Lab 3 Getting Help with Commands

Sequence 1: Using the Help Tools

1. man -f keyword
whatis keyword
list all man pages.

2. man -k keyword
list all manual pages.

3. man -K keyword
will be asked whether or not you would like to read it.

4. man 3 basename -- basename() function from chapter 3 of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux manual.
man basename

man 8 useradd
man useradd

5. ls -lh filename would display a long listing (-l) with human-readable (-h) sizes.

6. foo -x|-y [-abcde] FILENAME...
a. foo -x -y -a one.txt
b. foo
c. foo -y -abc one.txt two.txt
d. foo -abc one.txt two.txt three.txt

Sequence 2: Solving Problems with man

1. [student@stationX ~]$ man issue

2. [student@stationX ~]$ man mingetty

3. /escape

4. The \n escape represents system's hostname.

5. [root@stationX ~]# nano /etc/issue

6. Welcome to \n!
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5
Kernel \r on an \m

7. Ctrl-x

8. exit


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