注意:以下方法只适用于IE11 以下:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined

jquery1.9去掉了 $.browser  所以报错 官方说明 : https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.browser/

方法 1  大佬的贴:   https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14892095/browser-msie-error-after-update-to-jquery-1-9-1

* Returns the version of Internet Explorer or a -1
* (indicating the use of another browser).
function getInternetExplorerVersion()
var rv = -1; // Return value assumes failure. if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer')
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})");
if (re.exec(ua) != null)
rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );
} return rv;
} function checkVersion()
var msg = "You're not using Internet Explorer.";
var ver = getInternetExplorerVersion(); if ( ver > -1 )
if ( ver >= 8.0 )
msg = "You're using a recent copy of Internet Explorer."
msg = "You should upgrade your copy of Internet Explorer.";
} alert( msg );

方法 2:

// ----------------------------------------------------------
// A short snippet for detecting versions of IE in JavaScript
// without resorting to user-agent sniffing
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// If you're not in IE (or IE version is less than 5) then:
// ie === undefined
// If you're in IE (>=5) then you can determine which version:
// ie === 7; // IE7
// Thus, to detect IE:
// if (ie) {}
// And to detect the version:
// ie === 6 // IE6
// ie > 7 // IE8, IE9 ...
// ie < 9 // Anything less than IE9
// ---------------------------------------------------------- // UPDATE: Now using Live NodeList idea from @jdalton var ie = (function(){ var undef,
v = 3,
div = document.createElement('div'),
all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); while (
div.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE ' + (++v) + ']><i></i><![endif]-->',
); return v > 4 ? v : undef; }());

方法 3

if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie 6') != -1){




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