
$ gem sources

$ gem sources --remove

$ gem sources -a

$ gem sources -1

$ gem install haml

$ gem install scss

$ gem install sass

$ gem install rails

$ gem install compass

$ compass -v

$gem install hpricot ---html转换haml

$ html2haml index.html index.haml

--- --- --- --- --- ----
添加目录 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----

mkdir css 添加

rmdir css 删掉

--- --- --- --- --- ----
添加目录 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----

--- --- --- --- --- ----
scss转换 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----

$ cd\

$ cd scss
$ scss --watch style.scss:style.css

--- --- --- --- --- ----
scss转换 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----

--- --- --- --- --- ----
haml转换 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----

$ cd\

$ cd haml
$ haml style.haml style.html

--- --- --- --- --- ----
haml转换 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----

--- --- --- --- --- ----
html转换 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----

$ cd\

$ cd html
$ html2haml index.html:index.haml

--- --- --- --- --- ----
html转换 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----

--- --- --- --- --- ----
退出目录 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----


cd: css/
ctrl + c

--- --- --- --- --- ----
退出目录 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----

--- --- --- --- --- ----
查看文件 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----

$ cd\

$ cd web

$ type index.scss

$ scss --watch index.scss:index.css

--- --- --- --- --- ----
查看文件 |
--- --- --- --- --- ----


  1. golang实现随机数
  2. Java 增强型的for循环 for each
  3. Python(文件、文件夹压缩处理模块,shelve持久化模块,xml处理模块、ConfigParser文档配置模块、hashlib加密模块,subprocess系统交互模块 log模块)
  4. Android开发--环境的配置
  5. 【SPOJ】10628. Count on a tree(lca+主席树+dfs序)
  6. The trouble of Xiaoqian
  7. javascript实现继承的方式
  8. uCGUI窗口重绘代码分析
  9. ERROR<53761> - Plugins - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Connection Bind through PTA failed (91). Retrying...
  10. 升级R版本后,更新Package
  11. PWA学习心得
  12. CodeForces731-C.Socks-并查集
  13. 2018-2019-2 20165220 《网络对抗技术》Exp1 PC平台逆向破解
  14. C++实现景区信息管理系统
  15. model.form使用,配合form的钩子
  16. 1、pandas使用sort_values排序
  17. IDEA教程之导入maven项目
  18. 【OpenCV学习笔记之一】图像加载,修改及保存
  19. grunt管理js/css
  20. spring mvc配置ObjectMapper忽略无法识别的字段,以及一些博客推荐


  1. Laravel框架之Request操作
  2. Mac和Unix的常用命令行指令
  3. C++ STL map使用
  4. CF438E The Child and Binary Tree(生成函数+多项式开根+多项式求逆)
  5. IT兄弟连 JavaWeb教程 JSP动作指令
  6. C#字体字号的改变
  7. mysql--浅谈视图1
  8. C 语言实例 - 计算字符串长度
  9. DRF教程2-请求和响应
  10. zh-cn、en-us、zh-tw等表示语言(文化)代码与国家地区对照表(最全的各国地区对照表)