

* Draw the bitmap through the mesh, where mesh vertices are evenly distributed across the
* bitmap. There are meshWidth+1 vertices across, and meshHeight+1 vertices down. The verts
* array is accessed in row-major order, so that the first meshWidth+1 vertices are distributed
* across the top of the bitmap from left to right. A more general version of this method is
* drawVertices().
* Prior to API level {@value Build.VERSION_CODES#P} vertOffset and colorOffset were ignored,
* effectively treating them as zeros. In API level {@value Build.VERSION_CODES#P} and above
* these parameters will be respected.
* @param bitmap The bitmap to draw using the mesh
* @param meshWidth The number of columns in the mesh. Nothing is drawn if this is 0
* @param meshHeight The number of rows in the mesh. Nothing is drawn if this is 0
* @param verts Array of x,y pairs, specifying where the mesh should be drawn. There must be at
* least (meshWidth+1) * (meshHeight+1) * 2 + vertOffset values in the array
* @param vertOffset Number of verts elements to skip before drawing
* @param colors May be null. Specifies a color at each vertex, which is interpolated across the
* cell, and whose values are multiplied by the corresponding bitmap colors. If not
* null, there must be at least (meshWidth+1) * (meshHeight+1) + colorOffset values
* in the array.
* @param colorOffset Number of color elements to skip before drawing
* @param paint May be null. The paint used to draw the bitmap
public void drawBitmapMesh(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap, int meshWidth, int meshHeight,
@NonNull float[] verts, int vertOffset, @Nullable int[] colors, int colorOffset,
@Nullable Paint paint) {
super.drawBitmapMesh(bitmap, meshWidth, meshHeight, verts, vertOffset, colors, colorOffset,


  • 此方法将Bitmap看做一张网,通过网的形状决定图片绘制形状
  • meshWidth和meshHeight分别为横向和纵向分割网格数
  • 所有网格顶点均匀分布,且排序为从左到右,从上到下
  • verts为变换后所有网格顶点的坐标数组
  • Android P版本之前vertOffset和colorOffset两个参数无效







public class BitmapMeshView extends TextView {

private static final int WIDTH = 80;
private static final int HEIGHT = 80;
private Bitmap bitmap = null;
private final int COUNT = (WIDTH + 1) * (HEIGHT + 1);
private final float[] orig = new float[COUNT * 2];
private final float[] verts = new float[COUNT * 2];
float bitmapWidth;
float unitWidth;
float bitmapHeight;
float halfHeight;
private static final double HALF_PI = Math.PI / 2; @Override
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
return super.onTouchEvent(event);
} public void startPlay() {
ValueAnimator va = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1.3f); //因变形区域是0.3,所以最大1.3才能保证完全展开
va.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
float value = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue();
} private void initBitmap() {
if (bitmap == null) {
buildDrawingCache(); //获取View截图
bitmap = getDrawingCache();
bitmapWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
unitWidth = bitmapWidth * 0.3f; //变形区域长度
bitmapHeight = bitmap.getHeight();
halfHeight = bitmapHeight / 2; //1/2高度 /*算出顶点原始坐标*/
int index = 0;
for (int y = 0; y <= HEIGHT; y++) {
float fy = bitmapHeight * y / HEIGHT;
for (int x = 0; x <= WIDTH; x++) {
float fx = bitmapWidth * x / WIDTH;
orig[index * 2 + 0] = verts[index * 2 + 0] = fx;
orig[index * 2 + 1] = verts[index * 2 + 1] = fy;
index += 1;
} /**
* 计算转换后的顶点坐标
* @param input 已展开比例
private void calcuVerts(float input) {
for (int j = 0; j <= HEIGHT; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i <= WIDTH; i++) {
float startX = input * bitmapWidth; //变形部分最右端x值
float cx = i * 1.0f / WIDTH * bitmapWidth; //当前顶点x坐标
float cy = j * 1.0f / HEIGHT * bitmapHeight; //当前顶点y坐标
float toHalf = cy - halfHeight; //距离垂直中线的距离
if (cx >= startX) { //右侧未展开区域
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2 + 1] = halfHeight; //计算y坐标
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2] = cx; //计算x坐标
} else if (cx <= startX - unitWidth) { //左侧完全展开区域
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2 + 1] = cy;
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2] = cx;
} else { // 中间正在展开区域
float ratio = (startX - cx) / unitWidth;
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2 + 1] = (float) (halfHeight + toHalf * Math.sin(HALF_PI * ratio));
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2] = (float) (cx - toHalf * Math.cos(HALF_PI * ratio) * 1f);
} @Override
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (bitmap != null) {
canvas.drawBitmapMesh(bitmap, WIDTH, HEIGHT, verts, 0, null, 0, null);
} else {
} }

代码注释已经非常详细,不再一一解读。正如上面所说,drawBitmapMesh的重点是顶点坐标变换算法的设计,体现在本示例即是calcuVerts(float input)函数的设计。这是我们下面讲解的重点:




 else if (cx <= startX - unitWidth) { //左侧完全展开区域
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2 + 1] = cy;
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2] = cx;


if (cx >= startX) { //右侧未展开区域
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2 + 1] = halfHeight; //计算y坐标
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2] = cx; //计算x坐标



根据动画效果不难想象点 (cx',cy') 实际上位于点 (cx,cy) 绕 (cx,halfHeiht) 圆心的弧线上,参考上面的辅助线

$cy' = halfHeight - h = halfHeight - |toHalf| * sinθ$

$cx' = cx + w = cx + |toHalf| * cosθ$


  • (cx,cy)距startX越远,展开幅度越大,θ角度越大,最大为90°,即(cx',cy')和(cx,cy)重合
  • (cx,cy)距startX越近,展开幅度越小,θ角度越小,最小为0°,即(cx',cy')位于中线上
  • θ角度呈线性变化,即θ = HALF_PI * (startX - cx) / unitWidth
  • 因View坐标系Y轴是向下的,所以toHalf实际上是负值


 else { // 中间正在展开区域
float ratio = (startX - cx) / unitWidth;
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2 + 1] = (float) (halfHeight + toHalf * Math.sin(HALF_PI * ratio));
verts[(j * (WIDTH + 1) + i) * 2] = (float) (cx - toHalf * Math.cos(HALF_PI * ratio) * 1f);









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