



  • DataRequest
  • DownloadRequest
  • UploadRequest
  • StreamRequest


.responseString { response in
print("Response String: \(response.result.value)")
.responseJSON { response in
print("Response JSON: \(response.result.value)")



  • DefaultDataResponse / DataResponse
  • DefaultDownloadResponse / DataResponse


// Response Handler - Unserialized Response
func response(
queue: DispatchQueue?,
completionHandler: @escaping (DefaultDataResponse) -> Void)
-> Self


这说明了什么? 在程序的设计层面上,这种前后呼应的手法能够让代码更好理解。就像在项目中不能把所有的参数都放到一个模型中一样。

拿DefaultDataResponse / DataResponse来举例,DataResponse基本上只比DefaultDataResponse多了一个系列化后的数据属性。




  • request: URLRequest? 表示该响应来源于那个请求
  • response: HTTPURLResponse? 服务器返回的响应
  • data: Data? 响应数据
  • error: Error? 在请求中可能发生的错误
  • timeline: Timeline 请求的时间线封装,这个会在后续的文章中解释
  • _metrics: AnyObject? 包含了请求和响应的统计信息


 /// The URL request sent to the server.
public let request: URLRequest? /// The server's response to the URL request.
public let response: HTTPURLResponse? /// The data returned by the server.
public let data: Data? /// The error encountered while executing or validating the request.
public let error: Error? /// The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the request.
public let timeline: Timeline var _metrics: AnyObject?

一般来说,在swift中,如果只是为了保存数据,那么应该把这个类设计成struct。struct是 值传递,因此对数据的操作更安全。除了定义需要保存的数据属性后,必须设计一个符合要求的构造函数。

 /// Creates a `DefaultDataResponse` instance from the specified parameters.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: The URL request sent to the server.
/// - response: The server's response to the URL request.
/// - data: The data returned by the server.
/// - error: The error encountered while executing or validating the request.
/// - timeline: The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the request. `Timeline()` by default.
/// - metrics: The task metrics containing the request / response statistics. `nil` by default.
public init(
request: URLRequest?,
response: HTTPURLResponse?,
data: Data?,
error: Error?,
timeline: Timeline = Timeline(),
metrics: AnyObject? = nil)
self.request = request
self.response = response
self.data = data
self.error = error
self.timeline = timeline


DataResponse比上边的DefaultDataResponse多了一个result属性,该属性存储了序列化后的数据。它的类型是 Result,关于Result的详情内容,请看这篇文章Alamofire源码解读系列(五)之结果封装(Result)

/// Used to store all data associated with a serialized response of a data or upload request.
public struct DataResponse<Value> {
/// The URL request sent to the server.
public let request: URLRequest? /// The server's response to the URL request.
public let response: HTTPURLResponse? /// The data returned by the server.
public let data: Data? /// The result of response serialization.
public let result: Result<Value> /// The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the request.
public let timeline: Timeline /// Returns the associated value of the result if it is a success, `nil` otherwise.
public var value: Value? { return result.value } /// Returns the associated error value if the result if it is a failure, `nil` otherwise.
public var error: Error? { return result.error } var _metrics: AnyObject? /// Creates a `DataResponse` instance with the specified parameters derived from response serialization.
/// - parameter request: The URL request sent to the server.
/// - parameter response: The server's response to the URL request.
/// - parameter data: The data returned by the server.
/// - parameter result: The result of response serialization.
/// - parameter timeline: The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the `Request`. Defaults to `Timeline()`.
/// - returns: The new `DataResponse` instance.
public init(
request: URLRequest?,
response: HTTPURLResponse?,
data: Data?,
result: Result<Value>,
timeline: Timeline = Timeline())
self.request = request
self.response = response
self.data = data
self.result = result
self.timeline = timeline

