这款ORM框架的原版在经历过大概十几个项目的磨合,最近整理了一下,原名字为:ZhCun.Framework ,该框架辗转跟了我去过几家公司,大概从2012年出现第一个版本,当时就为简化数据库操作,从优化SQLHelper,代码生成器,一直到今天个人感觉还算好用的框架;


这个框架我没有具体去测试过它的性能,但从技术上猜测,应该返回List 会有一定消耗,因为用到反射,但实际项目中很少有大批量的List直接返回给用户查看的;

关于ORM框架,目前有很多人开源的项目都很不错,如果非要为这套框架提出点推荐理由, 勉为其难叫:简单、轻便 吧;编译完之后大概几十K;从程序设计上不太复杂,所以在可读性对于初级程序员来说比较容易,面对核心功能的扩展可能会比较棘手,但我认为还没遇到可扩展的功能就提前做出来,代码设计出空想的东西就属于过度设计;


目前NuGet 版本分两个,

1.2.0 与 2.2.0 ,其中 2.2.0 为 netstandard2.0 项目,可用于core 项目以及对应的 .Net Freamework 版本(好像是 .net 4.7 吧,具体可百度);1.2.0 在于.net 4.0 基础上开发,代码使用链接共享的;

代码已经托管至“码云” ,https://gitee.com/zhcun/ORM

支持数据库: SQL Server 、SQLite、Oracle、MySQL(因为兼容core的统一版本,OleDb目前暂不支持)


开发工具:VS 2019
开发框架:.Net 4.0 & netstandard2.0 
支持查看执行详情(SQL、耗时 等)


    实体类中做过一些特殊处理,所以放Model的类库也必须引用 ZhCun.DbCore ,并且继承 EntityBase

实体类分 表(视图)和存储过程两种类型,目前视图和表并没有区分开来,对于框架来说表和视图是一样的;


using System;
using ZhCun.DbCore.Entitys; namespace ZhCun.DbCore.Example.DbModels
public partial class TDevice : EntityBase
private System.Guid _Id;
/// <summary>
/// Id
/// </summary>
[EntityAttribute(ColumnName = CNId, IsPrimaryKey = true, IsNotNull = true)]
public System.Guid Id
get { return _Id; }
_Id = value;
base.SetFieldChanged(CNId) ;
} private System.String _DevName;
/// <summary>
/// DevName
/// </summary>
[EntityAttribute(ColumnName = CNDevName)]
public System.String DevName
get { return _DevName; }
_DevName = value;
base.SetFieldChanged(CNDevName) ;
} private System.Guid? _DevType;
/// <summary>
/// DevType
/// </summary>
[EntityAttribute(ColumnName = CNDevType)]
public System.Guid? DevType
get { return _DevType; }
_DevType = value;
base.SetFieldChanged(CNDevType) ;
} private System.String _Remark;
/// <summary>
/// Remark
/// </summary>
[EntityAttribute(ColumnName = CNRemark)]
public System.String Remark
get { return _Remark; }
_Remark = value;
base.SetFieldChanged(CNRemark) ;
} private System.DateTime? _CreateTime;
/// <summary>
/// CreateTime
/// </summary>
[EntityAttribute(ColumnName = CNCreateTime)]
public System.DateTime? CreateTime
get { return _CreateTime; }
_CreateTime = value;
base.SetFieldChanged(CNCreateTime) ;
} private System.DateTime? _ModifyTime;
/// <summary>
/// ModifyTime
/// </summary>
[EntityAttribute(ColumnName = CNModifyTime)]
public System.DateTime? ModifyTime
get { return _ModifyTime; }
_ModifyTime = value;
base.SetFieldChanged(CNModifyTime) ;
} private System.Guid? _UserId;
/// <summary>
/// UserId
/// </summary>
[EntityAttribute(ColumnName = CNUserId)]
public System.Guid? UserId
get { return _UserId; }
_UserId = value;
base.SetFieldChanged(CNUserId) ;
} #region 字段名的定义
public const string CNId = "Id";
public const string CNDevName = "DevName";
public const string CNDevType = "DevType";
public const string CNRemark = "Remark";
public const string CNCreateTime = "CreateTime";
public const string CNModifyTime = "ModifyTime";
public const string CNUserId = "UserId";
#endregion }

