2017.02.21-22 《Haskell趣学指南 —— Learning You a Haskell for Great Good!》
shell > ghc xxx.hs # 编译文件
shell > runhaskell xxx.hs # 直接运行hs文件
shell > ghci # 进入Haskell解释器
ghci > :l test.hs -- 载入test.hs文件
ghci > :r -- 重新载入文件 注意
1. ghci中定义变量需要使用let关键字,而hs文件中不需要
2. ghci中,冒号(:)开头标示命令,类似于vi。如 :? 表示查找助,:l 表示加载文件。
-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ch00 HelloHaskell
import System.IO
main = do
putStr $ "Hello," -- Hello,
putStrLn $ "Haskell" -- Haskell\n
print $ "Hello,Haskell" -- "Hello,Haskell" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ch01 Introduction
doubleMe x = x + x -- 前缀函数: doubleMe 3
doubleUs x y = x*2 + y*2 -- 中缀函数: doubleUs 3 4 或 3 `doubleUs` 4 -- Haskell中程序是一系列的函数的集合,函数取数据作为参数,并将它们转为想要的结果。
-- 每个函数都会返回一个结果,可以作为其他函数的子结构。
-- Hasekill中if返回的是表达式(expression)不是语句(statement)。
operatedIfSmall x = (if x>=50 then x else x*2) + 1 -- 1.3 introduction to list
-- 列表list是一种单类型的数据结构,用来存储同构元素
let vec = [1] ++ 2:[3,4,5] ++ 6:[7,8,9] ++ [10] --语法糖
print vec -- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] let mat = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] --嵌套列表
mat!!2!!2 -- 使用双感叹号来索引列表中的元素,注意从0开始 let vec = [1,2,3,4,5]
vec!!0 -- 1,访问列表中的元素
vec!!2 -- 3
head vec -- 1
tail vec -- [2,3,4,5]
init vec -- [1,2,3,4]
last vec -- 5
length vec -- 5
null vec -- False
null [] -- True
reserve vec -- [5,4,3,2,1]
take 3 vec -- [1,2,3]
drop 3 vec -- [4,5]
maximum vec -- 5
minimum vec -- 1
sum vec -- 15
product vec -- 120
3 `elem` vec -- True
13 `elem` vec -- False -- 生成列表区间
print [1..10] -- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
print [2,4..10] -- [2,4,6,8,10]
-- 生成无限列表
take 10 (cycle [1,2,3,4])
take 10 (repeat 5)
replicate 10 5 -- 列表推导 list compression
print [x*2 | x<- [1..10]] --[2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20]
-- 增加谓词(predicate),过滤(filter)
print [x*2 | x<- [1..10], x*2>10] --[12,14,16,18,20] -- 判断一个数是否为奇数,奇数返回True,偶数返回False。
let boomBangs xs = [ if x < 6 then "BOOM!" else "BANG!" | x <- xs, odd x]
boomBangs [1..10] -- 对两个列表组合,使用逗号隔开的多个谓词
print [x*y| x<-[3,4,5],y<-[8,9,10]] -- [24,27,30,32,36,40,40,45,50]
print [x*y| x<-[3,4,5],y<-[8,9,10],x*y>28, x* y<45] -- [30,32,36,40,40] -- 使用一组名词和一组形容词构成列表推导式子
let nouns = ["hobo","frog","pope"]
let adjectives = ["lazy","grouchy","scheming"]
[adjective ++ " " ++ noun | adjective <- adjectives, noun <- nouns]
-- ["lazy hobo","lazy frog","lazy pope","grouchy hobo","grouchy frog",
-- "grouchy pope","scheming hobo","scheming frog","scheming pope"] -- 自定义length函数,下划线(_)表示无关紧要的临时变量
let mylength xs = sum [1| _ <- xs]
mylength [2,4..10] -- 去除字符串中非大写字母
let removeNonUppercase xs = [c |c<-xs, c `elem` ['A'..'Z']]
removeNonUppercase "Hello,World!" -- "HW" -- 嵌套处理嵌套列表(列表的列表)
let xxs = [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]]
let myevens xxs = [[x|x<-xs, even x] | xs <- xxs]
myevens xxs -- 元组tuple,又称有序对pair,允许存储多个异构的值
let tt =(1,2.0,'3',"four") -- 使用元组的列表存储坐标
let pts = [(x,y)|x<-[1..5],y<-[5,4..1]]
pts!!3 -- (4,1)
fst (pts!!3) -- 4
snd (pts!!3) -- 1 -- zip交叉配对
let tbs = zip [1..] ["one","two","three","four","five"]
print tbs -- 查找边长是整数且周长为24的直角三角形
let rightTriangle24 = [(a,b,c)|c<-[1..(24 `div` 2)],b<-[1..c],a<-[1..b],a^2+b^2==c^2, a+b+c==24]
rightTriangle24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ch02 type reference
Haskell常见类型有 Bool,Int,Float,Double,Num,Char,[],()等,凡是类型,首字母必须大写。
:type True -- True :: Bool
:type fst -- fst :: (a, b) -> a 类型类定义行为的抽象接口(类似于纯虚基类),如果某个类型是某个类型类的实例(instance),那么它必须实现该类型所描述的行为。
:type (==) -- (==) :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bool 常见类型类有Eq等性测试、Ord比较大小、Show转化为字符串、Read从字符串读取参数并转为为种类型、Enum连续枚举、Bounded上下界限、Num数值类、Floating浮点类、Integeral实数和整数。一个类型可以有多个类型类实例,一个类型类可以包含多个类型作为实例。有时候某些类型是另外类型的先决条件(prerequisite),如Eq是Ord实例的先决条件。
Bounded:反应的是实例类型的上下限,通过maxBound和minBound获得,这两个函数类型都是多态函数,原型为 (Bounded a)=>a。
let tt =(True,1,2.0,'3',"four")
:type tt -- tt :: (Fractional t1, Num t) => (Bool, t, t1, Char, [Char])
