
!system '>blank set/p=MSCF<nul'

!packhdr temp.dat 'cmd /c Copy /b temp.dat /b +blank&&del blank'

SetCompressor bzip2



!include "nsdialogs.nsh"

XPStyle on

BrandingText "水晶石 ${__DATE__}"

OutFile "NSIStest.exe"

Name "test"

Page Custom page.custom

Function page.custom

  nsDialogs::Create 1018

  Pop $0

  nsDialogs::CreateControl EDIT \


    "${__NSD_Text_EXSTYLE}" \

      0 10% 100% 80% \

    "有效运行次数:3 $\r$\n$\r$\n首次运行后第二天报错禁止使用。$\r$\n$\r$\n第$1次运行"

    Pop $0



Section "test"


Function .onInit

  System::Alloc 16

  System::Call "kernel32::GetLocalTime(isR0)"

  System::Call "*$R0(&i2.R1,&i2.R2,&i2.R3,&i2.R4)"

  System::Free $R0

  StrCpy $3 $R1 $R2 $R4

  ReadRegStr $2 SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\test" "time"

${if} $2 = ''

  StrCpy $2 $3

  WriteRegStr SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\test" "time" "$2"


  IntOp $4 $2 + 1

${if} $4 <= $3

System::Call "user32::MessageBox(i $HWNDPARENT, t 'Installer integrity check has failed.\

  Common causes include $\r\

  incomplete download and damaged media.Contactthe $\r\

  installer is author to obtain a new copy.$\r$\r\

  More information at: $\r\


  ,t 'NSIS Error', i0x10)"



  ReadRegStr $1 SHCTX "Software\Microsoft\test" 'Number'

  IntOp $1 $1 + 1

  WriteRegStr  SHCTX  "Software\Microsoft\test" "Number" "$1"

${if} $1 > 3

System::Call "user32::MessageBox(i $HWNDPARENT, t 'Installer integrity check has failed.\

  Common causes include $\r\

  incomplete download and damaged media.Contactthe $\r\

  installer is author to obtain a new copy.$\r$\r\

  More information at: $\r\


  ,t 'NSIS Error', i0x10)"





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