#1、打开文件 如果文件不存在会报错
file = open("1.txt") #2、使用w、w+、a、a+模式打开,如果文件不存在就创建文件
file = open("1.txt", "w") #3、指定绝对路径路径
file = open("D:\\1.txt", "w") #二进制模式打开图片或者视频
file = open("老虎头像.png", "rb")
print(file) #指定字符集打开文件
file = open("csv群聊.csv", "r", encoding='utf-8')
file.close() #写入文件 复写
file = open("1.txt","w")
file.write("1111你好") #写入文件 追加
file = open("1.txt","a")
file.write("123123") # 打开文件 读取前9字符串
file = open("messages.txt", "r", encoding='utf-8')
string = file.read(9)
print(string) #想要从文件的第6个字符开始读取2个字符
file = open("messages.txt", "r", encoding='utf-8')
file.seek(5) # 移动指针到新的位置
string = file.read(2) # 读取2个字符
print(string) #读取一行
print("\n", "=" * 20, "Python经典应用", "=" * 20)
with open1("messages.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
number = 0 # 记录行号
while True:
number += 1
line = file.readline()
if line == "":
print(number, line, end="\n")
print("\n ", "=" * 20, "over" * 20, "\n") #读取一行并将内容分割
print("\n", "=" * 20, "Python经典应用", "=" * 20)
with open2("csv群聊.csv", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
number = 0 # 记录行号
while True:
number += 1
line = file.readline() if line == "":
print(number, line, end="\n")
lst = line.split(' ')#使用空字符串分割
for i in range(len(lst)):
print(i, lst[i]) print("\n ", "=" * 20, "over" * 20, "\n") #读取全部行 一次性输出
print("\n", "=" * 20, "Python经典应用", "=" * 20)
with open3("messages.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
message = file.readlines() # 读取全部信息
print("\n ", "=" * 20, "over", "=" * 20, "\n") # 读取全部行 将列表的内容逐行输出
print("\n", "=" * 20, "Python经典应用", "=" * 20)
with open4("messages.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
messageall = file.readlines() # 读取全部信息
for message in messageall:
print(message) # 输出一条信息
print("\n ", "=" * 20, "over", "=" * 20, "\n")


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