  表实体类中当字段只发生过改变会通过 SetFieldChanged方法处理,它会自动判断字段是否赋值,未赋值的字段不会进行增加与修改

实体类声明了 partial 关键字,当需要扩展一些非表字段的属性时建议使用不同的文件操作,这在实际应用中用处比较多;


当使用扩展或自定义非表字段的属性时需要标记为 IsNotField = true ,如下

[Entity(IsNotField =true)]
public object Tag { set; get; }


public class EntityAttribute : Attribute
/// <summary>
/// 是否主键
/// </summary>
public bool IsPrimaryKey { set; get; }
/// <summary>
/// 主键是否自动增长
/// </summary>
public bool IsIdentity { set; get; }
/// <summary>
/// 是否非空字段
/// </summary>
public bool IsNotNull { set; get; }
/// <summary>
/// 列名
/// </summary>
public string ColumnName { set; get; }
/// <summary>
/// 默认false为字段属性,如果为true则表示不是一个字段
/// </summary>
public bool IsNotField { set; get; }
public class EntiryClassAttribute : Attribute
public string TableName { set; get; }


public class P_AddUser : ProcEntityBase
public string LoginName { set; get; } public string LoginPwd { set; get; } public string UserName { set; get; } [ProcParam(ParamDirection = ParameterDirection.Output)]
public string Message { set; get; } [ProcParam(ParamDirection = ParameterDirection.Output)]
public bool Success { set; get; }


/// <summary>
/// 存储过程参数的特性类
/// </summary>
public class ProcParamAttribute : Attribute
public ProcParamAttribute()
_ParamDirection = ParameterDirection.Input;
_OutSize =;
public ProcParamAttribute(ParameterDirection paramDirection)
_ParamDirection = paramDirection;
} ParameterDirection _ParamDirection;
/// <summary>
/// 存储过程输出参数的方向类型
/// </summary>
public ParameterDirection ParamDirection
get { return _ParamDirection; }
set { _ParamDirection = value; }
int _OutSize;
/// <summary>
/// 输出参数的字节数,默认50个字节
/// </summary>
public int OutSize
get { return _OutSize; }
set { _OutSize = value; }
/// <summary>
/// 是否oracle游标类型
/// </summary>
public bool IsOracleCursor { set; get; }
/// <summary>
/// 参数名,空则使用属性名代表参数名
/// </summary>
public string ParameterName { set; get; }
/// <summary>
/// true表示非存储过程参数
/// </summary>
public bool NotParameter { set; get; }




核心类 DBContext ,这与其它orm名称可能有冲突,最早参考的EF起的名字,后来也没变过;


早先版本的DBContext 是抽象出的接口,后来经过挺长时间的使用,发现并没有其它实现,所以只用了一个核心的类来实现所有的数据库操作了;


