

Deployed GUIs and figures look and feel different compared to undeployed MATLAB desktop versions.

Deployed applications are using the cross platform look and feel by default, while the undeployed figures and GUIs use the platform specific look and feel.


To work around this issue, manually set the look and feel to the default platform specific version. If you're using workaround 2 or 3, depending on the platform you're deploying to, use one of the look and feel codes below and apply it with the workaround. This is not necessary if you're using workaround 1.

For Windows


For Linux


For Mac


Workaround 1: Applied before deploying, on the MATLAB installation

This workaround is applied to the MATLAB installation on the development machine before packaging. Any subsequent deployment projects will pick up the change.

Download the startup.zip file attached below and unzip it to get the startup.m file. Place it in a directory that's on the MATLAB path, such as:

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\toolbox\local



See the documentation on startup for more information.

If you already have a startup.m file, copy the contents of the below file and add it to the beginning of your startup.m file instead.

Workaround 2: Applied before deploying, on the MATLAB code to be deployed

This workaround is applied to the MATLAB code that is being deployed, before packaging. It only affects that particular deployment project.

To set the look and feel, add the following line with the appropriate look and feel name to your MATLAB file once prior to creating graphics or figures.


where look_and_feel_code is the platform specific look and feel code listed at the top.

If you're deploying platform-independent Java packages, Python modules or Production Server archives, use the ispcisunix, or ismac MATLAB code to determine the platform and apply the correct look and feel.

The above Java code can fail if Java Swing is not loaded. Call usejava('swing') to check whether it is enabled or not.

Workaround 3: Applied after deploying

This workaround is for the target machine where the MATLAB runtime is installed and it can be applied after deployment. It requires no MATLAB code change and affects all deployed components that utilize the runtime.

Create a text file called java.opts (no .txt extension) with the following contents on one line:


where look_and_feel_code is the platform specific look and feel code listed at the top.

Place the java.opts file in the following directory of the MATLAB runtime installation:


where mcrroot is the MATLAB runtime installation location, and the arch is the runtime architecture. For example,

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB runtime\v90\bin\win64

Alternatively, the java.opts file can also be placed in the startup directory of the deployed component if that directory is known.




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