import json
names = {
# f = open('wjx.jmy','w',encoding='utf-8')
# res = json.dumps(names,ensure_ascii=False) #把字典转成json串
# names_json='{"assfdf": 223, "age": 36, "sdfsdf1": 23232323, "name": "王俊熹", "sdfsdf": 23232323}'
# names = json.loads(names_json)
# print(type(names))
# print(names)
# print(type(res))
# f.write(res)
res= open('wjx.json',encoding='utf-8')
name_dic = json.load(res) #传一个文件对象,自动转成字典,他会自己读文件,不用咱们再读一次
# print(type(name_dic))
# print(name_dic)
# fw=open('zdd.json','w',encoding='utf-8')
# json.dump(names,fw,ensure_ascii=False,indent=10)#写文件里面的时候,indent几个缩进 print(json.dumps(names,indent=10))


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