let tf = (head,tail,init,last)
:type tf -- tf :: ([a] -> a, [a1] -> [a1], [a2] -> [a2], [a3] -> a3) :t (==) -- (==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
5 == 5 -- True
5 /= 5 -- False :t (>) -- (>) :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
5 > 5 -- False
5 `compare` 5 -- EQ :t show -- show :: Show a => a -> String
show 3.14 -- "3.14" :t read -- read :: Read a => String -> a
read "True" || False -- True
[read "True",False] -- [True, False]
(read "3.14"::Double) + 2.4 -- 5.54
read "[1,2,3,4,5]" ++ [6] -- [1,2,3,4,5,6]
(read "[1,2,3,4,5]"::[Int]) ++[6] -- [1,2,3,4,5,6] [1..5] --[1,2,3,4,5]
[LT ..GT] --[LT,EQ,GT]
succ 'D' -- 'E'
pred 'D' -- 'C' minBound::(Bool,Int,Char) -- (False,-9223372036854775808,'\NUL')
maxBound::(Bool,Int,Char) -- (True,9223372036854775807,'\1114111') :t fromIntegral -- fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
length [x|x<-[1..100],x `mod` 2 == 0, x `mod` 3 == 0] --16
fromIntegral (length [x|x<-[1..100],x `mod` 2 == 0, x `mod` 3 == 0]) + 3.14 --19.14 -- ch03 函数语法
-- 模式匹配(pattern matching)是通过检查数据是否符合特定的结构来判断是否匹配,并从模式中解析数据。
-- 在模式中给出小写字母的名字而不是具体的值,那么就是一个万能模式(catchal pattern),它总能匹配输入参数,并将其绑定到模式中的名字供我们引用。
-- 模式用来检查参数的结构是否匹配,而哨兵(guard)用来检查参数的性质时候威震,类似于if条件判断语句。 -- 万能匹配模式,替代if-then-else决策树
-- 辨别1-4并输出相应的单词,否则令做处理
sayMe :: Int -> String
sayMe 1 = "One"
sayMe 2 = "Two"
sayMe 3 = "Three"
sayMe 4 = "Four"
sayMe x = "Not between 1 and 4"
-- print [sayMe x| x<- [1..5]] -- ["One","Two","Three","Four","Not between 1 and 4"] -- 阶乘函数 product[1..n]
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = factorial(n-1) * n
-- factorial 10 -- 3628800 -- 元组的模式匹配
addTuples :: (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double)
addTuples (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (x1+x2,y1+y2)
-- addTuples (1,2) (3,4) -- (4.0,6.0) -- 获取三元组第三个元素
thirdItem :: (a,b,c) -> c
thirdItem (_,_,z) = z
-- thirdItem (1,2,3) -- 3 -- 列表推导模式匹配,使用运行时错误来指明错误
myfirst :: [a] -> a
myfirst [] = error "Cannot call myfirst on an empty list, dummy!"
myfirst (x:_) = x -- 列表匹配,绑定多个变量
tell :: (Show a) => [a] -> String
tell [] = "The list is empty"
tell (x:[]) = "The list has one element: " ++ show x
tell (x:y:[]) = "The list has two elements: " ++ show x ++ " and " ++ show y
tell (x:y:_) = "This list is long. The first two elements are: " ++ show x ++ " and " ++ show y
-- tell [1..5] -- "This list is long. The first two elements are: 1 and 2" -- 使用as模式,将模式的值分割为多个项的同时保持对整体的引用。
firstLetter :: String -> String
firstLetter "" = "Empty string, whoops!"
firstLetter all@(x:xs) = "The first letter of " ++ all ++ " is " ++ [x]
-- firstLetter "Hello" -- "The first letter of Hello is H" -- 使用哨兵,哨兵是一个布尔表达式,跟在竖线(|)右边,计算为真的时候就选择对应的函数体,否则向后查找。
tellBMI :: (RealFloat a) => a -> String
tellBMI bmi
| bmi <= 18.5 = "You're underweight, you emo, you!"
| bmi <= 25.0 = "You're supposedly normal. Pffft, I bet you're ugly!"
| bmi <= 30.0 = "You're fat! Lose some weight, fatty!"
| otherwise = "You're a whale, congratulations!"
-- tellBMI 21 -- 关于计算时数值的一些问题,参考https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
calcBMI :: (RealFloat a, Show a) => a -> a -> String
calcBMI weight height
| bmi <= skinny = info++ "You're underweight, you emo, you!"
| bmi <= normal = info++ "You're supposedly normal. Pffft, I bet you're ugly!"
| bmi <= fat = info++ "You're fat! Lose some weight, fatty!"
| otherwise = info++ "You're a whale, congratulations!"
where bmi = weight / height **2.5 *1.3
(skinny,normal,fat) = (18.5, 25.0, 30.0) -- man24,woman22
info= "You are " ++ show weight ++" kgs, " ++show height ++ " m, and your bmi is " ++ show bmi ++ "! \n"
-- tellBMI 63 172 --列表生成器generator,let语句,谓词等构造列表推导式
calcBMI2 :: [(Double,Double)] ->[Double]
calcBMI2 xs = [bmi|(w,h)<-xs, let bmi = w/h**2.5 *1.3,bmi>15.0] -- 使用case语句,其实模式匹配不过是case表达式的语法糖而已
describeList :: [a] -> String
describeList xs = "The list is " ++ case xs of [] -> "empty."
