1";



grant select,insert,update,delete on mydb.* to user1@localhost identified by "";


grant all privileges on wpj1105.* to sunxiao@localhost identified by '123';   #all privileges 全部权限




show databases;


drop database if exists wpj1105;


create database wpj1105;


drop database wpj1105;


use wpj1105;


show tables;


drop table if exists student;


create table student(

id int auto_increment primary key,

name varchar(50),

sex varchar(20),

date varchar(50),

content varchar(100)

)default charset=utf8;


drop table student;


describe student;  #能够简写为desc student;


insert into student values(null,'aa','男','1988-10-2','......');

insert into student values(null,'bb','女','1889-03-6','......');

insert into student values(null,'cc','男','1889-08-8','......');

insert into student values(null,'dd','女','1889-12-8','......');

insert into student values(null,'ee','女','1889-09-6','......');

insert into student values(null,'ff','null','1889-09-6','......');


select * from student;

select id,name from student;


update student set sex='男' where id=4;


delete from student where id=5;

# and 且

select * from student where date>'1988-1-2' and date<'1988-12-1';

# or 或

select * from student where date<'1988-11-2' or date>'1988-12-1';



select * from student where date between '1988-1-2' and '1988-12-1';

#in 查询制定集合内的数据

select * from student where id in (1,3,5);

#排序 asc 升序  desc 降序

select * from student order by id asc;

#分组查询 #聚合函数

select max(id),name,sex from student group by sex;

select min(date) from student;

select avg(id) as '求平均' from student;

select count(*) from student;   #统计表中总数

select count(sex) from student;   #统计表中性别总数  若有一条数据中sex为空的话,就不予以统计~

select sum(id) from student;


select * from student limit 2,5;  #显示3-5条数据


create table c(

 id int primary key auto_increment,

 name varchar(10) not null,

 sex varchar(50) ,  #DEFAULT '男' ,

 age int unsigned, #不能为负值(如为负值 则默觉得0)

 sno int unique    #不可反复


drop table c;

desc c;

insert into c (id,name,sex,age,sno) values (null,'涛哥','男',68,1);

insert into c (id,name,sex,age,sno) values (null,'aa','男',68,2);

insert into c (id,name,sex,age,sno) values (null,'平平','男',35,3);


select * from c;


update c set age=66 where id=2;

update c set name='花花',age=21,sex='女' where id=2

delete from c where age=21;


select name,age ,id from c

select * from c where age>40 and age<60;  #and

select * from c where age<40 or age<60;  #or

select * from c where age between 40 and 60 #between

select * from c where age in (30,48,68,99);     #in 查询指定集合内的数据

select * from c order by age desc;      #order by (asc升序 des降序)


select name,max(age) from c group by sex;  #按性别分组查年龄最大值


select min(age) from c;

select avg(age) as '平均年龄 ' from c;

select count(*) from c;  #统计表中数据总数

select sum(age) from c;


#格式:alter table tbl_name rename to new_name

alter table c rename to a;



create table test


id int not null auto_increment primary key, #设定主键

name varchar(20) not null default 'NoName', #设定默认值

department_id int not null,

position_id int not null,

unique (department_id,position_id) #设定唯一值



#格式:alter table tbl_name rename to new_name

alter table test rename to test_rename;


#格式:alter table tablename add columnname type;/alter table tablename add(columnname type);

alter table test add  columnname varchar(20);


alter table tablename change columnname newcolumnname type;  #改动一个表的字段名

alter table test change name uname varchar(50);

select * from test;

#表position 添加列test

alter table position add(test char(10));

#表position 改动列test

alter table position modify test char(20) not null;

#表position 改动列test 默认值

alter table position alter test set default 'system';

#表position 去掉test 默认值

alter table position alter test drop default;

#表position 去掉列test

alter table position drop column test;

#表depart_pos 删除主键

alter table depart_pos drop primary key;

#表depart_pos 添加主键

alter table depart_pos add primary key PK_depart_pos



load data local infile "D:/mysql.txt" into table MYTABLE;


source d:/mysql.sql;  #或者  /. d:/mysql.sql;



1. 标准查询语句:

select * from table(表名) limit startPos,pageSize


1.startPos:定义当前页起始位置 注意:当前页的起始位置仅仅能在当前页确定之后才干定义;



如:select * from table LIMIT 5,10;           这个查询出来的是第6到15之间的10条数据


如:select * from table LIMIT 5;                 这个查询出来的是前5条数据

(LIMIT n等价于LIMIT 0,n


  1. SQL查询为什么不推荐使用select count(*)
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  3. css之overflow
  4. 《30天自制操作系统》11_day_学习笔记
  5. shell脚本流程搭建
  6. c#与vb.net在App_Code里面编译要通过,需要以下web.config的配置
  7. C++ 预编译头文件
  8. MVC中的AppendTrailingSlash以及LowercaseUrls
  9. android studio 快捷笔记
  10. 基于visual Studio2013解决算法导论之047赫夫曼编码
  11. python——杂货铺
  12. js继承之借用构造函数继承
  13. Django view(视图)
  14. Spring Boot 启动(二) Environment 加载
  15. 猫眼电影爬取(三):requests+pyquery,并将数据存储到mysql数据库
  16. css定位“十字架“之水平垂直居中
  17. 如何使用HttpClient认证机制
  18. Mask_RCNN Test
  19. HDU1349 Minimum Inversion Number 2016-09-15 13:04 75人阅读 评论(0) 收藏
  20. Gradle初步


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  2. Codeforces 474D Flowers (线性dp 找规律)
  3. solr 亿万级数据查询性能測试
  4. js的style和getArribute(&quot;属性名&quot;)
  5. 计算器-- 利用re模块 利用函数封装 第二版
  6. Entity Framework的原理及使用方式
  7. SNMP介绍,OID及MIB库
  8. 【Material Design视觉设计语言】应用样式设计
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