// 摘要:
// 数据库操作核心上下文
public class DBContext
public DBContext(EmDbType dbType, string connStr); //
// 摘要:
// 数据库操作对象
protected internal IDbHelper DbHelper { get; } //
// 摘要:
// 创建查询条件对象,分页、排序;
public QueryCondition<TEntity> CreateQuery<TEntity>() where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 创建sql生成器
public virtual ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder();
// 摘要:
// 创建指定参数名称前缀的sql生成器(解决参数名称重复)
public virtual ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(string paramKey);
// 摘要:
// 创建执行的条件对象,不包含分页、排序
public ExecCondition<TEntity> CreateWhere<TEntity>() where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 使用执行条件对象,进行删除表达式
// 参数:
// execwhere:
// 执行条件对象
// 类型参数:
// TEntity:
// 实体对象类型
// 返回结果:
// 返回执行结果对象
public virtual ExecResult Delete<TEntity>(ICondition condition) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 根据一个基本的表达式进行删除操作
// 参数:
// lamda:
// 表达式
// 类型参数:
// TEntity:
// 实体对象类型
// 返回结果:
// 返回执行结果对象
public virtual ExecResult Delete<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> lamda) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 根据主键删除一条数据
public virtual ExecResult Delete<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 执行存储过程的方法
// 参数:
// procObj:
// 存储过程实体对象
// 类型参数:
// ProcEntity:
// ProcedureEntiryBase
// 返回结果:
// 返回存储过程结果
public virtual ProcResult ExecProcedure<ProcEntity>(ProcEntity procObj) where ProcEntity : ProcEntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 根据sql建造起执行sql语句
public virtual ExecResult ExecSql(ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder);
// 摘要:
// 新增一条记录
public virtual ExecResult Insert<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 使用条件对象来进行复杂查询
public virtual QueryResult<TEntity> Query<TEntity>(IQueryCondition condition, ISqlBuilder joinWhereBuilder) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 根据查询对象进行读取数据库,可返回DataTable、List
public virtual QueryResult<TEntity> Query<TEntity>(IQueryCondition condition) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 使用表达式进行普通查询
// 参数:
// lamda:
// 表达式
// 类型参数:
// TEntity:
// 实体对象类型
public virtual QueryResult<TEntity> Query<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> lamda) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 根据一个sqlBuilder来构造where条件的查询
// 参数:
// sqlBuilder:
// 可实现参数化查询的sql文本构造器, 不包含 where
public virtual QueryResult<TEntity> Query<TEntity>(ISqlBuilder whereSqlBuilder) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 根据一个sqlBuilder来构造一个完整的查询
// 参数:
// sqlBuilder:
// 可实现参数化查询的sql文本构造器
public virtual QueryResult Query(ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder);
public int QueryCount<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> lamda) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
public int QueryCount<TEntity>(IQueryCondition condition) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
public virtual ScalarResult QueryCountResult<TEntity>(IQueryCondition condition) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
public virtual ScalarResult QueryCountResult<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> lamda) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
public bool QueryExist<TEntity>(IQueryCondition condition) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
public bool QueryExist<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> lamda) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
public virtual ScalarResult QueryMax<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> selector, IQueryCondition condition) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 执行最大值函数查询
public virtual ScalarResult QueryMax<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> selector, Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> lamda) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
public virtual ScalarResult QueryMin<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> selector, Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> lamda) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
public virtual ScalarResult QueryMin<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> selector, IQueryCondition condition) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 根据一个sqlBuilder 来构造一个完整的查询,用于获取首行首列值
// 参数:
// sqlBuilder:
// 可实现参数化查询的sql文本构造器
public virtual ScalarResult QueryScalar(ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder);
public virtual ScalarResult QuerySum<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> selector, Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> lamda) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
public virtual ScalarResult QuerySum<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> selector, IQueryCondition condition) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 事务提交
public void TransCommit();
// 摘要:
// 事务回滚
public void TransRollback();
// 摘要:
// 事务开始
public void TransStart();
// 摘要:
// where对象条件更新
public virtual ExecResult Update<TEntity>(TEntity entity, ICondition condition) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 实体对象更新,主键必填
public virtual ExecResult Update<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// lamda表达式更新
public virtual ExecResult Update<TEntity>(TEntity entity, Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> lamda) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 当使用sqlbuilder(所有实体类执行的Sql都会触发)进行 更新、删除、查询、并指定具体实体类型时在执行前触发, 用于数据过滤的统一处理; 需要子类重写处理过程
protected virtual void BeforeExecSqlBuilder<TEntity>(ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, EmDbOperation opType) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 创建基于实体形参的where条件的sqlBuider对象(共通封装)
protected virtual ISqlBuilder CreateQuerySqlBuilder<TEntity>() where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 使用表达式删除的老大
protected virtual ExecResult DeleteBase<TEntity>(Func<ISqlBuilder, string> whereFun) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 根据sql建造起执行sql语句,加上执行sql where文本
protected virtual ExecResult ExecSql(ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, string sqlWhere);
// 摘要:
// 获取实体对象值,不忽略主键值
protected Dictionary<string, object> GetEntityValue<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 获取属性值,指定是否忽略自增长主键
protected Dictionary<string, object> GetEntityValue<TEntity>(TEntity entity, bool ignorePK) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();
// 摘要:
// 更新的老大
protected virtual ExecResult UpdateBase<TEntity>(TEntity entity, Func<ISqlBuilder, string> whereFun) where TEntity : EntityBase, new();


