# ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
from config import settings
import importlib
# ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— # ————————01CMDB获取服务器基本信息————————
from src.plugins.basic import BasicPlugin def get_server_info(hostname=None):
:param hostname: agent模式时,hostname为空;salt或ssh模式时,hostname表示要连接的远程服务器
response = BasicPlugin(hostname).execute()#获取基本信息
class BaseResponse(object):
def __init__(self):
self.status = True
self.message = None
self.data = None
self.error = None
# ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
if not response.status:#获取基本信息出错
return response
# 如果基本信息获取完没有出错,就去获取其他硬件信息
for k, v in settings.PLUGINS_DICT.items(): # 采集硬件数据的插件
#k是名字 V是路径 #'cpu': 'src.plugins.cpu.CpuPlugin',
module_path, cls_name = v.rsplit('.', 1) #rsplit() 方法通过指定分隔符对字符串进行分割并返回一个列表
cls = getattr(importlib.import_module(module_path), cls_name)#反射 #动态导入
obj = cls(hostname).execute()# 去执行 .py文件
response.data[k] = obj #在字典前 添加 执行 .py文件 的名字
# ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件———————— return response if __name__ == '__main__':
ret = get_server_info()
# ————————01CMDB获取服务器基本信息————————


# ————————01CMDB获取服务器基本信息————————
import os BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))##当前路径 # 采集资产的方式,选项有:agent(默认), salt, ssh
MODE = 'agent' # ————————01CMDB获取服务器基本信息———————— # ————————02CMDB将服务器基本信息提交到API接口————————
# 资产信息API
# ————————02CMDB将服务器基本信息提交到API接口———————— # ————————03CMDB信息安全API接口交互认证————————
# 用于API认证的KEY
KEY = '299095cc-1330-11e5-b06a-a45e60bec08b' #认证的密码
# 用于API认证的请求头
AUTH_KEY_NAME = 'auth-key'
# ————————03CMDB信息安全API接口交互认证———————— # ————————04CMDB本地(Agent)模式客户端唯一标识(ID)————————
# Agent模式保存服务器唯一ID的文件
CERT_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'config', 'cert') #文件路径
# ————————04CMDB本地(Agent)模式客户端唯一标识(ID)———————— # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
# 采集硬件数据的插件
'cpu': 'src.plugins.cpu.CpuPlugin',
'disk': 'src.plugins.disk.DiskPlugin',
'main_board': 'src.plugins.main_board.MainBoardPlugin',
'memory': 'src.plugins.memory.MemoryPlugin',
'nic': 'src.plugins.nic.NicPlugin',
# ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————


 # cpu.py
# ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
from .base import BasePlugin #采集资产的方式 和 系统平台
from lib.response import BaseResponse #提交数据的类型(字典)
import wmi #Windows操作系统上管理数据和操作的基础设施 class CpuPlugin(BasePlugin):
def windows(self):
response = BaseResponse() #提交数据的类型(字典)
output =wmi.WMI().Win32_Processor() #获取CPU相关信息
response.data = self.windows_parse(output) #解析相关信息 返回结果 #存到字典
except Exception as e:
response.status = False
return response @staticmethod#返回函数的静态方法
def windows_parse(content):
response = {}
cpu_physical_set = set()#set()函数创建一个无序不重复元素集,可进行关系测试,删除重复数据,还可以计算交集、差集、并集等。
for item in content:
response['cpu_model'] = item.Manufacturer # cpu型号
response['cpu_count'] = item.NumberOfCores # cpu核心个量
cpu_physical_set.add(item.DeviceID) #CPU物理个量
response['cpu_physical_count'] = len(cpu_physical_set)#CPU物理个量
return response #返回结果 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————

# cpu.py

 # disk.py
# ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
from .base import BasePlugin #采集资产的方式 和 系统平台
from lib.response import BaseResponse #提交数据的类型(字典)
import wmi #Windows操作系统上管理数据和操作的基础设施 class DiskPlugin(BasePlugin):
def windows(self):
response = BaseResponse() #提交数据的类型(字典)
output =wmi.WMI().Win32_DiskDrive() #获取磁盘相关信息
response.data = self.windows_parse(output) #解析相关信息 返回结果 #存到字典
except Exception as e:
response.status = False
return response @staticmethod#返回函数的静态方法
def windows_parse(content):
response = {}
for item in content:
item_dict = {}
item_dict['slot'] = item.Index #插槽位
item_dict['pd_type'] = item.InterfaceType #磁盘型号
item_dict['capacity'] = round(int(item.Size) / (1024**3)) # 磁盘容量
item_dict['model'] = item.Model #磁盘类型
response[item_dict['slot']] = item_dict #分割存每个 磁盘信息
return response #返回结果 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————