[x] -> "a singleton list."
xs -> "a longer list." -- 使用where what语句替换case语句
describeList2 :: [a] -> String
describeList2 xs = "The list is " ++ what xs
where what [] = "empty."
what [x] = "a singleton list."
what xs = "a longer list." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ch4 递归
-- 按照递归的基本思想,递归倾向于将问题展开为同样的子问题,并不断对子问题进行展开、求解,直达到达问题的基准条件(base case)为止。基准条件中问题不必再进行分解,必须有程序员知名一个非递归结果。
-- 编写函数的时候,首先确定基准条件,也就是对应特殊输入的简单非递归解(比如空列表排序结果仍然为空);然后将问题分解为一个或者多个子问题,并递归地调用自身,最后基于子问题里得到的结果,组合成为最终的解(比如快速排序中,将列表分解为两个列表和一个主元,并对这两个列表分别应用同一个函数进行排序,最后得到的结果重新组合起来,就是最终排序后的列表了。
-- 递归在Haskell中很重要,命令式语言中倾向于“告知如何计算”(how),而Haskell倾向于“声明问题是什么”(what)。这也就是说Haskell编程是,重要的不是给出解题步骤,而是定义问题和解的描述。此时递归将大显身手,一旦确定了正确的基准条件和正确的子问题,Haskell就会根据子问题的求解结果组合成最终的结果。 -- 递归计算最大值,注意什么时候用方括号,什么时候用圆括号
mymax :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
mymax [] = error "empty list" -- 基准模式1,空列表抛出错误
mymax [x] = x -- 基准模式2,单元数列表返回元素本身
mymax (x:xs) = max x (mymax xs) -- 模式3,列表形式,递归调用本身
-- mymax [1,2,5,3,4] --5 -- 复制n份,取一个整数和一个元素,返回一个包含该整数个重复元素的列表。
-- 因为是布尔判断,所以使用了哨兵而不是模式匹配。
myreplicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
myreplicate n x
| n<=0 = []
| otherwise = x:myreplicate (n-1) x
-- myreplicate 4 3 -- [3,3,3,3] -- 从列表中选取前n个元素
mytake :: (Num i, Ord i) => i -> [a] ->[a]
mytake n _
| n<=0 = [] -- 基准模式1,如果要获取不大于0个元素,则返回空列表;注意这里的哨兵没有otherwise,可以转到其他的模式。
mytake _ [] = [] -- 基准模式2,如果列表为空,返回空列表
mytake n (x:xs) = x: mytake (n-1) xs -- 迭代模式,将列表切片,并递归操作
-- mytake 3 [1..5] -- [1,2,3] -- 翻转列表
myreverse :: [a] -> [a]
myreverse [] = []
myreverse (x:xs) = myreverse xs ++ [x]
-- myreverse [1..5] -- [5,4,3,2,1] -- 生成无限列表
myrepeat :: a -> [a]
myrepeat x = [x] ++ myrepeat x
-- mytake 4 (myrepeat 3) -- [3,3,3,3] -- 打包
myzip :: [a]->[b]->[(a,b)]
myzip [] _ = []
myzip _ [] = []
myzip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y):myzip xs ys
-- myzip [1..5] [5..1] -- []
-- myzip [1,2,3,4,5] [5,4,3,2,1] -- [(1,5),(2,4),(3,3),(4,2),(5,1)] -- 查看是否子元素
myelem :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
myelem a [] = False
myelem a (x:xs)
| a == x = True
| otherwise = a `myelem` xs
-- 3 `myelem` [1..5] -- True
-- 13 `myelem` [1..5] -- False -- 快速排序
-- 使用谓词和列表推导
myqsort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
myqsort [] = [] -- 基准模式是空列表
myqsort (x:xs) = -- 迭代模式是,将小于当前元素的放在左边,大于当前元素的放在右边,分别对左右两部分进行快排
myqsort [a|a<-xs, a<=x] ++ [x] ++ myqsort [a|a<-xs, a>x] -- 使用filter函数
myqsort2 :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
myqsort2 [] = [] -- 基准模式是空列表
myqsort2 (x:xs) = -- 迭代模式是,将小于当前元素的放在左边,大于当前元素的放在右边,分别对左右两部分进行快排
let smallerOrEqual = filter (<=x) xs
larger = filter (>x) xs
in myqsort2 smallerOrEqual ++ [x] ++ myqsort2 larger -- myqsort [1,5,3,2,7,6,4,9,8] -- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ch05 高阶函数
-- Haskell中可以把函数用做参数和返回值,这样的特定成为高阶函数。
-- C++14支持函数返回自动类型推导,可以返回一个函数内部的lambda,也就是支持高阶函数,好BUG啊。 {-
// g++ -std=c++14 xxx.cpp
auto fun(){
auto myfun = [](int a, int b){return a>b?a:b;};
return myfun;
} auto myfun = fun();
cout << myfun(3,4)<<endl;
-} -- 只要在类型签名中看到了箭头符号(->),就意味着它是一个将箭头左边视为参数类型并将箭头右侧部分作为返回类型的函数。
-- 如果遇到a->(a->a)这样的类型签名,说明它是一个函数,取类型为a的值作为参数,返回一个函数同样取类型a为参数,并且返回值类型是a。
-- 这样做,可以以部分参数调用函数,得到一个部分应用(Partial application)函数,该函数所接受的参数是一个函数,和之前少传入的参数类型一致。 multThree :: Int -> (Int -> (Int -> Int))
