
Flink支持有状态计算,根据支持得不同状态类型,分别有Keyed State和Operator State。针对状态数据得持久化,Flink提供了Checkpoint机制处理;针对状态数据,Flink提供了不同的状态管理器来管理状态数据,如MemoryStateBackend。

上面Flink的文章中,有引用word count的例子,但是都没有包含状态管理。也就是说,如果一个task在处理过程中挂掉了,那么它在内存中的状态都会丢失,所有的数据都需要重新计算。

从容错和消息处理的语义上(at least once, exactly once),Flink引入了state和checkpoint。

首先区分一下两个概念,state一般指一个具体的task/operator的状态。而checkpoint则表示了一个Flink Job,在一个特定时刻的一份全局状态快照,即包含了所有task/operator的状态。

所谓checkpoint,就是在某一时刻,将所有task的状态做一个快照(snapshot),然后存储到memory/file system/rocksdb等。Flink通过定期地做checkpoint来实现容错和恢复。



* This is the core interface for <i>stateful transformation functions</i>, meaning functions
* that maintain state across individual stream records.
* While more lightweight interfaces exist as shortcuts for various types of state, this interface offer the
* greatest flexibility in managing both <i>keyed state</i> and <i>operator state</i>.
* <p>The section <a href="#shortcuts">Shortcuts</a> illustrates the common lightweight
* ways to setup stateful functions typically used instead of the full fledged
* abstraction represented by this interface.
* <h1>Initialization</h1>
* The {@link CheckpointedFunction#initializeState(FunctionInitializationContext)} is called when
* the parallel instance of the transformation function is created during distributed execution.
* The method gives access to the {@link FunctionInitializationContext} which in turn gives access
* to the to the {@link OperatorStateStore} and {@link KeyedStateStore}.
* <p>The {@code OperatorStateStore} and {@code KeyedStateStore} give access to the data structures
* in which state should be stored for Flink to transparently manage and checkpoint it, such as
* {@link org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ValueState} or
* {@link org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ListState}.
* <p><b>Note:</b> The {@code KeyedStateStore} can only be used when the transformation supports
* <i>keyed state</i>, i.e., when it is applied on a keyed stream (after a {@code keyBy(...)}).
* <h1>Snapshot</h1>
* The {@link CheckpointedFunction#snapshotState(FunctionSnapshotContext)} is called whenever a
* checkpoint takes a state snapshot of the transformation function. Inside this method, functions typically
* make sure that the checkpointed data structures (obtained in the initialization phase) are up
* to date for a snapshot to be taken. The given snapshot context gives access to the metadata
* of the checkpoint.
* <p>In addition, functions can use this method as a hook to flush/commit/synchronize with
* external systems.
* <h1>Example</h1>
* The code example below illustrates how to use this interface for a function that keeps counts
* of events per key and per parallel partition (parallel instance of the transformation function
* during distributed execution).
* The example also changes of parallelism, which affect the count-per-parallel-partition by
* adding up the counters of partitions that get merged on scale-down. Note that this is a
* toy example, but should illustrate the basic skeleton for a stateful function.
* <p><pre>{@code
* public class MyFunction<T> implements MapFunction<T, T>, CheckpointedFunction {
* private ReducingState<Long> countPerKey;
* private ListState<Long> countPerPartition;
* private long localCount;
* public void initializeState(FunctionInitializationContext context) throws Exception {
* // get the state data structure for the per-key state
* countPerKey = context.getKeyedStateStore().getReducingState(
* new ReducingStateDescriptor<>("perKeyCount", new AddFunction<>(), Long.class));
* // get the state data structure for the per-partition state
* countPerPartition = context.getOperatorStateStore().getOperatorState(
* new ListStateDescriptor<>("perPartitionCount", Long.class));
* // initialize the "local count variable" based on the operator state
* for (Long l : countPerPartition.get()) {
* localCount += l;
* }
* }
* public void snapshotState(FunctionSnapshotContext context) throws Exception {
* // the keyed state is always up to date anyways
* // just bring the per-partition state in shape
* countPerPartition.clear();
* countPerPartition.add(localCount);
* }
* public T map(T value) throws Exception {
* // update the states
* countPerKey.add(1L);
* localCount++;
* return value;
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* <hr>
* <h1><a name="shortcuts">Shortcuts</a></h1>
* There are various ways that transformation functions can use state without implementing the
* full-fledged {@code CheckpointedFunction} interface:
* <h4>Operator State</h4>
* Checkpointing some state that is part of the function object itself is possible in a simpler way
* by directly implementing the {@link ListCheckpointed} interface.
* That mechanism is similar to the previously used {@link Checkpointed} interface.
* <h4>Keyed State</h4>
* Access to keyed state is possible via the {@link RuntimeContext}'s methods:
* <pre>{@code
* public class CountPerKeyFunction<T> extends RichMapFunction<T, T> {
* private ValueState<Long> count;
* public void open(Configuration cfg) throws Exception {
* count = getRuntimeContext().getState(new ValueStateDescriptor<>("myCount", Long.class));
* }
* public T map(T value) throws Exception {
* Long current = count.get();
* count.update(current == null ? 1L : current + 1);
* return value;
* }
* }
* }</pre>
* @see ListCheckpointed
* @see RuntimeContext

