Python的hasattr() getattr() setattr() 函数使用方法详解


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hasattr(object, name)

判断一个对象里面是否有name属性或者name方法,返回BOOL值,有name特性返回True, 否则返回False。

 1 >>> class test():
2 ... name="xiaohua"
3 ... def run(self):
4 ... return "HelloWord"
5 ...
6 >>> t=test()
7 >>> hasattr(t, "name") #判断对象有name属性
8 True
9 >>> hasattr(t, "run") #判断对象有run方法
10 True
11 >>>

getattr(object, name[,default])


1 >>> class test():
2 ...     name="xiaohua"
3 ... def run(self):
4 ... return "HelloWord"
5 ...
6 >>> t=test()
7 >>> getattr(t, "name") #获取name属性,存在就打印出来。
8 'xiaohua'
9 >>> getattr(t, "run") #获取run方法,存在就打印出方法的内存地址。
10 <bound method of <__main__.test instance at 0x0269C878>>
11 >>> getattr(t, "run")() #获取run方法,后面加括号可以将这个方法运行。
12 'HelloWord'
13 >>> getattr(t, "age") #获取一个不存在的属性。
14 Traceback (most recent call last):
15 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
16 AttributeError: test instance has no attribute 'age'
17 >>> getattr(t, "age","18") #若属性不存在,返回一个默认值。
18 '18'
19 >>>

setattr(object, name, values)


 1 >>> class test():
2 ... name="xiaohua"
3 ... def run(self):
4 ... return "HelloWord"
5 ...
6 >>> t=test()
7 >>> hasattr(t, "age") #判断属性是否存在
8 False
9 >>> setattr(t, "age", "18") #为属相赋值,并没有返回值
10 >>> hasattr(t, "age") #属性存在了
11 True
12 >>>


 1 >>> class test():
2 ... name="xiaohua"
3 ... def run(self):
4 ... return "HelloWord"
5 ...
6 >>> t=test()
7 >>> getattr(t, "age") #age属性不存在
8 Traceback (most recent call last):
9 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
10 AttributeError: test instance has no attribute 'age'
11 >>> getattr(t, "age", setattr(t, "age", "18")) #age属性不存在时,设置该属性
12 '18'
13 >>> getattr(t, "age") #可检测设置成功
14 '18'
15 >>>



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