# disk.py

 # main_board.py
# ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
from .base import BasePlugin #采集资产的方式 和 系统平台
from lib.response import BaseResponse #提交数据的类型(字典)
import wmi #Windows操作系统上管理数据和操作的基础设施 class MainBoardPlugin(BasePlugin):
def windows(self):
response = BaseResponse() #提交数据的类型(字典)
output =wmi.WMI().Win32_BaseBoard() #获取主板相关信息
response.data = self.windows_parse(output) #解析相关信息 返回结果 #存到字典
except Exception as e:
response.status = False
return response @staticmethod#返回函数的静态方法
def windows_parse(content):
response = {}
for item in content:
response['manufacturer'] = item.Manufacturer #主板制造商
response['model'] = item.Name #主板型号
response['sn'] = item.SerialNumber #主板SN号
return response #返回结果 # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————

# main_board.py

 # memory.py
# ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
from .base import BasePlugin #采集资产的方式 和 系统平台
from lib.response import BaseResponse #提交数据的类型(字典)
import wmi #Windows操作系统上管理数据和操作的基础设施 class MemoryPlugin(BasePlugin):
def windows(self):
response = BaseResponse() #提交数据的类型(字典)
output =wmi.WMI().Win32_PhysicalMemory() #获取内存相关信息
response.data = self.windows_parse(output)
except Exception as e:
response.status = False
return response @staticmethod#返回函数的静态方法
def windows_parse(content):
for item in content:
item_dict = {}
item_dict['slot'] = item.DeviceLocator #插槽位
item_dict['manufacturer'] = item.Manufacturer # 内存制造商
item_dict['model'] =item.FormFactor # 内存型号
item_dict['capacity'] = round(int(item.Capacity) / (1024**3)) # 内存容量
item_dict['sn'] = item.SerialNumber #内存SN号
item_dict['speed'] = item.Speed #内存速度
response[item_dict['slot']] = item_dict #分割存每条 内存信息
return response # ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————

# memory.py

 # nic.py
# ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————
from .base import BasePlugin #采集资产的方式 和 系统平台
from lib.response import BaseResponse #提交数据的类型(字典)
import wmi #Windows操作系统上管理数据和操作的基础设施 class NicPlugin(BasePlugin):
def windows(self):
response = BaseResponse() #提交数据的类型(字典)
output =wmi.WMI().Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration() #获取网卡相关信息
response.data = self.windows_parse(output) #解析相关信息 返回结果 #存到字典
except Exception as e:
response.status = False
return response @staticmethod#返回函数的静态方法
def windows_parse(content):
IPCM = 0 # 权重
for item in content:
if item.IPConnectionMetric: # 权重
if item.IPConnectionMetric > IPCM: # 权重 #防止虚拟网卡
item_dict = {}
name=item.ServiceName # 网卡名称
item_dict['hwaddr'] = item.MACAddress # 网卡MAC地址
item_dict['ipaddrs'] = item.IPAddress[0] # IP地址
item_dict['netmask'] = item.IPSubnet[0] # IP子网掩码
item_dict['up'] = item.IPEnabled #是否有启用
response[name] = item_dict
IPCM = item.IPConnectionMetric # 权重
return response
# ————————05CMDB采集硬件数据的插件————————

