crawl blog website:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 10 18:01:41 2017
@author: Raghav Bali
""" """
This script crawls's blog page to:
+ extract list of recent blog post titles and their URLS
+ extract content related to each blog post in plain text
using requests and BeautifulSoup packages
$ python
""" import requests
from time import sleep
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def get_post_mapping(content):
"""This function extracts blog post title and url from response object
content (request.content): String content returned from requests.get
list: a list of dictionaries with keys title and url
post_detail_list = []
post_soup = BeautifulSoup(content,"lxml")
h3_content = post_soup.find_all("h3") for h3 in h3_content:
) return post_detail_list def get_post_content(content):
"""This function extracts blog post content from response object
content (request.content): String content returned from requests.get
str: blog's content in plain text
plain_text = ""
text_soup = BeautifulSoup(content,"lxml")
para_list = text_soup.find_all("div",
{'class':'cms-richtext'}) for p in para_list[0]:
plain_text += p.getText() return plain_text if __name__ =='__main__': crawl_url = ""
post_url_prefix = "" print("Crawling for recent blog posts...\n\n") response = requests.get(crawl_url) if response.status_code == 200:
blog_post_details = get_post_mapping(response.content) if blog_post_details:
print("Blog posts found:{}".format(len(blog_post_details))) for post in blog_post_details:
print("Crawling content for post titled:",post.get('title'))
post_response = requests.get(post_url_prefix+post.get('url')) if post_response.status_code == 200:
post['content'] = get_post_content(post_response.content) print("Waiting for 10 secs before crawling next post...\n\n")
sleep(10) print("Content crawled for all posts") # print/write content to file
for post in blog_post_details:


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