编译源程序时,提示:docx.opc.exceptions.PackageNotFoundError: Package not found at '文件名.docx' 。


tpl = DocxTemplate("123.docx")



This error simply means there is no .docx file at the location you specified.

Since you specified a relative path, the actual path used is determined by adding 'TestDir/dir2/doc22.docx' to the current working directory Python is using at run time.

You can discover the path being used with this short code snippet:

import os

I expect you'll find that it prints out a path that does not exist, and that you'll need to modify the path string you give it to point to the right place.

Worst case, you can specify an absolute path, like /home/ch_dmitriy/Documents/Projects/Tutorials/TestDir/dir2/doc22.docx.


C:\Program Files\Notepad++\456.docx




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