


package com.mstf.action;

import com.mstf.entity.Detail;
import com.mstf.entity.User; import com.mstf.service.UserService; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map; public class UserAction {
private String msg; // 登录失败提示信息
private User user;
private Detail detail;
private String sheng;
private String shi;
private List<User> userList;
// 获得Session
Map<String, Object> session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession(); public User getUser() {
return user;
} public void setUser(User user) {
this.user = user;
} public String getMsg() {
return msg;
} public void setMsg(String msg) {
this.msg = msg;
} public List<User> getUserList() {
return userList;
} public void setUserList(List<User> userList) {
this.userList = userList;
} public Detail getDetail() {
return detail;
} public void setDetail(Detail detail) {
this.detail = detail;
} public String getSheng() {
return sheng;
} public void setSheng(String sheng) {
this.sheng = sheng;
} public String getShi() {
return shi;
} public void setShi(String shi) {
this.shi = shi;
} // 根据账号查询用户基本信息
public String userInfo() throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession();
userList = UserService.userInfo((String) session.get("u_no")); return "infoSucc";
} // 登录
public String login() throws Exception {
String u_no = user.getU_no();
String u_pwd = user.getU_pwd(); if (UserService.userLogin(u_no, u_pwd)) {
session.put("u_no", u_no);
userInfo(); return "loginSucc";
} else {
msg = "您输入的账号或密码有误,请稍后重试!"; return "fail";
} // 退出登录
public String outLogin() {
msg = "退出成功"; return "outSucc";
} // 添加详情
public String add() throws Exception {
// 获得Request
String u_no = (String) session.get("u_no");
String[] d_city = detail.getD_city();
String d_whither = sheng + shi + ",";
String[] d_whithers = d_whither.split(",");
String[] d_type = detail.getD_type();
String[] d_intent = detail.getD_intent();
Timestamp[] d_start_date = detail.getD_start_date();
Timestamp[] d_stop_date = detail.getD_stop_date();
int[] d_business_number = detail.getD_business_number(); if ((null == d_city) || (null == d_whithers) || (null == d_intent) ||
(null == d_business_number)) {
session.put("addMsg", "带有*号的是必填项!"); return "addFail";
} int result = UserService.add(d_city, d_whithers, d_type, d_intent,
d_start_date, d_stop_date, d_business_number, u_no); if (result > 0) {
session.put("addMsg", "添加成功!"); return "addSucc";
} else {
session.put("addMsg", "添加失败!"); return "addFail";


package com.mstf.dao;

import com.mstf.db.DbHelper;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet; /**
* 增删改查公共方法
* @author wangzheng
public class BaseDao {
private static ResultSet ret;
private static int result; // 查询通用方法
public static ResultSet query(String sql, Connection conn,
PreparedStatement pst) throws Exception {
conn = DbHelper.getConnection();
pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
ret = pst.executeQuery(); return ret;
} // 添加,删除,修改公共方法
public static int add_update_del(Connection conn, PreparedStatement pst,
String sql) throws Exception {
conn = DbHelper.getConnection();
pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
result = pst.executeUpdate(); return result;


package com.mstf.dao;

import com.mstf.entity.Detail;
import com.mstf.entity.User; import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; public class UserDao extends BaseDao {
private static List<User> users;
private static List<Detail> details;
private static User user;
private static Detail detail;
private static Connection conn;
private static String sql;
private static PreparedStatement pst;
private static ResultSet ret;
private static int result; // 登录查询
public static boolean queryLogin(User user) throws Exception {
sql = "SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `u_no` = '" + user.getU_no() +
"' AND `u_pwd` = '" + user.getU_pwd() + "'";
ret = BaseDao.query(sql, conn, pst); if (ret.next()) {
return true;
} return false;
} // 查询对应用户基本信息
public static List<User> queryUserInfo(User user) throws Exception {
users = new ArrayList<User>();
sql = "SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `u_no` = '" + user.getU_no() + "'";
ret = BaseDao.query(sql, conn, pst); while (ret.next()) {
user = new User();
} return users;
} // 添加出差详情
public static int add(Detail detail) throws Exception {
if ((detail != null) && !detail.equals("")) {
for (int i = 0; i < detail.getD_city().length; i++) {
sql = "INSERT INTO `detail` VALUES(NULL,'" +
detail.getD_city()[i] + "','" + detail.getD_whither()[i] +
"','" + detail.getD_type()[i] + "','" +
detail.getD_intent()[i] + "','" +
detail.getD_start_date()[i] + "','" +
detail.getD_stop_date()[i] + "'," +
detail.getD_business_number()[i] +
",(SELECT `u_id` FROM `user` WHERE `u_no` = '" +
detail.getUser().getU_no() + "'))";
result = BaseDao.add_update_del(conn, pst, sql);
} return result;