# nic.py

 {"os_platform": "Windows",
"os_version": "Microsoft Windows 7 \u65d7\u8230\u7248",
"hostname": "DKL18U83RFAQI3G", "cpu":{"status": true, "message": null,
"data": {"cpu_model": "GenuineIntel","cpu_count": 2,"cpu_physical_count": 1},
"error": null}, "disk": {"status": true, "message": null,
"data": {"":{"slot": 0,"pd_type": "IDE","capacity": 466,"model": "WDC WD5000AAKX-00ERMA0 ATA Device"}},
"error": null}, "main_board": {"status": true, "message": null,
"data": {"Manufacturer": "BIOSTAR Group","model": "Base Board","sn": "None"},
"error": null}, "memory": {"status": true, "message": null,
"data": {"DIMM0":{"Capacity": 4, "slot":"DIMM0", "model": 8,"speed": null,"manufacturer": "Manufacturer00","sn": "SerNum00"},
"DIMM2":{"Capacity": 4, "slot":"DIMM2", "model": 8,"speed": null,"manufacturer": "Manufacturer02","sn": "SerNum02"}},
"error": null}, "nic": {"status": true, "message": null,
"data": {"RTL8167":{"up": true,"hwaddr": "B8:97:5A:07:73:8C","ipaddrs": "","netmask": ""}},
"error": null}}


 instance of Win32_BaseBoard
Caption = "Base Board";
CreationClassName = "Win32_BaseBoard";
Description = "Base Board";
HostingBoard = TRUE;
HotSwappable = FALSE;
Manufacturer = "BIOSTAR Group";
Name = "Base Board";
PoweredOn = TRUE;
Product = "G41D3+";
Removable = FALSE;
Replaceable = TRUE;
RequiresDaughterBoard = FALSE;
SerialNumber = "None";
Status = "OK";
Tag = "Base Board";
Version = "6.0";
}; instance of Win32_BaseBoard
Caption = "基板";
ConfigOptions = {};
CreationClassName = "Win32_BaseBoard";
Description = "基板";
HostingBoard = TRUE;
HotSwappable = FALSE;
Manufacturer = "Dell Inc. ";
Name = "基板";
PoweredOn = TRUE;
Product = "03C38H";
Removable = FALSE;
Replaceable = TRUE;
RequiresDaughterBoard = FALSE;
SerialNumber = ". .CN486432A91479.";
Status = "OK";
Tag = "Base Board";
Version = " ";


 nstance of Win32_Processor
AddressWidth = 64;
Architecture = 9;
Availability = 3;
Caption = "Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10";
CpuStatus = 1;
CreationClassName = "Win32_Processor";
CurrentClockSpeed = 2715;
CurrentVoltage = 13;
DataWidth = 64;
Description = "Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10";
DeviceID = "CPU0";
ExtClock = 200;
Family = 11;
L2CacheSize = 1024;
L3CacheSize = 0;
L3CacheSpeed = 0;
Level = 6;
LoadPercentage = 0;
Manufacturer = "GenuineIntel";
MaxClockSpeed = 2715;
Name = "Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU E3500 @ 2.70GHz";
NumberOfCores = 2;
NumberOfLogicalProcessors = 2;
PowerManagementSupported = FALSE;
ProcessorId = "BFEBFBFF0001067A";
ProcessorType = 3;
Revision = 5898;
Role = "CPU";
SocketDesignation = "CPU 1";
Status = "OK";
StatusInfo = 3;
SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
SystemName = "DKL18U83RFAQI3G";
UpgradeMethod = 1;
Version = "";