multThree x y z = x*y*z
-- multiThree 3 4 5 -- 60 -- 使用部分应用
multTwoWithThree :: Int -> Int -> Int
multTwoWithThree x y = multThree 3 x y
-- multiTwoWithThree 4 5 -- 60 -- 在ghc中使用部分应用
multTwoWithThree2 = multThree 3 -- hs文件中不用let,但是ghc中需要使用let
-- multiTwoWithThree2 4 5 -- 60 -- 对中缀函数使用截断,除以10
dividedByTen :: (Floating a) => a -> a
dividedByTen = (/10)
-- dividedByTen 200 -- 20.0 -- 对中缀函数使用截断
subtractFour :: Int -> Int
subtractFour = (subtract 4)
-- [subtractFour x | x<-[1..5]] -- [-3,-2,-1,0,1] -- 对中缀函数使用截断
isUpperCase :: Char -> Bool
isUpperCase = (`elem` ['A'..'Z'])
-- [isUpperCase x | x<-"Hello"] -- [True,False,False,False,False] -- 取另一个函数作为参数,并返回函数
applyTwice :: (a->a) -> a -> a
applyTwice f x = f (f x)
-- applyTwice (+3) 10 -- 16
-- applyTwice (++[3]) [10] -- [10,3,3]
-- applyTwice ([3]++) [10] -- [3,3,10] -- 实现zipWith,取一个函数和两个列表作为输入,使用函数调用从两个列表中取出的相应元素
-- 在编写高阶函数时,如果拿不准类型,可以先省略类型声明,然后在使用:t命令查看Haskell的类型推导结果
myzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
myzipWith _ [] _ = []
myzipWith _ _ [] = []
myzipWith f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : myzipWith f xs ys
-- myzipWith (+) [1,2,3,4,5] [11,12,13,14,15] -- [12,14,16,18,20]
-- myzipWith (*) (replicate 5 2) [1..] -- [2,4,6,8,10] -- 实现flip函数,以一个函数为参数,返回参数顺序颠倒的函数
myflip :: (a->b->c) -> (b -> a -> c)
myflip f x y = f y x
-- zip [1..5] "hello" -- [(1,'h'),(2,'e'),(3,'l'),(4,'l'),(5,'o')]
-- myflip zip [1..5] "hello" -- [('h',1),('e',2),('l',3),('l',4),('o',5)]
-- myzipWith div (repeat 2) [1..5] -- [2,1,0,0,0]
-- flip (myzipWith div) (repeat 2) [1..5] -- [0,1,1,2,2] -- 函数式程序员工具箱
-- 身为函数式程序员,很少需要对单个值求解花费太多心思。更多情况下是,处理一系列的数值、字母或者其他类型的数据
-- 通过转换了这一类集合来求取最后的结果。常用的工具函数有:map、filter -- map接受一个取a返回b的函数和一组a值的列表为参数,返回一组b值的列表
mymap:: (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
mymap _ [] = []
mymap f (x:xs) = f x : mymap f xs -- filter 去一个谓词(predicate)和一个列表作为参数 ,返回由列表所有符合该条件的元素组成的列表。
-- 谓词特指判断事物是True或者False的函数,也就是返回布尔值的函数
myfilter :: (a->Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
myfilter _ [] = []
myfilter f (x:xs)
| f x = x : myfilter f xs
| otherwise = myfilter f xs -- mymap (+2) [1..10] -- [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
-- myfilter (>5) [1..10] -- [6,7,8,9,10]
-- myfilter (`elem` ['a'..'z']) "Hi, my name is Ausk!" -- "imynameisusk"
-- myfilter (`elem` ['A'..'Z']) "Hi, my name is Ausk!" -- "HA" -- myfilter (<15) (myfilter even [1..20]) -- [2,4,6,8,10,12,14]
-- [x|x<-[1..20], even x,x<15] -- [2,4,6,8,10,12,14] -- 计算小于1000的所有奇数的平方的和,分别使用括号、列表生成器、函数组合和函数应用符
sum (takeWhile (<1000) (filter odd (map (^2) [1..]))) -- 5456,函数组合
sum (takeWhile (<1000) [x^2| x<-[1..],odd x]) -- 5456,列表生成器
sum . takeWhile (<1000) . filter odd $map (^2) $[1..] -- 5456,函数组合和函数应用符 -- 将自然数的平方根相加,会在何处超过1000?
sqrtSum :: Int
sqrtSum = length ( takeWhile(<1000) ( scanl1 (+) (map sqrt [1..]) ) ) + 1
-- sum(map sqrt [1..130]) -- 993.6486803921487
-- sum(map sqrt [1..131]) -- 1005.0942035344083 -- 克拉兹序列,定义如下
-- 从任意自然数开始,如果是1则停止;如果是偶数则除以2;如果是奇数则乘以3然后加上1。取得结果并重复过程。
chain :: Integer -> [Integer]
chain 1=[1] -- 基准条件
chain n -- 哨兵选择
| even n = n:chain (n `div` 2)
| odd n = n:chain (n*3 + 1) -- chain 1 -- [1]
-- chain 10 -- [10,5,16,8,4,2,1] -- 映射带有多个参数的函数
let listOfFuncs = map (*) [10..] -- (*10) (*11) (*12) (*13) (*14) (*15) ...
