# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <malloc.h> //创建一个结构体
typedef struct programmer
int salary;
int experience;
char type[]; } Programmer; void OneyearLater(Programmer *);
int main ()
Programmer p = {, , "PHP"};
printf("岗位:%s\n当前薪资:%-5d\n当前经验:%d年\n",p.type, p.salary, p.experience);
printf("岗位:%s\n当前薪资:%-5d\n当前经验:%d年\n",p.type, p.salary, p.experience); return ;
void OneyearLater(Programmer *p)
p->salary = ;
p->experience = ; }


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