一:问题  targets中证书的设置


2.真机测试要确保Code Siging 设置没问题


二 :问题:image  not found

Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/AdSupport.framework/AdSupport

  Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/0083F6DD-6466-48B4-8F6D-7AEC68FBC421/DPM.app/DPM

  Reason: image not found


Found out the solution to the problem. The problem was setting the added frameworks as requiredinstead of optional

GO TO Project-> Targets-> Build Phases-> Link Binary with Libraries

There, set the status of added frameworks to Optional

This solved my problem.

三: Couldn't register XXX with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.

This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.


可能会想到是不是改动代码造成的,由于用模拟器就没问题,编译能正常通过,只是一到真机调试就报错,原因是由于在debug时,未停止debug而直接拔掉数据线导致的,可能是真机内任然保留有调试信息,真机认为自己依然处于调试状态,从而导致调试状态冲突而 造成的。



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