(listOfFuncs !!4) 4 -- (*14) 4 = 56 -- Haskell中的Lambda是一次性的匿名函数,以右斜杠开头,后面紧跟着函数的参数列表,参数之间使用空格分割,->之后是函数体,通常使用圆括号括起来。
map (+3) [1..5] -- [4,5,6,7,8]
map (\x -> x+3) [1..5] -- [4,5,6,7,8]
map (\(a,b) -> a+b) (zip [1..5] [11..15]) -- [12,14,16,18,20]
zipWith (\a b -> a*10 + b) [1..] [5,4,3,2,1] -- [15,24,33,42,51] -- 处理列表大多数具有笃定模式。通常会将基准条件设置为空列表,然后引入 (x:xs)模式,再对单个元素和余下的列表做一些事情。
-- 因为这一模式比较常见,Haskell中提供了折叠(fold)函数来使之简化。通过折叠函数将一个数据结构(如列表)归约为单个值。
-- 一个折叠可以从左边或者右边开始折叠,通常取一个二元函数、一个待折叠的列表(和一个初始值),得到归约后的单值。
-- 左折叠(foldl、foldl1)从左侧开始,右折叠(foldr、foldr1)从右侧开始。
-- 使用lambda表达式和foldl进行折叠
suml :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
suml xs = foldl (\acc x-> acc + x) 0 xs
-- 使用foldl进行折叠
suml2 :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
suml2 xs = foldl (+) 0 xs
-- 使用lambda表达式和foldr进行折叠
sumr :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
sumr xs = foldr (\x acc-> acc + x) 0 xs
-- 使用foldr进行折叠
sumr2 :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
sumr2 xs = foldr (+) 0 xs -- 使用左折叠实现map
mapl :: (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapl f xs = foldl(\acc x -> acc ++ [f x]) [] xs
-- mapl (+1) [1..5] -- [2,3,4,5,6] -- 使用右折叠实现map
mapr :: (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapr f xs = foldr(\x acc -> f x : acc) [] xs
-- mapr (+1) [1..5] -- [2,3,4,5,6] -- 使用折叠实现一些函数
mymax_foldr1 ::(Ord a) => [a] -> a
mymax_foldr1 = foldr1 max -- 使用foldr1函数和max组合,得到求最值的函数
-- mymax [2,4,10,7,3,8,6,1,5,9] -- 10 -- 扫描scan,类似于折叠,不过会将变动记录到一个列表中
mymax_scanr1 :: (Ord a) => [a] ->[a]
mymax_scanr1 = scanr1 max
-- mymax_scanr1 [2,4,10,7,3,8,6,1,5,9] -- [10,10,10,9,9,9,9,9,9,9] -- 扫描scan,类似于折叠,不过会将变动记录到一个列表中
mymax_scanl1 :: (Ord a) => [a] ->[a]
mymax_scanl1 = scanl1 max
-- mymax_scanl1 [2,4,10,7,3,8,6,1,5,9] --[2,4,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10] -- 无限列表折叠,当二元函数不总是需要对第二个参数进行求值如逻辑操作(&& ||)的短路求值
-- 这时,可以利用Haskell的惰性求值操作无限列表
myand ::[Bool] -> Bool
myand xs = foldr (&&) True xs
myand (repeat False) -- 使用空格的函数调用符是左结合的,如 f a b c 等价于 ((f a b) c)
-- 而函数应用符(function application operator)即$的调用是右结合的
-- 函数应用符号可以减少括号,也可以将函数应用转化为函数
-- 即 f $ g $ x 等价于 f$(g$x), 如 sum $ a + b + c 等价于 (sum (a + b + c))
:t ($) -- ($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
sum $3+4+5 -- 12
map ($3) [ (4+), (5*),(6/),(^2),sqrt] -- [7.0,15.0,2.0,9.0,1.7320508075688772] -- 函数组合function composition,定义是 (f.g)(x) = f(g(x))
-- 也即是先拿参数调用一个函数,然后取结果作为参数调用另一个函数
-- 进行函数组合的函数是 (.)
