git 使用简易指南


Git使用 - 百度开放云平台(GUI: msysGit+TortoiseGit

 msysGit和Git for Windows的区别:

  • msysGit is the msys+mingw environment + everything needed to compile git yourself, on Windows.
  • Git for Windows is exactly that: git, compiled for Windows.

MinGW, MSYS, Cygwin:

  • MinGW - is a minimalist development environment for native Microsoft Windows applications.

  • MSYS - is a Bourne Shell command line interpreter system, is used by MinGW (and others), was forked in the past from Cygwin

  • Cygwin - a Linux like environment, which was used in the past to build Git for Windows, nowadays has no relation to msysGit


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