教一跨行同事学C#,我想从基础的讲一下,也就是最基本的面象对象分析与设计(OOAD),我直接打开我最新安装的 visual studio 2017。准备建一个“建模项目”。结果发现死活找不到?打开一个老项目也无法生成UML图?果断Google之


If you allow Visual Studio to update the project automatically, you can open it in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, or Visual Studio 2012.

The format of the modeling project has not changed between Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 and the project can be opened and modified in either version. However, there are differences in behavior in Visual Studio 2017:

    • Modeling projects are now referred to as “Dependency Validation” projects in the menus and templates.
    • UML diagrams are no longer supported in Visual Studio 2017. UML files are listed in the Solution Explorer as before but will be opened as XML files. Use Visual Studio 2015 to view, create, or edit UML diagrams.
    • In Visual Studio 2017, validation of architectural dependencies is no longer performed when the modeling project is built. Instead, validation is carried out as each code project is built. This change does not affect the modeling project, but it does require changes to the code projects being validated. Visual Studio 2017 can automatically make the necessary changes to the code projects (more information).




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