:t (.) -- (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
map (\x -> negate $sqrt $ abs x) [-4,16,-9] -- [-2.0,-4.0,-3.0]
map (negate . sqrt . abs) [-4,16,-9] -- [-2.0,-4.0,-3.0] sum (replicate 5 (max 3 4) ) -- 20
(sum . replicate 5) (max 3 4) -- 20
sum $ replicate 5 $ max 3 4 -- 20 -- 通过使用函数组合哈数来省略表达式中的大量括号,可以首先找到最里面的函数和参数,
-- 在它们前面加上一个$,接着省略其余函数的最后一个参数,通过 (.)组合在一起。
replicate 2 ( product ( map (*3) ( zipWith max [1,4,7,9] [3,2,6,10])))
replicate 2 . product . map (*3) $ zipWith max [1,4,7,9] [3,2,6,10] -- 使用函数组合PointFree风格,即省略共同的参数,使得代码更加简洁易读。
-- 让程序员更加倾向于思考函数的组合方式,而不是数据的攒肚和变化。
mysum ::(Num a) => [a] -> a
mysum xs = foldr (+) 0 xs
-- 等价的point-free风格
mysum ::(Num a) => [a] -> a
mysum = foldr (+) 0 -- 原始函数
func :: (Floating a, Integral b, RealFrac a) => a -> b
func x = log(sqrt (max 50 x))
-- 等价的point-free风格
func :: (Floating a, Integral b, RealFrac a) => a -> b
func = log.sqrt.max 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ch06 模块
-- Haskell 中的模块,类似与Python中的module,C++中的namespace,Java中的Package。
-- 模块中可以包含类型和函数的定义,并且允许导出(export)其中的部分定义。
-- 将模块代码分解到模块中,使得代码相互之间较少过多的依赖,也就是使得模块松耦合(loosely coupled),方便管理和重用。 -- 在任意函数定义之前导入模块,import ModuleName (FunctionName) 或者 :m ModuleName
-- 要检查函数的定义或者查找函数所在的模块,使用[Hoogle](http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/)
-- 学习Haskell的最好方式是查找函数和模块的文档,也可以阅读Haskell各个模块的源代码。 -- 注意当点号位于限定导入的模块名和函数之间且没有空格时标示对模块中函数的引用;否则视为函数的组合。
import qualified Data.Map as M -- 限定导入 Data.Map,定义别名为M,必须使用M.xxx来引用名字
import Data.List hiding (nub) -- 避免导入模块中的某些函数
import Data.List (sort,group,words) -- 导入模块中的特定函数 import Data.List (sort,group,words)
wordNums :: String ->[(String,Int)]
wordNums = map (\ws ->(head ws, length ws)) . group . sort . words
-- wordNums xs = map (\ws ->(head ws, length ws)) (group(sort(words xs)
wordNums "it is a good idea, it is very good !" -- [("!",1),("a",1),("good",2),("idea,",1),("is",2),("it",2),("very",1)] -- 干草堆中的缝纫针:查找一个列表(缝纫针,needle)是否在另一个列表(干草堆,haystack)中
-- 等价的函数是 Data.List.isInPrefixOf
import Data.List
isIn :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
needle `isIn` haystack = any (needle `isPrefixOf`) $tails haystack
-- isIn "how" "Hello,how are you ?" -- True
-- isIn "hei" "Hello,how are you ?" -- False ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 凯撒加密与解密
-- 加密,把字符映射到另一个字符。首先把字符转化为数字,增加/减少偏移量,再从数字映射到字母。
import Data.Char
-- 加密,map (\c -> chr $ ord c + offset) msg
myencode :: Int -> String -> String
myencode offset = map ( chr . (+offset) . ord )
-- 解密,map (\c -> chr $ ord c + offset) msg
mydecode :: Int -> String -> String
mydecode offset = map ( chr . (-offset) . ord ) let msg = "how are you"
let offset = 10
let encoded = myencode offset msg
let decoded = mydecode offset encoded
decoded == msg -- True ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 实现严格左折叠,不使用惰性求值,防止大量的延迟计算占据内存而导致栈溢出
--myfoldl:: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
myfoldl g initval [] = error "empty list"
myfoldl g initval [x] = g initval x
--myfoldl g initval all@(x:xs)= myfoldl g (g initval x) xs
myfoldl g initval all@(x:xs)= myfoldl g (g initval $head all) $tail all
-- myfoldl (+) 0 [1..100000] -- 5000050000 -- Maybe类型: Maybe a类型标示可以为空,可以只含有一个元素
:t Just -- Just :: a -> Maybe a
:t Just "Hi" -- Just "Hi" :: Maybe [Char] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import Data.Char
import Data.List
-- 计算数字的各位之和
digitSum :: Int -> Int
digitSum = sum . map digitToInt . show
-- digitSum 49999 -- 40 -- 查找一个数,这个数的各位数字之和等于n
findFirstTo :: Int -> Maybe Int
findFirstTo n = find (\x -> digitSum x == n ) [1..]
-- findFirstTo 40 -- Just 49999 -- 有些数据结构不关心数据的存储顺序,而是将数据按照键值对的形式进行存储,然后按键索值,查找指定键的值。
-- 这样的数据结构可以使用关联列表(association list)或者映射map实现,于Python中的dict,C++中的map/unordered_map
idBook = [("jj","M72340"),("ff","M72341")] -- 取一个键和一个键值列表作为参数,过滤列表,仅仅保留与键相匹配的元素,取首个键值对,返回其中的值。
-- 一个标准的处理列表的递归函数,基准条件、分隔条件、递归调用都齐全了,这也是典型的折叠模式。
findKey :: (Eq k) => k -> [(k,v)] -> Maybe v
findKey key [] = Nothing
findKey key ((k,v):xs)
| key == x = Just v
| otherwise findKey key xs
-- [findKey key idBook| key <- ["ff", "ff","ll"] ] -- [Just "M72340",Just "M72341",Nothing] -- 基于折叠模式,替换递归函数。折叠模式简洁明了,一目了然。
findKey :: (Eq k) => k -> [(k,v)] -> Maybe v
findKey key xs = foldr (\(k,v) acc -> if key == k then Just v else acc) Nothing xs
-- [findKey key idBook| key <- ["ff", "ff","ll"] ] -- [Just "M72340",Just "M72341",Nothing] -- 使用Data.Map数据结构
import qualified Data.Map as M -- 限定导入 Data.Map,定义别名为M,必须使用M.xxx来引用名字
phoneBookToMap ::(Ord k) => [(k,String)] -> M.Map k String
phoneBookToMap xs = M.fromListWith add xs
where add number1 number2 = number1 ++ ", " ++ number2 phoneBookList = [("jj","M72340"),("jj","Q33361"),("ff","M72341")]
phoneBookMap = phoneBookToMap phoneBookList -- fromList [("ff","M72341"),("jj","Q33361, M72340")]
newPhoneBookMap = M.insert "ff" "XX-XXX" phoneBookMap -- fromList [("ff","XX-XXX"),("jj","Q33361, M72340")]
M.size phoneBookMap -- 2
M.lookup "jj" phoneBookMap --Just "Q33361, M72340"
M.lookup "jia" phoneBookMap --Nothing -- Set
import qualified Data.Set as Set
let text1 = "Are they so different?"
