In Flow, you can make global declarion about types.


flow init

It will generate .flowconfig file, open it and add few lines of configration.

decls/ [ignore]

So it says that go to find 'decls' folders and use what has been defined as global type checking.

Declear a variable:

declare type PetAction = 'adopt' | 'foster';

Declear a function:

declare type PetShelterDispatch = (x: PetShelterActions) => void;

Declear an interface:

declare type Pet = {
name: string;
id: number;
from: string;
type: PetType;
locationId: number;
action?: PetAction;

All those will be global available for React components.

So you can use those, for example:

// @flow
module.exports = ([
type: 'dog',
name: 'Snoopy',
from: 'Charlie',
locationId: ,
type: 'cat',
name: 'Garfield',
from: 'John',
locationId: ,
]: Array<Pet>);

It is also good to declear type for "state", 'props':

// @flow

const React = require('react');

type ModalProps = {
dispatch: PetShelterDispatch;
pet: Pet;
type ModalState = {
inquiry: ?PetInquiry;
}; class PetModal extends React.Component { props: ModalProps;
state: ModalState;
onSubmitClick: () => void; ....


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