Basic settings

This is a configuration list assigning specific check parameters to checks created by inventory. It is a list of rules. Each rule is a tuple of
1. A check parameter
2. Optional: a list of host tags.
3. A list of host names or ALL_HOSTS.
4. A list of service patterns. check_parameters = [
# (1) Filesystem C: on winsrv02 gets levels (92, 96)
( (92, 96), [ "winsrv02" ], [ "fs_C:" ]), # (2) Filesystems on hosts with tag "sap" and "test" are always OK
( (101, 101), [ "sap", "test" ], ALL_HOSTS, [ "fs_"]), # (3) Levels for filesystems below /sap (also /saptrans, /saptest)
( (80, 95), ALL_HOSTS, [ "fs_/sap" ]), # (4) Levels for filesystems /var and /tmp on all hosts
( (90, 95), ALL_HOSTS, [ "fs_/var$", "fs_/tmp$" ] ), # (5) Set levels for all remaining file systems to 80% / 90%
( (80, 90), ALL_HOSTS, [ "fs_" ] ),
] #checks
List of manually configured checks (those not found by inventory). Each entry of the list is four or five-tuple with the following elements:
1. An optional list of host tags. The entry is valid only for hosts having all of the listed tags.
2. A list of hostnames or the one of the keywords ALL_HOSTS, PHYSICAL_HOSTS, or CLUSTER_HOSTS.
3. A check type
4. A check item or the keyword None for checks that do not need an item.
5. Paramters for the check or the keyword None for checks that do not need a parameter. checks = [
( "cluster1", "df", "/", ( 80, 90 ) ),
( ["lnx"], ALL_HOSTS, "ps", "NTPD", ( "/usr/sbin/ntpd",1,1,1,1)),


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