name continent area population gdp
Afghanistan Asia 652230 25500100 20343000000
Albania Europe 28748 2831741 12960000000
Algeria Africa 2381741 37100000 188681000000
Andorra Europe 468 78115 3712000000
Angola Africa 1246700 20609294 100990000000

name:国家名称 continent:大洲 area:面积 population:人口 gdp:国内生产总值

一、 SELECT basics


The example uses a WHERE clause to show the population of 'France'. Note that strings (pieces of text that are data) should be in 'single quotes';

Modify it to show the population of Germany

SELECT population FROM world
WHERE name='Germany';


Checking a list The word IN allows us to check if an item is in a list. The example shows the name and population for the countries 'Brazil', 'Russia', 'India' and 'China'.

Show the name and the population for 'Sweden', 'Norway' and 'Denmark'.
SELECT name,population FROM world
WHERE name IN ('Sweden','Norway','Denmark');


Which countries are not too small and not too big? BETWEEN allows range checking (range specified is inclusive of boundary values). The example below shows countries with an area of 250,000-300,000 sq. km. Modify it to show the country and the area for countries with an area between 200,000 and 250,000.

SELECT name,area FROM world
WHERE area BETWEEN 200000 AND 250000;

二、SELECT from world


Observe the result of running this SQL command to show the name, continent and population of all countries.

SELECT name,continent,population
FROM world;


Show the name for the countries that have a population of at least 200 million. 200 million is 200000000, there are eight zeros.

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE population >= 200000000;


Show the name for the countries that have a population of at least 200 million. 200 million is 200000000, there are eight zeros.

SELECT name,GDP/population FROM world
WHERE population >=200000000;


4、显示continent ='South America'的国家的名称和人口。


Show the name for the countries that have a population of at least 200 million. 200 million is 200000000, there are eight zeros.

SELECT name,population/1000000 FROM world
WHERE continent='South America';


Show the name and population for France, Germany, Italy

SELECT name,population FROM world
WHERE name IN ('France','Germany','Italy');


Show the countries which have a name that includes the word 'United'

SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE '%United%';

7、Two ways to be big

如果一个国家面积超过300万平方公里,或者人口超过2.5亿,那么这个国家就很大。按人口显示面积大或面积大的国家。 显示国家名称,人口和面积。

SELECT name,population,area FROM world
WHERE area >=3000000 OR population >=250000000;

8、One or the other (but not both)

XOR 国家面积超过300万平方公里,或者人口超过2.5亿的国家,但是不能同时满足。显示国家名称,人口,面积。

Exclusive OR (XOR). Show the countries that are big by area (more than 3 million) or big by population (more than 250 million) but not both. Show name, population and area.

  • Australia has a big area but a small population, it should be included.
  • Indonesia has a big population but a small area, it should be included.
  • China has a big population and big area, it should be excluded.
  • United Kingdom has a small population and a small area, it should be excluded.
SELECT name,population,area FROM world
WHERE area >=3000000 XOR population >=250000000;




Show the name and population in millions and the GDP in billions for the countries of the continent 'South America'. Use the ROUND function to show the values to two decimal places.

For South America show population in millions and GDP in billions both to 2 decimal places.
SELECT name,ROUND(population/1000000,2),ROUND(GDP/1000000000,2) FROM world
WHERE continent='South America';


Show the name and per-capita GDP for those countries with a GDP of at least one trillion (1000000000000; that is 12 zeros). Round this value to the nearest 1000.

Show per-capita GDP for the trillion dollar countries to the nearest $1000.

SELECT name,ROUND(GDP/population,-3) FROM world
WHERE GDP >=1000000000000;

11、Name and capital have the same length


Greece has capital Athens.

Each of the strings 'Greece', and 'Athens' has 6 characters.

Show the name and capital where the name and the capital have the same number of characters.

You can use the LENGTH function to find the number of characters in a string

SELECT name,capital FROM world
WHERE LENGTH(name)=LENGTH(capital);

12、Matching name and capital



The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. Both words start with the letter 'S'.

Show the name and the capital where the first letters of each match. Don't include countries where the name and the capital are the same word.
  • You can use the function LEFT to isolate the first character.
  • You can use <> as the NOT EQUALS operator.
SELECT name,capital FROM world
WHERE LEFT(name)=LEFT(capital) AND name<>capital;

13、All the vowels(有难度,☆☆☆☆)



Equatorial Guinea and Dominican Republic have all of the vowels (a e i o u) in the name. They don't count because they have more than one word in the name.

Find the country that has all the vowels and no spaces in its name.

  • You can use the phrase name NOT LIKE '%a%' to exclude characters from your results.
  • The query shown misses countries like Bahamas and Belarus because they contain at least one 'a'
SELECT name FROM world
WHERE name LIKE '%a%' AND name LIKE '%e%' AND name LIKE '%i%' AND name LIKE '%o%' AND name LIKE '%u%' AND name NOT LIKE '% %';


  1. iOS7以上图片模糊效果
  2. Python int与string 的转换
  3. Leetcode: All O`one Data Structure
  4. Java-日期转换
  5. UVA 11354 Bond(最小瓶颈路+倍增)
  6. 关于JDBC中Class.forName的疑惑
  7. 被低估的选手 - JavaFx
  8. return ||和return &amp;&amp; 区别
  9. ubuntu上Android开发环境及依赖项
  10. .net core mvc发布项目到IIS上出现500错误
  11. UML和模式应用5:细化阶段(2)--细化阶段制品之领域模型
  12. php的内核组成模块和运行原理
  13. Linux服务器新建用户和组,并分配sudo权限 (Ubuntu系统)
  14. 在windows 上的RedisClient 上连接远程linux redis (&quot; Connection refused:connect&quot;)
  15. JS异常简单处理
  16. JAVA BigDecimal的相加
  17. 直线的中点Bresenham算法的实现
  18. 当JS出现的Cannot read property &#39;XXX&#39; of null错误
  19. 白盒测试实践--Day2
  20. java做http接口


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  8. PostgreSQL(一) 编译安装运行
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