$(document).ready(function() {
    // Generate the clips. In this case I'm using 5 (or 25 pieces)
    (genClips = function() {
        // For easy use
        $t = $('.clipped-box');
        // Like I said, we're using 5!
        var amount = 5;
        // Get the width of each clipped rectangle.
        var width = $t.width() / amount;
        var height = $t.height() / amount;
        // The total is the square of the amount
        var totalSquares = Math.pow(amount, 2);
        // The HTML of the content
        var html = $t.find('.content').html();
        var y = 0;
        for(var z = 0; z <= (amount*width); z = z+width) { 
            $('<div class="clipped" >'+html+'</div>').appendTo($t);
            if(z === (amount*width)-width) {
                y = y + height;
                z = -width;
            if(y === (amount*height)) {
                z = 9999999;
    // A quick random function for selecting random numbers
    function rand(min, max) {
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
    // A variable check for when the animation is mostly over
    var first = false,
        clicked = false;
    // On click
    $('.clipped-box div').on('click', function() {
        if(clicked === false) {
            clicked = true;
            $('.clipped-box .content').css({'display' : 'none'});   
            // Apply to each clipped-box div.
            $('.clipped-box div:not(.content)').each(function() {
                // So the speed is a random speed between 90m/s and 120m/s. I know that seems like a lot
                // But otherwise it seems too slow. That's due to how I handled the timeout.
                var v = rand(120, 90),
                    angle = rand(80, 89), // The angle (the angle of projection) is a random number between 80 and 89 degrees.
                    theta = (angle * Math.PI) / 180, // Theta is the angle in radians
                    g = -9.8; // And gravity is -9.8. If you live on another planet feel free to change
                // $(this) as self
                var self = $(this);
                // time is initially zero, also set some random variables. It's higher than the total time for the projectile motion
                // because we want the squares to go off screen. 
                var t = 0,
                    z, r, nx, ny,
                    totalt =  15;
                // The direction can either be left (1), right (-1) or center (0). This is the horizontal direction.
                var negate = [1, -1, 0],
                    direction = negate[ Math.floor(Math.random() * negate.length) ];
                // Some random numbers for altering the shapes position
                var randDeg = rand(-5, 10), 
                    randScale = rand(0.9, 1.1),
                    randDeg2 = rand(30, 5);
                // Because box shadows are a bit laggy (by a bit I mean 'box shadows will not work on individual clipped divs at all') 
                // we're altering the background colour slightly manually, in order to give the divs differentiation when they are
                // hovering around in the air.
                var color = $(this).css('backgroundColor').split('rgb(')[1].split(')')[0].split(', '),
                    colorR = rand(-20, 20),  // You might want to alter these manually if you change the color
                    colorGB = rand(-20, 20),  // To get the right consistency.
                    newColor = 'rgb('+(parseFloat(color[0])+colorR)+', '+(parseFloat(color[1])+colorGB)+', '+(parseFloat(color[2])+colorGB)+')';
                // And apply those
                    'transform' : 'scale('+randScale+') skew('+randDeg+'deg) rotateZ('+randDeg2+'deg)', 
                    'background' : newColorflash插件
                // Set an interval
                z = setInterval(function() {    
                    // Horizontal speed is constant (no wind resistance on the internet)
                    var ux = ( Math.cos(theta) * v ) * direction;
                    // Vertical speed decreases as time increases before reaching 0 at its peak
                    var uy = ( Math.sin(theta) * v ) - ( (-g) * t);
                    // The horizontal position
                    nx = (ux * t);
                    // s = ut + 0.5at^2
                    ny = (uy * t) + (0.5 * (g) * Math.pow(t, 2));
                    // Apply the positions  
                    $(self).css({'bottom' : (ny)+'px', 'left' : (nx)+'px'});
                    // Increase the time by 0.10
                    t = t + 0.10;
                    // If the time is greater than the total time clear the interval
                    if(t > totalt) {
                        clicked = false;
                        first = true;
                        $('.clipped-box').css({'top' : '-1000px', 'transition' : 'none'});
                        $(self).css({'left' : '0', 'bottom' : '0', 'opacity' : '1', 'transition' : 'none', 'transform' : 'none'});
                        // Finally clear the interval
                }, 10); // Run this interval every 10ms. Changing this will change the pace of the animation
    r = setInterval(function() {
        // This is a bit rough but it does the job
        if(first === true) {
            // I've just put this in so the deleted box will come down again after its been clicked.
            // That way you can keep pressing delete.
            $('.clipped-box').css({'top' : '0', 'transition' : ''});
            $('.clipped-box div').css({'opacity' : '1', 'transition' : '', 'background-color' : ''});
            $('.content').css({'display' : 'block'});
            first = false;
    }, 300);


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