新增 (DBContext.Insert)

TUser t = new TUser
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
UserName = "张三",
LoginName = "zhangsan",
LoginPwd = ""
DBContext01 db = new DBContext01();
ExecResult r = db.Insert(t);
Console.WriteLine("执行完成,影响 {0} 行", r.RowCount);




更新 DBContext.Update

var t = new TUser
Id = Guid.Parse("A0FCF84C-4EBD-4735-863A-205D8536DA93"),
UserName = "修改后的张三"
DBContext01 db = new DBContext01();
ExecResult r = db.Update(t);


这里的ModifyTime 同样被修改了,是因为DBContext01 重写更新的方法,将字段进行默认赋值;

删除 DBContext.Delete (按主键)

var t = new TUser();
t.Id = Guid.Parse("84DF3116-27A6-44E3-9E07-403F8B744932");
DBContext01 db = new DBContext01();
var r = db.Delete(t);
Console.WriteLine("执行完成,影响 {0} 行", r.RowCount);


删除 DBContext.Delete (lamda 表达式条件)

DBContext01 db = new DBContext01();
var r = db.Delete<TUser>(s => s.UserName == "张三");
Console.WriteLine("执行完成,影响 {0} 行", r.RowCount);

删除 DBContext.Delete (where对象条件)

             DBContext01 db = new DBContext01();
var where = db.CreateWhere<TUser>();
Guid id1 = Guid.Parse("A0FCF84C-4EBD-4735-863A-205D8536DA93");
where.WhereAnd(s => s.WEx_In(s.Id, id1));
var r = db.Delete<TUser>(where);
Console.WriteLine("执行完成,影响 {0} 行", r.RowCount);


             DBContext01 db = new DBContext01();
TUser user = new TUser();
user.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
user.UserName = "王五";
user.LoginName = "wangwu";
db.Insert(user); TDevice dev = new TDevice();
dev.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
dev.DevName = "笔记本";
db.Insert(dev); db.TransCommit();
catch (Exception ex)

查询(DBContext.Query)lamda 表达式 全部

var db = new DBContext01();
var r = db.Query<TUser>(s => true);
var rList = r.ToList();

查询(DBContext.Query)lamda 表达式 

var db = new DBContext01();
var r = db.Query<TUser>(s => s.UserName == "张三");
var rList = r.ToList();

查询(DBContext.Query)-  query对象

var db = new DBContext01();
var query = db.CreateQuery<TUser>();
query.WhereAnd(s => s.WEx_Like(s.UserName, "%张三%"));
query.WhereOr(s => s.Email != null);
var r = db.Query<TUser>(query);
var rList = r.ToList();

查询(DBContext.Query)-  query对象 分页查询

             var db = new DBContext01();
var query = db.CreateQuery<TUser>();
query.PageNo = ;
query.PageSize = ;
query.WhereAnd(s => s.UserName != null).OrderBy(s => s.UserName);
var r = db.Query<TUser>(query);
var rList = r.ToList();

查询(DBContext.Query) - SQL语句条件查询List

             var db = new DBContext01();
var sqlBuilder = db.CreateSqlBuilder();
sqlBuilder.AddSQLText("LoginName in ({0},{1})",
var r = db.Query<TUser>(sqlBuilder);
var rList = r.ToList();

查询(DBContext.Query) - SQL语句查询DataTable

             var db = new DBContext01();
var sqlBuilder = db.CreateSqlBuilder();
sqlBuilder.AddSQLText("select * from TUser where LoginName in ('zhangsan','lisi')");
var r = db.Query(sqlBuilder);
var data = r.ToDataTable();

注意:当使用Sql语句查询只能得到 DataTable

存储过程(DBContext.ExecProcedure)- 执行

             P_AddUser p = new P_AddUser();
p.LoginName = "张存";
p.LoginPwd = "";
p.UserName = "";
var db = new DBContext01();
var r = db.ExecProcedure(p);

存储过程(DBContext.ExecProcedure)-  查询

             P_GetUser p = new P_GetUser();
var db = new DBContext01();
var r = db.ExecProcedure(p);
var rList = r.ToList<TUser>();