let text2 = "Yeah, they are so different!"
let set1 = Set.fromList text1 -- fromList " ?Adefhinorsty"
let set2 = Set.fromList text2 -- fromList " !,Yadefhinorsty
Set.intersection set1 set2 -- fromList " defhinorsty"
Set.difference set1 set2 -- fromList "?A"
Set.difference set2 set1 -- fromList "!,Ya"
Set.union set1 set2 -- fromList " !,?AYadefhinorstyset1
Set.insert 4 $ Set.fromList [9,3,8,1] -- fromList [1,3,4,8,9]
Set.delete 4 $ Set.fromList [3,4,5,4,3,4,5] -- fromList [3,5]
Set.fromList [2,3,4] `Set.isSubsetOf` Set.fromList [1,2,3,4,5] -- True ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 自定义数据类型和类型别名 -- 汽车Car,带类型说明的数据结构,及相应的操作
data Car = Car{ company::String, model::String, year::Int } deriving (Show) tellCar :: Car -> String
tellCar (Car {company = c, model = m, year = y}) = "This " ++ c ++ " " ++ m ++ " was made in " ++ show y -- 一周七天,继承类型
data Day = Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Bounded, Enum) -- 递归数据结构
-- 树的构造和操作
data Tree a = EmptyTree | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq) singleton :: a -> Tree a
singleton x = Node x EmptyTree EmptyTree treeInsert :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
treeInsert x EmptyTree = singleton x
treeInsert x (Node a left right)
| x == a = Node x left right
| x < a = Node a (treeInsert x left) right
| x > a = Node a left (treeInsert x right) treeElem :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Bool
treeElem x EmptyTree = False
treeElem x (Node a left right)
| x == a = True
| x < a = treeElem x left
| x > a = treeElem x right test = do
let stang = Car{company = "Ford", model = "Mustang", year=1967}
print $ tellCar stang {-
show Wednesday
read "Saturday" :: Day
Monday `compare` Wednesday
Monday == Monday
[minBound .. maxBound] :: [Day]
succ Monday
pred Saturday
-} let nums = [8,6,4,1,7,3,5]
let numsTree = foldr treeInsert EmptyTree nums
print $ numsTree
print $ 3 `treeElem` numsTree
print $ 13 `treeElem` numsTree ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- hello.hs
-- 功能:学习输入和输出操作
shell > ghc --make ./hello.hs
shell > ./hello
-} import System.IO main = do
print "What's your name?"
name <- getLine
putStrLn $ "Hey " ++ name ++ ", you rock!"
sequence $ map print [3..5]
mapM print [3..5] -- mapM取一个函数和一个列表作为参数,然后将函数映射到列表上,最后将结果应用与sequence。
mapM_ print [3..5] -- mapM_与mapM类似,不过不保存结果。 -- 使用 openFile打开文件,hGetContents读取文件,hClose关闭文件
infile_handle <- openFile "hello.hs" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents infile_handle
putStr contents
hClose infile_handle -- 使用withFile确保文件操作后,文件的句柄一定被关闭
withFile "hello.hs" ReadMode (\infile_handle -> do
contents <- hGetContents infile_handle
putStr contents) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ch10 函数式地解决问题
-- 常用的中缀表达式,需要用括号改变优先级别。而使用逆波兰表达式(reverse polish natation, RPN),
-- 操作符在操作数的后面。解析表达式子的时候,遇到数字时将数字压入栈,
-- 遇到符号时弹出两个数字并使用符号操作,然后将结果入栈。表达式结尾时,栈里面仅剩下一个数字,也就是表达式的值。
import Data.List solveRPN :: String -> Float
solveRPN = head . foldl foldingFunction [] . words
where foldingFunction (x:y:ys) "*" = (x * y):ys
foldingFunction (x:y:ys) "+" = (x + y):ys
foldingFunction (x:y:ys) "-" = (y - x):ys
foldingFunction (x:y:ys) "/" = (y / x):ys
foldingFunction (x:y:ys) "^" = (y ** x):ys
foldingFunction (x:xs) "ln" = log x:xs
foldingFunction xs "sum" = [sum xs]
foldingFunction xs numberString = read numberString:xs {-
-- http://learnyouahaskell.com/for-a-few-monads-more readMayBe ::(Read a) => String -> Maybe a
readMayBe stmt = case reads stmt of [(x,"")] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing foldingFunction2 :: [Double] -> String -> Maybe [Double]
foldingFunction2 (x:y:ys) "+" = (x + y):ys
foldingFunction2 (x:y:ys) "-" = (y - x):ys
foldingFunction2 (x:y:ys) "/" = (y / x):ys
foldingFunction2 (x:y:ys) "^" = (y ** x):ys
foldingFunction2 (x:xs) "ln" = log x:xs
foldingFunction2 xs "sum" = [sum xs]
foldingFunction xs numberString = liftM (:xs) $ readMayBe numberString solveRPN2 :: String -> Maybe Double
solveRPN2 stmt = do
[result] <- foldM foldingFunction2 [] $ words stmt
return result
-} -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 计算最快的路线
# A === 50 == A1 === 5 === A2 === 40 === A3 === 10 === A4
# || || || ||
# 30 20 25 00
# || || || ||
# B === 10 == B1 === 90 === B2 === 2 === B3 === 8 === B4 求分别从A和B出发到达A4和B4的最短路径 解决方案:
> 50 30 10