2.1. 它的snapshotState调用过程如下:


* Base class for all streaming tasks. A task is the unit of local processing that is deployed
* and executed by the TaskManagers. Each task runs one or more {@link StreamOperator}s which form
* the Task's operator chain. Operators that are chained together execute synchronously in the
* same thread and hence on the same stream partition. A common case for these chains
* are successive map/flatmap/filter tasks.
* <p>The task chain contains one "head" operator and multiple chained operators.
* The StreamTask is specialized for the type of the head operator: one-input and two-input tasks,
* as well as for sources, iteration heads and iteration tails.
* <p>The Task class deals with the setup of the streams read by the head operator, and the streams
* produced by the operators at the ends of the operator chain. Note that the chain may fork and
* thus have multiple ends.
* <p>The life cycle of the task is set up as follows:
* <pre>{@code
* -- setInitialState -> provides state of all operators in the chain
* -- invoke()
* |
* +----> Create basic utils (config, etc) and load the chain of operators
* +----> operators.setup()
* +----> task specific init()
* +----> initialize-operator-states()
* +----> open-operators()
* +----> run()
* +----> close-operators()
* +----> dispose-operators()
* +----> common cleanup
* +----> task specific cleanup()
* }</pre>
* <p>The {@code StreamTask} has a lock object called {@code lock}. All calls to methods on a
* {@code StreamOperator} must be synchronized on this lock object to ensure that no methods
* are called concurrently.
* @param <OUT>
* @param <OP>




