原文 Inno Setup connection to the database and create

Description: the first half of this program in Inno Setup instance inside there, behind the database backup and restore inside the instance is not easy to find online, I spent a great difficulty sentence try out , please Zhuanzhai marked to indicate the respect of the individual labor. Thank you!


{--- SQLDMO ---} / / about SQLDMO of knowledge can go online 

/ / SQL server name, the name when installing SQL will be asked to enter the server name, the name you see when you open the SQL server on each machine is different, as I as shown below, but here we can use a generic The name is the (local) , Which means that the server is local. That's it. SQLServerName = '(LOCAL)';
SQLDMOGrowth_MB = 0; / / This is to create a button press event, this button is in the Setup Wizard page, create a configuration database "button
to procedure SQLDMOButtonOnClick (Sender: TObject);
/ / Used in some of the variables
SQLServer, Database, DBFile, LogFile: Variant;
IDColumn, NameColumn, Table, oBackup, oRestore: Variant;
db_path: string;
/ / Variable to store read the registry key value
ResultStr: String;
{Create the main SQLDMO COM Automation object} / / Check if you installed SQL
SQLServer: = CreateOleObject ('SQLDMO.SQLServer');
RaiseException ('You did not install the SQL database.' # 13 # 13 '(Error''' + GetExceptionMessage +'' 'occurred)');
end; {Connect to the Microsoft SQL Server} / / Connect to SQL
SQLServer.LoginSecure: = True;
SQLServer.Connect (SQLServerName); / / MsgBox ('connection to SQL Server''' + SQLServerName +'' '.' MbInformation, MB_OK); {Setup a database} / / Create the SQL database file
Database: = CreateOleObject ('SQLDMO.Database');
Database.Name: = 'dbase'; / / To create a database name DBFile: = CreateOleObject ('SQLDMO.DBFile');
DBFile.Name: = 'ISData1';
/ / Database records
DBFile.PhysicalName: = 'c :/ program files / microsoft sql server / mssql / data / dbase_Data.MDF';
DBFile.PrimaryFile: = True;
DBFile.FileGrowthType: = SQLDMOGrowth_MB;
DBFile.FileGrowth: = 1; Database.FileGroups.Item ('PRIMARY'). DBFiles.Add (DBFile); LogFile: = CreateOleObject ('SQLDMO.LogFile');
LogFile.Name: = 'ISLog1';
/ / Database diary.
LogFile.PhysicalName: = 'c :/ program files / microsoft sql server / mssql / data / dbase_Log.LDF'; Database.TransactionLog.LogFiles.Add (LogFile); {Add the database} / / Add database
SQLServer.Databases.Add (Database); / / MsgBox ('Added database''' + Database.Name +'' '.', MbInformation, mb_Ok); / / Data backup
oBackup: = CreateOleObject ('SQLDMO.Backup'); / / create a backup object
oBackup.Database: = 'louyu'; / / To back up the database name
oBackup.Files: = 'f :/ louyu3.bak'; / / backup to
oBackup.BackupSetName: = 'louyu3.bak'; / / name of the backup
oBackup.BackupSetDescription: = 'bakDescription';
oBackup.Initialize: = true;
oBackup.SQLBackup (SQL Server); / / execute SQL backup operation / / Restore the data Highlights: / / Database backup file in a position to lay the package you want to restore the database to find the backup file first, then find the backup file before the software installation to where we need to know, which is the installation path. Installation in the registry to establish the relevant information, including software installation path recorded on the registry, please see the above write the INNO SETUP Registry Add read.
Why restore the database in this way, it seems to be around a circle, in fact, I also think that this may not be a good way, but I do not know any other way to get the data in the installation package ( file path) or software to be installed. {App}, {pf} such as this can not be directly used, why we have such a stupid way.
If any friends have a good way, please let me know. / / Get the installation path from the registry, according to the path found to restore the database backup file.
if RegQueryStringValue (HKLM, 'SOFTWARE / *******', 'Server', ResultStr) then
ResultStr: = RemoveQuotes (ResultStr);
msgbox (resultstr, mbinformation, mb_ok);
oRestore: = CreateOleObject ('SQLDMO.Restore'); / / create a restore object
oRestore.Database: = 'dbase'; / / restore the database name
db_path: = resultstr + '/ database file / dbase.bak'; / / path of the backup file
The MsgBox (DB_PATH mbinformation, MB_OK); / / test to see the path right
oRestore.files: = db_path; / / Specify the backup file
oRestore.replacedatabase: = true;
oRestore.sqlrestore (sqlserver); / / perform the restore operation
MsgBox ('database restore was successful!', Mbinformation, MB_OK);
MsgBox ('database restore failed, please try again or consult the help documentation manual configuration!' Mbinformation, MB_OK);
end; / / Database creation and restore events finished, but it does not know when to perform intelligent, so we have to tell it when to perform. Here is the program is finished installing, At the end of the page BUTTON button, when this button is pressed, the database incident response.
/ / Create a button
procedure CreateButton (ALeft, ATop: Integer; ACaption: String; ANotifyEvent: TNotifyEvent);
create with TButton.Create (WizardForm) do begin / / button object
Left: to = ALeft; / / Button's position and the width and height
Top: = ATop;
Width: = WizardForm.CancelButton.Width;
Height: = WizardForm.CancelButton.Height;
Caption: = ACaption; / / button name
OnClick: = ANotifyEvent;
/ / This is to create a button to specify a parent window, which means that it displayed in which the top of the page
Parent: = WizardForm.finishedPage; / / specified here is the end of the page of the form
end; / / Initialization Wizard window
the procedure InitializeWizard ();
Left, Top, TopInc: Integer;
Left: = WizardForm.WelcomeLabel2.Left;
TopInc: = WizardForm.CancelButton.Height + 8;
Top: = WizardForm.WelcomeLabel2.Top + WizardForm.WelcomeLabel2.Height - 4 * TopInc;
/ / Created above button displayed, and assign it a response event
CreateButton (Left, Top, '& configuration SQL database' _AT_ SQLDMOButtonOnClick);
Top: = Top + TopInc;



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