DataResponse: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible



extension DataResponse: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// The textual representation used when written to an output stream, which includes whether the result was a
/// success or failure.
public var description: String {
return result.debugDescription
} /// The debug textual representation used when written to an output stream, which includes the URL request, the URL
/// response, the server data, the response serialization result and the timeline.
public var debugDescription: String {
var output: [String] = [] output.append(request != nil ? "[Request]: \(request!.httpMethod ?? "GET") \(request!)" : "[Request]: nil")
output.append(response != nil ? "[Response]: \(response!)" : "[Response]: nil")
output.append("[Data]: \(data?.count ?? 0) bytes")
output.append("[Result]: \(result.debugDescription)")
output.append("[Timeline]: \(timeline.debugDescription)") return output.joined(separator: "\n")



  • temporaryURL: URL? 现在成功后,数据会被保存在这个临时URL中
  • destinationURL: URL? 目标URL,如果设置了该属性,那么文件会复制到该URL中
  • resumeData: Data? 表示可恢复的数据,对于下载任务,如果因为某种原因下载中断了,或失败了,可以使用该数据恢复之前的下载


/// Used to store all data associated with an non-serialized response of a download request.
public struct DefaultDownloadResponse {
/// The URL request sent to the server.
public let request: URLRequest? /// The server's response to the URL request.
public let response: HTTPURLResponse? /// The temporary destination URL of the data returned from the server.
public let temporaryURL: URL? /// The final destination URL of the data returned from the server if it was moved.
public let destinationURL: URL? /// The resume data generated if the request was cancelled.
public let resumeData: Data? /// The error encountered while executing or validating the request.
public let error: Error? /// The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the request.
public let timeline: Timeline var _metrics: AnyObject? /// Creates a `DefaultDownloadResponse` instance from the specified parameters.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: The URL request sent to the server.
/// - response: The server's response to the URL request.
/// - temporaryURL: The temporary destination URL of the data returned from the server.
/// - destinationURL: The final destination URL of the data returned from the server if it was moved.
/// - resumeData: The resume data generated if the request was cancelled.
/// - error: The error encountered while executing or validating the request.
/// - timeline: The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the request. `Timeline()` by default.
/// - metrics: The task metrics containing the request / response statistics. `nil` by default.
public init(
request: URLRequest?,
response: HTTPURLResponse?,
temporaryURL: URL?,
destinationURL: URL?,
resumeData: Data?,
error: Error?,
timeline: Timeline = Timeline(),
metrics: AnyObject? = nil)
self.request = request
self.response = response
self.temporaryURL = temporaryURL
self.destinationURL = destinationURL
self.resumeData = resumeData
self.error = error
self.timeline = timeline



/// Used to store all data associated with a serialized response of a download request.
public struct DownloadResponse<Value> {
/// The URL request sent to the server.
public let request: URLRequest? /// The server's response to the URL request.
public let response: HTTPURLResponse? /// The temporary destination URL of the data returned from the server.
public let temporaryURL: URL? /// The final destination URL of the data returned from the server if it was moved.
public let destinationURL: URL? /// The resume data generated if the request was cancelled.
public let resumeData: Data? /// The result of response serialization.
public let result: Result<Value> /// The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the request.
public let timeline: Timeline /// Returns the associated value of the result if it is a success, `nil` otherwise.
public var value: Value? { return result.value } /// Returns the associated error value if the result if it is a failure, `nil` otherwise.
public var error: Error? { return result.error } var _metrics: AnyObject? /// Creates a `DownloadResponse` instance with the specified parameters derived from response serialization.
/// - parameter request: The URL request sent to the server.
/// - parameter response: The server's response to the URL request.
/// - parameter temporaryURL: The temporary destination URL of the data returned from the server.
/// - parameter destinationURL: The final destination URL of the data returned from the server if it was moved.
/// - parameter resumeData: The resume data generated if the request was cancelled.
/// - parameter result: The result of response serialization.
/// - parameter timeline: The timeline of the complete lifecycle of the `Request`. Defaults to `Timeline()`.
/// - returns: The new `DownloadResponse` instance.
public init(
request: URLRequest?,
response: HTTPURLResponse?,
temporaryURL: URL?,
destinationURL: URL?,
resumeData: Data?,
result: Result<Value>,
timeline: Timeline = Timeline())
self.request = request
self.response = response
self.temporaryURL = temporaryURL
self.destinationURL = destinationURL
self.resumeData = resumeData
self.result = result
self.timeline = timeline