数据过滤及默认赋值 DBContext 重写

     class DBContext01 : DBContextBase
Guid _loginUserId; public void SetLoginUserId(Guid loginUserId)
_loginUserId = loginUserId;
} /// <summary>
/// 根据属性名设置对象的属性值
/// </summary>
public static void SetPropertyValue<T>(T obj, string pName, object pValue) where T : class, new()
Type t = typeof(T);
PropertyInfo pInfo = t.GetProperty(pName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Instance); if (pInfo != null && pInfo.CanWrite)
if (pValue == null || DBNull.Value.Equals(pValue) || Guid.Empty.Equals(pValue))
string pTypeName = pInfo.PropertyType.Name.ToUpper();
if (pTypeName == "GUID")
pValue = new Guid(pValue.ToString());
pValue = Convert.ChangeType(pValue, pInfo.PropertyType);
pInfo.SetValue(obj, pValue, null);
/// <summary>
/// 结果完成的处理方法,如:写入日志
/// </summary>
protected override void ResultFinish(BaseResult result)
//Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { });
var sql = result.SqlContent;
Console.WriteLine("执行标记:{0}", result.ResultMark);
Console.WriteLine("SQL:{0}", sql);
Console.WriteLine("耗时:{0}", result.ExecInterval);
Console.WriteLine("所影响行:{0}", result.RowCount);
public override ExecResult Insert<TEntity>(TEntity entity)
//如果该实体有“UserId”字段那么缺省赋值为:_loginUserId 值
SetPropertyValue(entity, "UserId", _loginUserId);
if (!entity.IsChangeField("Id"))
SetPropertyValue(entity, "Id", Guid.NewGuid());
//如果实体有“CreateTime” 字段,设置为当前时间
SetPropertyValue(entity, "CreateTime", DateTime.Now);
return base.Insert<TEntity>(entity);
protected override ExecResult UpdateBase<TEntity>(TEntity entity, Func<ISqlBuilder, string> whereFun)
SetPropertyValue(entity, "ModifyTime", DateTime.Now);
return base.UpdateBase<TEntity>(entity, whereFun);
protected override void BeforeExecSqlBuilder<TEntity>(ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, EmDbOperation opType)
//user 没有UserId 字段加上过滤
if (typeof(TEntity) == typeof(TUser))
if (QueryFilterHelper.IsFilter())
sqlBuilder.AddSqlTextByGroup(" UserId = {0}", sqlBuilder.AddParam(_loginUserId));

数据过滤用于实现当不同用户、角色、部门 等 查询条件的全局处理;



前几天翻过几篇.Net 比较好的ORM框架,有很多轻量级的都已经很成熟了,功能也很全面;

个人认为现在公司选择ORM框架分两种:1. 用自己的ORM,便于处理业务上的个性需求。2.用官网常用的ORM框架(如:EF),大众货,功能全,很多“学生”时代都已经纳入“课本”的学习标准;



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  2. Mongodb Manual阅读笔记:CH2 Mongodb CRUD 操作
  3. ✡ leetcode 158. Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times 对一个文件多次调用read(157题的延伸题) --------- java
  4. Python pass语句作用与用法
  5. Matlab boxplot for Multiple Groups(多组数据的箱线图)
  6. C#_Fileuploadify_notMvc
  7. [Java I/O] TextFile 工具类
  8. 关于html标签元素的data-*属性
  9. leetcode[55] Merge Intervals
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  11. Price Channel Breakout 交易系统简价及源码
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  14. 2018-08-14 中文代码之Spring Boot实现简单REST服务
  15. 网页发起qq临时会话
  16. python_高级特征
  17. HTML编码规则
  18. Word Ladder - LeetCode
  19. 集合之HashMap
  20. 基于Neutron的Kubernetes SDN实践经验之谈


  1. MySQL Authentication plugin &#39;caching_sha2_password&#39; cannot be loaded
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  4. Java二级练习试题一
  5. checked属性 详解
  6. Java基本数据类型及所占字节大小
  7. Web项目改名的带来的404not found问题
  8. 在Android中实现一个简易的Http服务器
  9. JS中数据结构之字典