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 <title>Client Side Pagination - jQuery EasyUI Demo</title>
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 <h2>Client Side Pagination</h2>
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  <div>This sample shows how to implement client side pagination in DataGrid.</div>
 <div style="margin:10px 0;"></div>
 <table id="dg" title="Client Side Pagination" style="width:700px;height:300px" data-options="
    <th field="inv" width="80">Inv No</th>
    <th field="date" width="100">Date</th>
    <th field="name" width="80">Name</th>
    <th field="amount" width="80" align="right">Amount</th>
    <th field="price" width="80" align="right">Price</th>
    <th field="cost" width="100" align="right">Cost</th>
    <th field="note" width="110">Note</th>
  function getData(){
   var rows = [];
   for(var i=1; i<=800; i++){
    var amount = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000);
    var price = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000);
     inv: 'Inv No '+i,
     date: $.fn.datebox.defaults.formatter(new Date()),
     name: 'Name '+i,
     amount: amount,
     price: price,
     cost: amount*price,
     note: 'Note '+i
   return rows;
  function pagerFilter(data){
   if (typeof data.length == 'number' && typeof data.splice == 'function'){ // is array
    data = {
     total: data.length,
     rows: data
   var dg = $(this);
   var opts = dg.datagrid('options');
   var pager = dg.datagrid('getPager');
    onSelectPage:function(pageNum, pageSize){
     opts.pageNumber = pageNum;
     opts.pageSize = pageSize;
   if (!data.originalRows){
    data.originalRows = (data.rows);
   var start = (opts.pageNumber-1)*parseInt(opts.pageSize);
   var end = start + parseInt(opts.pageSize);
   data.rows = (data.originalRows.slice(start, end));
   return data;
   $('#dg').datagrid({loadFilter:pagerFilter}).datagrid('loadData', getData());


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