
 1.1 int to wxString:
wxString str = wxString::Format(wxT("%i"),myInt);
1.2 wxString to int :
int i; i = wxAtoi(str);
1.3 string to wxString:
std::string stlString = "sdfas"; wxString mystr(stlString .c_str(),wxConvUTF8);
1.4 wxString to string:
wxString mystring(wxT("HelloWorld"));
std::string stlstring = std::string(mystring.mb_str());
1.5 char* to wxString:
char* chars = "Hello world";
wxString mystring(chars, wxConvUTF8);
1.6 wxString to char*:
char* cs = str.mb_str(wxConvUTF8);
法2:wxString to UTF- to char*(即string)
wxString wx;const wxCharBuffer wxc = wx.ToUTF8(); const char *wxs= wxc;
1.7 char[] to wxString:
char chars[] = "sefasd";
wxstring mystring(chars, wxConvUTF8);
1.8 wxString to char[]:
wxString mystring(wxT("HelloWorld"));
char cstring[];
strcpy(cstring, (const char*)mystring.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); wxdatetime 与wxstring转换
2.1 wxdatetime to wxstring :
wxDateTime dt = CalendarCtrl1->GetDate();
wxString msg = dt.Format(wxT("%Y-%m-%d"),wxDateTime::A_EST);
2.2 wxstring to wxdatetime: char* ca = "2008-09-03";wxDateTime dt;dt.ParseDate(ca);


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