在Matlab R2013a 和R2014a中已经实现MSER特征的提取。

  • 一、函数detectMSERFeatures


输出的是MSERRegions class,即框住区域的椭圆由椭圆中心的坐标,椭圆的长短轴,椭圆的方向(有长轴与x方向形成的角),即区域内所有像素的坐标。

Detect MSER features and return MSERRegions object


· regions = detectMSERFeatures(I) example

· regions = detectMSERFeatures(I,Name,Value)



regions = detectMSERFeatures(I) returns an MSERRegions object, regions, containing information about MSER features detected in the 2-D grayscale input image, I. This object uses Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) algorithm to find regions.

regions = detectMSERFeatures(I,Name,Value) sets additional options specified by one or moreName,Value pair arguments.

Code Generation Support:
Supports MATLAB Function block: No
For code generation, the function outputs regions.PixelList as an array. The region sizes are defined in regions.Lengths. Generated code for this function uses a precompiled platform-specific shared library.
Code Generation Support, Usage Notes, and Limitations


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Find MSER Regions in an Image

Read image and detect MSER regions.

I = imread('cameraman.tif');

regions = detectMSERFeatures(I);

Visualize MSER regions which are described by pixel lists stored inside the returned 'regions' object.

figure; imshow(I); hold ;

plot(regions, 'showPixelList', true, 'showEllipses', false);

Display ellipses and centroids fit into the regions.

figure; imshow(I); hold ;

plot(regions); % by default, plot displays ellipses and centroids

Input Arguments

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I — Input imageM-by-N 2-D grayscale image

Input image, specified in grayscale. It must be real and nonsparse.

Data Types: uint8 | int16 | uint16 | single | double

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the argument name andValue is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside single quotes (' '). You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN.

Example: 'RegionAreaRange',[30 14000], specifies the size of the region in pixels.

'ThresholdDelta' — Step size between intensity threshold levels2 (default) | percent numeric value

Step size between intensity threshold levels, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'ThresholdDelta' and a numeric value in the range (0,100]. This value is expressed as a percentage of the input data type range used in selecting extremal regions while testing for their stability. Decrease this value to return more regions. Typical values range from 0.8 to 4.

'RegionAreaRange' — Size of the region[30 14000] (default) | two-element vector

Size of the region in pixels, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'RegionAreaRange' and a two-element vector. The vector, [minArea maxArea], allows the selection of regions containing pixels to be between minArea and maxArea, inclusive.

'MaxAreaVariation' — Maximum area variation between extremal regions0.25 (default) | positive scalar

Maximum area variation between extremal regions at varying intensity thresholds, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'MaxAreaVariation' and a positive scalar value. Increasing this value returns a greater number of regions, but they may be less stable. Stable regions are very similar in size over varying intensity thresholds. Typical values range from 0.1 to 1.0.

'ROI' — Rectangular region of interest[1 1 size(I,2) size(I,1)] (default) | vector

Rectangular region of interest, specified as a vector. The vector must be in the format [x y widthheight]. When you specify an ROI, the function detects corners within the area located at [x y] of size specified by [width height] . The [x y] elements specify the upper left corner of the region.

Output Arguments

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regions — MSER regions objectMSERRegions object (default)

MSER regions object, returned as a MSERRegions object. The object contains information about MSER features detected in the grayscale input image.

More About

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Intensity Threshold Levels

The MSER detector incrementally steps through the intensity range of the input image to detect stable regions. The ThresholdDelta parameter determines the number of increments the detector tests for stability. You can think of the threshold delta value as the size of a cup to fill a bucket with water. The smaller the cup, the more number of increments it takes to fill up the bucket. The bucket can be thought of as the intensity profile of the region.

The MSER object checks the variation of the region area size between different intensity thresholds. The variation must be less than the value of the MaxAreaVariation parameter to be considered stable.

At a high level, MSER can be explained, by thinking of the intensity profile of an image representing a series of buckets. Imagine the tops of the buckets flush with the ground, and a hose turned on at one of the buckets. As the water fills into the bucket, it overflows and the next bucket starts filling up. Smaller regions of water join and become bigger bodies of water, and finally the whole area gets filled. As water is filling up into a bucket, it is checked against the MSER stability criterion. Regions appear, grow and merge at different intensity thresholds。

  • 二 MSERRegions class

Object for storing MSER regions


This object describes MSER regions and corresponding ellipses that have the same second moments as the regions. It passes data between the detectMSERFeatures and extractFeaturesfunctions. The object can also be used to manipulate and plot the data returned by these functions.

Although MSERRegions may hold many regions, it is a scalar object. Therefore,NUMEL(MSERRegions) always returns 1. This value may differ from LENGTH(MSERRegions), which returns the true number of regions held by the object.


regions = MSERRegions(pixellist) constructs an MSER regions object, regions, from an M-by-1 cell array of regions,pixellist. Each cell contains a P-by-2 array of [x y] coordinates for the detected MSER regions, where P varies based on the number of pixels in a region.


Compile-time constant inputs: No restrictions.

Supports MATLAB Function block: Yes

For code generation, you must specify both the pixellist cell array and the length of each array, as the second input. The object outputs, regions.PixelList as an array. The region sizes are defined inregions.Lengths.

Generated code for this function uses a precompiled platform-specific shared library.

Code Generation Support, Usage Notes, and Limitations

Input Arguments


M-by-2 cell array of [x y] coordinates of the detected MSER regions.


The following properties are read-only and are calculated once the input pixel list is specified.


Number of stored regions

Default: 0


An M-by-2 array of [x y] centroid coordinates of ellipses that have the same second moments as the MSER regions.


A two-element vector, [majorAxis minorAxis]. This vector specifies the major and minor axis of the ellipse that have the same second moments as the MSER regions.


A value in the range from -pi/2 to +pi/2 radians. This value represents the orientation of the ellipse as measured from the X-axis to the major axis of the ellipse. You can use this property for visualization purposes.


Returns true for empty object

Number of stored points

Plot MSER regions

Size of the MSERRegions object


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