package com.mstf.db;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager; public class DbHelper {
private static String url = "jdbc:mysql://"; // 数据库地址
private static String userName = "root"; // 数据库用户名
private static String passWord = "root"; // 数据库密码
private static Connection conn; private DbHelper() {
} public static Connection getConnection() {
if (null == conn) {
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, passWord);
} catch (Exception e) {
} return conn;
} public static void main(String[] args) { // 测试数据库是否连通


package com.mstf.entity;

import java.sql.Timestamp;

public class Detail { // 模型类

    private int d_id;
private String[] d_city;
private String[] d_whither;
private String[] d_type;
private String[] d_intent;
private Timestamp[] d_start_date;
private Timestamp[] d_stop_date;
private int[] d_business_number;
private User user; public int getD_id() {
return d_id;
} public void setD_id(int d_id) {
this.d_id = d_id;
} public String[] getD_city() {
return d_city;
} public void setD_city(String[] d_city) {
this.d_city = d_city;
} public String[] getD_whither() {
return d_whither;
} public void setD_whither(String[] d_whither) {
this.d_whither = d_whither;
} public String[] getD_type() {
return d_type;
} public void setD_type(String[] d_type) {
this.d_type = d_type;
} public String[] getD_intent() {
return d_intent;
} public void setD_intent(String[] d_intent) {
this.d_intent = d_intent;
} public Timestamp[] getD_start_date() {
return d_start_date;
} public void setD_start_date(Timestamp[] d_start_date) {
this.d_start_date = d_start_date;
} public Timestamp[] getD_stop_date() {
return d_stop_date;
} public void setD_stop_date(Timestamp[] d_stop_date) {
this.d_stop_date = d_stop_date;
} public int[] getD_business_number() {
return d_business_number;
} public void setD_business_number(int[] d_business_number) {
this.d_business_number = d_business_number;
} public User getUser() {
return user;
} public void setUser(User user) {
this.user = user;


package com.mstf.entity;

public class User { // 模型类

    private int u_id;
private String u_no;
private String u_pwd;
private String u_name;
private String u_number;
private String u_post;
private String u_lv;
private String u_position;
private String u_company; public int getU_id() {
return u_id;
} public void setU_id(int u_id) {
this.u_id = u_id;
} public String getU_no() {
return u_no;
} public void setU_no(String u_no) {
this.u_no = u_no;
} public String getU_pwd() {
return u_pwd;
} public void setU_pwd(String u_pwd) {
this.u_pwd = u_pwd;
} public String getU_name() {
return u_name;
} public void setU_name(String u_name) {
this.u_name = u_name;
} public String getU_number() {
return u_number;
} public void setU_number(String u_number) {
this.u_number = u_number;
} public String getU_post() {
return u_post;
} public void setU_post(String u_post) {
this.u_post = u_post;
} public String getU_lv() {
return u_lv;
} public void setU_lv(String u_lv) {
this.u_lv = u_lv;
} public String getU_position() {
return u_position;
} public void setU_position(String u_position) {
this.u_position = u_position;
} public String getU_company() {
return u_company;
} public void setU_company(String u_company) {
this.u_company = u_company;


package com.mstf.service;

import com.mstf.dao.UserDao;