DownloadResponse: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible

extension DownloadResponse: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// The textual representation used when written to an output stream, which includes whether the result was a
/// success or failure.
public var description: String {
return result.debugDescription
} /// The debug textual representation used when written to an output stream, which includes the URL request, the URL
/// response, the temporary and destination URLs, the resume data, the response serialization result and the
/// timeline.
public var debugDescription: String {
var output: [String] = [] output.append(request != nil ? "[Request]: \(request!.httpMethod ?? "GET") \(request!)" : "[Request]: nil")
output.append(response != nil ? "[Response]: \(response!)" : "[Response]: nil")
output.append("[TemporaryURL]: \(temporaryURL?.path ?? "nil")")
output.append("[DestinationURL]: \(destinationURL?.path ?? "nil")")
output.append("[ResumeData]: \(resumeData?.count ?? 0) bytes")
output.append("[Result]: \(result.debugDescription)")
output.append("[Timeline]: \(timeline.debugDescription)") return output.joined(separator: "\n")

protocol Response

protocol Response {
/// The task metrics containing the request / response statistics.
var _metrics: AnyObject? { get set }
mutating func add(_ metrics: AnyObject?)
} extension Response {
mutating func add(_ metrics: AnyObject?) {
#if !os(watchOS)
guard #available(iOS 10.0, macOS 10.12, tvOS 10.0, *) else { return }
guard let metrics = metrics as? URLSessionTaskMetrics else { return } _metrics = metrics
} // MARK: - @available(iOS 10.0, macOS 10.12, tvOS 10.0, *)
extension DefaultDataResponse: Response {
#if !os(watchOS)
/// The task metrics containing the request / response statistics.
public var metrics: URLSessionTaskMetrics? { return _metrics as? URLSessionTaskMetrics }
} @available(iOS 10.0, macOS 10.12, tvOS 10.0, *)
extension DataResponse: Response {
#if !os(watchOS)
/// The task metrics containing the request / response statistics.
public var metrics: URLSessionTaskMetrics? { return _metrics as? URLSessionTaskMetrics }
} @available(iOS 10.0, macOS 10.12, tvOS 10.0, *)
extension DefaultDownloadResponse: Response {
#if !os(watchOS)
/// The task metrics containing the request / response statistics.
public var metrics: URLSessionTaskMetrics? { return _metrics as? URLSessionTaskMetrics }
} @available(iOS 10.0, macOS 10.12, tvOS 10.0, *)
extension DownloadResponse: Response {
#if !os(watchOS)
/// The task metrics containing the request / response statistics.
public var metrics: URLSessionTaskMetrics? { return _metrics as? URLSessionTaskMetrics }

上边的协议中有一个属性和一个方法,如果在协议中实现了自身的方法,那么实现该协议的对象可以不用实现该协议中的方法。在上边介绍的属性中 _metrics是来自该协议的属性。在上边的初始化方法中也没有_metrics这一项



public struct Person {
public var name: String
public var age: UInt
var _hobby: String? init(name: String, age: UInt) {
self.name = name
self.age = age
} var person = Person(name: "James", age: 30)
print(person.name) person.name = "Bond"
print(person.name) var person1 = person
print(person1.name) person1.name = "Rose"
print(person.name) protocol Hobbyable {
var _hobby: String? { get set }
mutating func addHobby(_ hobby: String?)
} extension Hobbyable {
mutating func addHobby(_ hobby: String?) {
_hobby = hobby
} extension Person: Hobbyable {
var hobby: String? {
return _hobby
} person1.addHobby("Books")
print(person1.hobby ?? "")




Alamofire源码解读系列(一)之概述和使用 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(二)之错误处理(AFError) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(三)之通知处理(Notification) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(四)之参数编码(ParameterEncoding) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(五)之结果封装(Result) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(六)之Task代理(TaskDelegate) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(七)之网络监控(NetworkReachabilityManager) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(八)之安全策略(ServerTrustPolicy) 简书-----博客园


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