

开始检查= =。。。过了好久,突然觉得画风不对。。。hzwer您建图错了啊!!!


Problem: 2259
User: rausen
Language: C++
Result: Accepted
Time:3220 ms
Memory:52884 kb
****************************************************************/ #include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue> using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = ;
const int M = ; int n, tot;
int dis[N], first[N];
bool vis[N], pre[N], nxt[N]; struct edges {
int next, to, v;
edges() {}
edges(int _n, int _t, int _v) : next(_n), to(_t), v(_v) {}
} e[M]; struct heap_node {
int v, to;
heap_node() {}
heap_node(int _v, int _to) : v(_v), to(_to) {} inline bool operator < (const heap_node &b) const {
return v > b.v;
}; priority_queue <heap_node> h; inline int read() {
int x = ;
char ch = getchar();
while (ch < '' || '' < ch)
ch = getchar();
while ('' <= ch && ch <= '') {
x = x * + ch - '';
ch = getchar();
return x;
} void add_edge(int x, int y, int z) {
e[++tot] = edges(first[x], y, z);
first[x] = tot;
} inline void add_to_heap(const int p) {
for (int x = first[p]; x; x = e[x].next)
if (dis[e[x].to] == -)
h.push(heap_node(e[x].v + dis[p], e[x].to));
} void Dijkstra(int S) {
memset(dis, -, sizeof(dis));
while (!h.empty()) h.pop();
dis[S] = , add_to_heap(S);
int p;
while (!h.empty()) {
if (dis[h.top().to] != -) {
p = h.top().to;
dis[p] = h.top().v;
} int main() {
int i, j, x;
n = read();
for (i = ; i <= n; ++i) {
x = read();
for (j = i + ; j <= min(i + x + , n) && !pre[j]; ++j)
pre[j] = , add_edge(j, j - , );
for (j = i + x + ; j <= n && !nxt[j]; ++j)
nxt[j] = , add_edge(j, j + , );
if (i + x <= n) add_edge(i, i + x + , );
else add_edge(i, n + , i + x - n);
printf("%d\n", dis[n + ]);
return ;


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