* A <b>State Backend</b> defines how the state of a streaming application is stored and
* checkpointed. Different State Backends store their state in different fashions, and use
* different data structures to hold the state of a running application.
* <p>For example, the {@link org.apache.flink.runtime.state.memory.MemoryStateBackend memory state backend}
* keeps working state in the memory of the TaskManager and stores checkpoints in the memory of the
* JobManager. The backend is lightweight and without additional dependencies, but not highly available
* and supports only small state.
* <p>The {@link org.apache.flink.runtime.state.filesystem.FsStateBackend file system state backend}
* keeps working state in the memory of the TaskManager and stores state checkpoints in a filesystem
* (typically a replicated highly-available filesystem, like <a href="https://hadoop.apache.org/">HDFS</a>,
* <a href="https://ceph.com/">Ceph</a>, <a href="https://aws.amazon.com/documentation/s3/">S3</a>,
* <a href="https://cloud.google.com/storage/">GCS</a>, etc).
* <p>The {@code RocksDBStateBackend} stores working state in <a href="http://rocksdb.org/">RocksDB</a>,
* and checkpoints the state by default to a filesystem (similar to the {@code FsStateBackend}).
* <h2>Raw Bytes Storage and Backends</h2>
* The {@code StateBackend} creates services for <i>raw bytes storage</i> and for <i>keyed state</i>
* and <i>operator state</i>.
* <p>The <i>raw bytes storage</i> (through the {@link CheckpointStreamFactory}) is the fundamental
* service that simply stores bytes in a fault tolerant fashion. This service is used by the JobManager
* to store checkpoint and recovery metadata and is typically also used by the keyed- and operator state
* backends to store checkpointed state.
* <p>The {@link AbstractKeyedStateBackend} and {@link OperatorStateBackend} created by this state
* backend define how to hold the working state for keys and operators. They also define how to checkpoint
* that state, frequently using the raw bytes storage (via the {@code CheckpointStreamFactory}).
* However, it is also possible that for example a keyed state backend simply implements the bridge to
* a key/value store, and that it does not need to store anything in the raw byte storage upon a
* checkpoint.
* <h2>Serializability</h2>
* State Backends need to be {@link java.io.Serializable serializable}, because they distributed
* across parallel processes (for distributed execution) together with the streaming application code.
* <p>Because of that, {@code StateBackend} implementations (typically subclasses
* of {@link AbstractStateBackend}) are meant to be like <i>factories</i> that create the proper
* states stores that provide access to the persistent storage and hold the keyed- and operator
* state data structures. That way, the State Backend can be very lightweight (contain only
* configurations) which makes it easier to be serializable.
* <h2>Thread Safety</h2>
* State backend implementations have to be thread-safe. Multiple threads may be creating
* streams and keyed-/operator state backends concurrently.



* Savepoints are manually-triggered snapshots from which a program can be
* resumed on submission.
* <p>In order to allow changes to the savepoint format between Flink versions,
* we allow different savepoint implementations (see subclasses of this
* interface).
* <p>Savepoints are serialized via a {@link SavepointSerializer}.

5.Querable State

Queryable State,顾名思义,就是可查询的状态,表示这个状态,在流计算的过程中就可以被查询,而不像其他流计算框架,需要存储到外部系统中才能被查询。目前可查询的state主要针对partitionable state,如keyed state等。

简单来说,当用户在job中定义了queryable state之后,就可以在外部,通过QueryableStateClient,通过job id, state name, key来查询所对应的状态的实时的值。

5.1 QueryableStateClient


* Client for querying Flink's managed state.
* <p>You can mark state as queryable via {@link StateDescriptor#setQueryable(String)}.
* The state instance created from this descriptor will be published for queries when it's
* created on the Task Managers and the location will be reported to the Job Manager.
* <p>The client connects to a {@code Client Proxy} running on a given Task Manager. The
* proxy is the entry point of the client to the Flink cluster. It forwards the requests
* of the client to the Job Manager and the required Task Manager, and forwards the final
* response back the client.
* <p>The proxy, initially resolves the location of the requested KvState via the JobManager. Resolved
* locations are cached. When the server address of the requested KvState instance is determined, the
* client sends out a request to the server. The returned final answer is then forwarded to the Client.


* Returns a future holding the serialized request result.
* @param jobId JobID of the job the queryable state
* belongs to
* @param queryableStateName Name under which the state is queryable
* @param keyHashCode Integer hash code of the key (result of
* a call to {@link Object#hashCode()}
* @param serializedKeyAndNamespace Serialized key and namespace to query
* KvState instance with
* @return Future holding the serialized result
private CompletableFuture<KvStateResponse> getKvState(
final JobID jobId,
final String queryableStateName,
final int keyHashCode,
final byte[] serializedKeyAndNamespace) {
LOG.debug("Sending State Request to {}.", remoteAddress);
try {
KvStateRequest request = new KvStateRequest(jobId, queryableStateName, keyHashCode, serializedKeyAndNamespace);
return client.sendRequest(remoteAddress, request);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Unable to send KVStateRequest: ", e);
return FutureUtils.getFailedFuture(e);


5.2 KvStateServer


* An interface for the Queryable State Server running on each Task Manager in the cluster.
* This server is responsible for serving requests coming from the {@link KvStateClientProxy
* Queryable State Proxy} and requesting <b>locally</b> stored state.

6. 总结












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