import com.mstf.entity.Detail;
import com.mstf.entity.User; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.List; public class UserService {
private static User user;
private static Detail detail; // 登录
public static boolean userLogin(String u_no, String u_pwd)
throws Exception {
user = new User();
user.setU_pwd(u_pwd); return UserDao.queryLogin(user);
} // 查询用户基本信息
public static List<User> userInfo(String u_no) throws Exception {
user = new User();
user.setU_no(u_no); return UserDao.queryUserInfo(user);
} // 添加详情
public static int add(String[] d_city, String[] d_whither, String[] d_type,
String[] d_intent, Timestamp[] d_start_date, Timestamp[] d_stop_date,
int[] d_business_number, String u_no) throws Exception {
user = new User();
detail = new Detail();
detail.setUser(user); return UserDao.add(detail);


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<!-- 退出登录 -->
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<!-- 用户信息 -->
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<!-- 添加出差详情 -->
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var index=0;
function del_detail(val){
function add_detail(){
} /* 以下为省市级联 */
var array = new Array();
array["湖北省"] = ["潜江","荆门","荆州","武汉","孝感","十堰","襄阳","黄冈","恩施","天门"];
array["湖南省"] = ["海南","海口"];
function a(){
for (var index in array) {
var opt = document.createElement("option");
opt.value = index;
opt.text = index;
} function b(){
var sheng = document.getElementById("sel").value;
for (var i=1;i<sheng.length;i++) {
var opt = document.createElement("option");
opt.value = array[sheng][i-1];
opt.text = array[sheng][i-1];
} } function c(){
var sheng = document.getElementById("sel").value;
var shi=array[sheng];
for (var i=0;i<shi.length;i++) {
var opt=document.createElement("option");


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<body onload="a()">
<font color="red">当前登录用户:${sessionScope.u_no}</font>
<a href="UserAction!outLogin">退出登录</a>
</h4> <fieldset style="width: 600px">
</legend> <table>
<td> </td>
<c:forEach items="${userList}" var="user">
<input value="${user.u_name}" class="showText" readonly="readonly">
<input value="${user.u_number}" class="showText" readonly="readonly">
<input value="${user.u_post}" class="showText" readonly="readonly">
<input value="${user.u_lv}" class="showText" readonly="readonly">
<input name="user_post_name" value="${user.u_position}" class="showText" readonly="readonly">
<input name="user_company" value="${user.u_company}" class="showText" readonly="readonly">
<br />
<form action="UserAction!add" method="post">
<fieldset style="width: 600px" id="business_detail">
<font color="red">*</font>
<input name="detail.d_city">
<input type="button" onclick="del_detail(this)" value="删除">
<tr> <td>
<font color="red">*</font>出差地点:
省份:<select id="sel" onchange="c()" name="sheng"></select>
城市:<select id="selone" name="shi"></select>
<font color="red">*</font>
<select name="detail.d_type">
<option value="出差">出差</option>
<td colspan="2">
<font color="red">*</font>
<textarea name="detail.d_intent" placeholder="目的" style="width: 500px; height: 100px;"></textarea>
</tr> <tr>
<font color="red">*</font>
<input type="datetime-local" value="2015-09-24T13:00:00" name="detail.d_start_date"/>
<input type="datetime-local" value="2015-09-24T13:00:00" name="detail.d_stop_date"/>
预计出差天数 :<input name="detail.d_business_number" placeholder="预计出差天数" />
</fieldset> <div id="business_detail_new"></div> <br>
<input type="button" onclick="add_detail()" value="增加"/>
<input type="submit" value="提交" />
<font color="red">${sessionScope.addMsg}</font>


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<div class="htmleaf-container">
<div id="wrapper" class="login-page">
<div id="login_form" class="form">
<form class="login-form" action="UserAction!login" method="post">
<input type="text" placeholder="帐号" id="user_name" name="user.u_no"/>
<input type="password" placeholder="密码" id="password" name="user.u_pwd"/>
<input type="submit" value="登录" id="login">
<p class="message">
<a href="#">立即注册</a>
<font color="red">${requestScope.msg}</font>



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