> 5 20 90
> 40 25 2
> 10 0 8
data Section = Section { getA :: Int, getB :: Int, getC :: Int } deriving (Show)
type RoadSystem = [Section]
data Label = A | B | C deriving (Show)
type Path = [(Label, Int)]
初始地段A、B路的最佳路线都是[],检查地段 Section 50 10 30,推断出到达A1和B1的最佳路线分别是[(B,10),(C,30)]和[(B,10)]。
roadStep :: (Path, Path) -> Section -> (Path, Path) -} import Data.List --在任何函数开始之前道路模块
import System.IO -- 导入 IO 模块 -- 自定义数据类型和类型别名
data Section = Section { getA :: Int, getB :: Int, getC :: Int } deriving (Show)
type RoadSystem = [Section]
data Label = A | B | C deriving (Show)
type Path = [(Label, Int)] -- 构建道路
heathrowToLondon :: RoadSystem
heathrowToLondon = [Section 50 10 30, Section 5 90 20, Section 40 2 25, Section 10 8 0] -- 根据当前路段A和B路的最佳路线以及下一个Section的信息,求解得到下一个路段A路和B路的最佳路线。
roadStep :: (Path, Path) -> Section -> (Path, Path)
roadStep (pathA, pathB) (Section a b c) =
let priceA = sum $ map snd pathA
priceB = sum $ map snd pathB
forwardPriceToA = priceA + a
crossPriceToA = priceB + b + c
forwardPriceToB = priceB + b
crossPriceToB = priceA + a + c
newPathToA = if forwardPriceToA <= crossPriceToA
then (A,a):pathA
else (C,c):(B,b):pathB
newPathToB = if forwardPriceToB <= crossPriceToB
then (B,b):pathB
else (C,c):(A,a):pathA
in (newPathToA, newPathToB) -- 求解最佳路径
optimalPath :: RoadSystem -> Path
optimalPath roadSystem =
let (bestAPath, bestBPath) = foldl roadStep ([],[]) roadSystem
in if sum (map snd bestAPath) <= sum (map snd bestBPath)
then reverse bestAPath
else reverse bestBPath -- 将一个列表分割成为一些等长度的列表
groupsOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupsOf 0 _ = undefined
groupsOf _ [] = []
groupsOf n xs = take n xs : groupsOf n (drop n xs) -- 输入和输出操作
shell > ghc --make ./hello.hs
shell > ./hello testCalcBestPath = do
print "The default patch:" ++ show heathrowToLondon
print "The optimal path:" ++ show (optimalPath heathrowToLondon) {-
echo -e "50\n10\n30\n5\n90\n20\n40\n2\n25\n10\n8\n0" > path.txt
runhaskell haskell.hs <path.txt
ghc --make -O xxx.hs
shell > ./haskell < path.txt
print "Get path from file (runhaskell XXX.hs < path.txt):"
-} -- 直接从文件中读取路径
withFile "path.txt" ReadMode (\infile_handle -> do
contents <- hGetContents infile_handle
putStr contents
let threeTupleList = groupsOf 3 (map read $ lines contents)
roadSystem = map (\[a,b,c] -> Section a b c) threeTupleList
path = optimalPath roadSystem
putStrLn $ "The best path to take is: " ++ show path
putStrLn $ "The best path to take is: " ++ (concat $ map (show . fst) path )
putStrLn $ "The price of the path is: " ++ show (sum $ map snd path)
) main = do
-- -- 调用测试函数
-- testCalcBestPath print $ "Hello, Haskell!"
print "What's your name?"
name <- getLine
putStrLn $ "Hey " ++ name ++ ", you rock!"
sequence $ map print [3..5]
mapM print [3..5] -- mapM取一个函数和一个列表作为参数,然后将函数映射到列表上,最后将结果应用与sequence。
mapM_ print [3..5] -- mapM_与mapM类似,不过不保存结果。 -- 使用 openFile打开文件,hGetContents读取文件,hClose关闭文件
infile_handle <- openFile "hello.hs" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents infile_handle
putStr contents
hClose infile_handle -- 使用withFile确保文件操作后,文件的句柄一定被关闭
withFile "hello.hs" ReadMode (\infile_handle -> do
contents <- hGetContents infile_handle
putStr contents)


  1. log4net应用
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  3. 最短路之Dijkstra算法
  4. dp核心问题研究-从入门到放弃
  5. 小心指针被delete两次
  6. CentOS下判断自己的VPS是OpenVZ的还是Xen的
  7. SharePoint 101 Code Samples are now available
  8. WebService 设计总结
  9. 12.URL重写
  10. Java学习的随笔(一)对象概念、this指针、权限修饰符
  11. Coursera机器学习课程(2016 )错题集
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  13. 周一01.2 计算机硬件&amp;操作系统
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  15. vs code 快捷键中英文对照
  16. pa sslvpn配置
  17. 软工实践——团队作业需求规格说明书——原型UI设计
  18. NoSQL生态系统(nosql ecosystem)
  19. 用MyEclipse JPA创建项目(一)
  20. Thread was being aborted.


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  3. linux Cron 执行Django 任务计划
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  5. JAVA短信验证登录
  6. VS2013 F12无法转到函数的定义处,总是从“元数据”获取的问题 ——解决方法
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  8. 封装bt轮播图淡入淡出效果样式
  9. Java经典案例之-“最大公约数和最小公倍数”
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