 instance of Win32_DiskDrive
BytesPerSector = 512;
Capabilities = {3, 4, 10};
CapabilityDescriptions = {"Random Access", "Supports Writing", "SMART Notification"};
Caption = "Colorful SL200 128GB";
ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0;
ConfigManagerUserConfig = FALSE;
CreationClassName = "Win32_DiskDrive";
Description = "磁盘驱动器";
DeviceID = "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0";
FirmwareRevision = "";
Index = 0;
InterfaceType = "IDE";
Manufacturer = "(标准磁盘驱动器)";
MediaLoaded = TRUE;
MediaType = "Fixed hard disk media";
Model = "Colorful SL200 128GB";
Name = "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0";
Partitions = 3;
PNPDeviceID = "SCSI\\DISK&VEN_&PROD_COLORFUL_SL200_1\\4&112D75BA&0&000000";
SCSIBus = 0;
SCSILogicalUnit = 0;
SCSIPort = 0;
SCSITargetId = 0;
SectorsPerTrack = 63;
SerialNumber = "AA000000000000000431";
Size = "";
Status = "OK";
SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
SystemName = "XY";
TotalCylinders = "";
TotalHeads = 255;
TotalSectors = "";
TotalTracks = "";
TracksPerCylinder = 255;
}; instance of Win32_DiskDrive
BytesPerSector = 512;
Capabilities = {3, 4, 10};
CapabilityDescriptions = {"Random Access", "Supports Writing", "SMART Notification"};
Caption = "TOSHIBA MQ01ABF050";
ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0;
ConfigManagerUserConfig = FALSE;
CreationClassName = "Win32_DiskDrive";
Description = "磁盘驱动器";
DeviceID = "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE1";
FirmwareRevision = "AM001J";
Index = 1;
InterfaceType = "IDE";
Manufacturer = "(标准磁盘驱动器)";
MediaLoaded = TRUE;
MediaType = "Fixed hard disk media";
Model = "TOSHIBA MQ01ABF050";
Name = "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE1";
Partitions = 3;
PNPDeviceID = "SCSI\\DISK&VEN_TOSHIBA&PROD_MQ01ABF050\\4&112D75BA&0&010000";
SCSIBus = 1;
SCSILogicalUnit = 0;
SCSIPort = 0;
SCSITargetId = 0;
SectorsPerTrack = 63;
SerialNumber = " Z5CKCTNMT";
Signature = 3014350181;
Size = "";
Status = "OK";
SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
SystemName = "XY";
TotalCylinders = "";
TotalHeads = 255;
TotalSectors = "";
TotalTracks = "";
TracksPerCylinder = 255;


 instance of Win32_PhysicalMemory
BankLabel = "BANK0";
Capacity = "";
Caption = "Physical Memory";
CreationClassName = "Win32_PhysicalMemory";
DataWidth = 64;
Description = "Physical Memory";
DeviceLocator = "DIMM0";
FormFactor = 8;
InterleaveDataDepth = 1;
InterleavePosition = 0;
Manufacturer = "Manufacturer00";
MemoryType = 17;
Name = "Physical Memory";
PartNumber = "ModulePartNumber00";
PositionInRow = 1;
SerialNumber = "SerNum00";
Tag = "Physical Memory 0";
TotalWidth = 64;
TypeDetail = 128;
}; instance of Win32_PhysicalMemory
BankLabel = "BANK2";
Capacity = "";
Caption = "Physical Memory";
CreationClassName = "Win32_PhysicalMemory";
DataWidth = 64;
Description = "Physical Memory";
DeviceLocator = "DIMM2";
FormFactor = 8;
InterleaveDataDepth = 1;
InterleavePosition = 0;
Manufacturer = "Manufacturer02";
MemoryType = 17;
Name = "Physical Memory";
PartNumber = "ModulePartNumber02";
PositionInRow = 1;
SerialNumber = "SerNum02";
Tag = "Physical Memory 2";
TotalWidth = 64;
TypeDetail = 128;
}; instance of Win32_PhysicalMemory
Attributes = 0;
BankLabel = "BANK 2";
Capacity = "";
Caption = "物理内存";
ConfiguredClockSpeed = 1600;
CreationClassName = "Win32_PhysicalMemory";
DataWidth = 64;
Description = "物理内存";
DeviceLocator = "ChannelB-DIMM0";
FormFactor = 12;
Manufacturer = "830B";
MemoryType = 24;
Name = "物理内存";
PartNumber = "NT4GC64B8HG0NS-DI ";
SerialNumber = "AA6E1B6E";
SMBIOSMemoryType = 24;
Speed = 1600;
Tag = "Physical Memory 1";
TotalWidth = 64;
TypeDetail = 128;


 instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000000] WAN Miniport (SSTP)";
Description = "WAN Miniport (SSTP)";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 0;
InterfaceIndex = 2;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "RasSstp";
SettingID = "{71F897D7-EB7C-4D8D-89DB-AC80D9DD2270}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000001] WAN Miniport (IKEv2)";
Description = "WAN Miniport (IKEv2)";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 1;
InterfaceIndex = 10;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "RasAgileVpn";
SettingID = "{29898C9D-B0A4-4FEF-BDB6-57A562022CEE}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000002] WAN Miniport (L2TP)";
Description = "WAN Miniport (L2TP)";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 2;
InterfaceIndex = 3;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "Rasl2tp";
SettingID = "{E43D242B-9EAB-4626-A952-46649FBB939A}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000003] WAN Miniport (PPTP)";
Description = "WAN Miniport (PPTP)";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 3;
InterfaceIndex = 4;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "PptpMiniport";
SettingID = "{DF4A9D2C-8742-4EB1-8703-D395C4183F33}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000004] WAN Miniport (PPPOE)";
Description = "WAN Miniport (PPPOE)";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 4;
InterfaceIndex = 5;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "RasPppoe";
SettingID = "{8E301A52-AFFA-4F49-B9CA-C79096A1A056}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000005] WAN Miniport (IPv6)";
Description = "WAN Miniport (IPv6)";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 5;
InterfaceIndex = 6;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "NdisWan";
SettingID = "{9A399D81-2EAD-4F23-BCDD-637FC13DCD51}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000006] WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)";
Description = "WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 6;
InterfaceIndex = 7;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "NdisWan";
SettingID = "{5BF54C7E-91DA-457D-80BF-333677D7E316}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000007] Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller";
DatabasePath = "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\drivers\\etc";
DefaultIPGateway = {""};
DefaultTTL = 64;
Description = "Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller";
DHCPEnabled = TRUE;
DHCPLeaseExpires = "20180622195709.000000+480";
DHCPLeaseObtained = "20180622175709.000000+480";
DHCPServer = "";
DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder = {};
DNSEnabledForWINSResolution = FALSE;
DNSHostName = "DKL18U83RFAQI3G";
DNSServerSearchOrder = {"", ""};
DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled = FALSE;
FullDNSRegistrationEnabled = TRUE;
GatewayCostMetric = {0};
Index = 7;
InterfaceIndex = 11;
IPAddress = {"", "fe80::c912:33b9:df1d:90b7"};
IPConnectionMetric = 20;
IPEnabled = TRUE;
IPFilterSecurityEnabled = FALSE;
IPSecPermitIPProtocols = {};
IPSecPermitTCPPorts = {};
IPSecPermitUDPPorts = {};
IPSubnet = {"", ""};
MACAddress = "B8:97:5A:07:73:8C";
PMTUBHDetectEnabled = TRUE;
PMTUDiscoveryEnabled = TRUE;
ServiceName = "RTL8167";
SettingID = "{57DC49CC-DC9F-4583-A411-F4837D4E5310}";
TcpipNetbiosOptions = 0;
WINSEnableLMHostsLookup = TRUE;
WINSScopeID = "";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000008] WAN Miniport (IP)";
Description = "WAN Miniport (IP)";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 8;
InterfaceIndex = 8;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "NdisWan";
SettingID = "{2CAA64ED-BAA3-4473-B637-DEC65A14C8AA}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000009] Microsoft ISATAP Adapter";
Description = "Microsoft ISATAP Adapter";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 9;
InterfaceIndex = 12;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "tunnel";
SettingID = "{409C2A87-0D21-4979-AC19-BD58EBDDC442}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000010] RAS Async Adapter";
Description = "RAS Async Adapter";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 10;
InterfaceIndex = 9;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "AsyncMac";
SettingID = "{78032B7E-4968-42D3-9F37-287EA86C0AAA}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000011] Microsoft 6to4 Adapter";
Description = "Microsoft 6to4 Adapter";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 11;
InterfaceIndex = 13;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "tunnel";
SettingID = "{4A3D2A58-3B35-4FAE-BE66-14F485520E20}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000013] Microsoft ISATAP Adapter";
Description = "Microsoft ISATAP Adapter";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 13;
InterfaceIndex = 14;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "tunnel";
SettingID = "{DE650C82-C0E5-4561-9048-F05B56D0C30C}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000015] Microsoft ISATAP Adapter";
Description = "Microsoft ISATAP Adapter";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 15;
InterfaceIndex = 15;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "tunnel";
SettingID = "{5196115C-0551-4B1C-AA16-D30B64FFB538}";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000016] VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter";
DatabasePath = "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\drivers\\etc";
DefaultTTL = 64;
Description = "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder = {};
DNSEnabledForWINSResolution = FALSE;
DNSHostName = "DKL18U83RFAQI3G";
DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled = FALSE;
FullDNSRegistrationEnabled = TRUE;
Index = 16;
InterfaceIndex = 16;
IPAddress = {"", "fe80::8104:5b2a:19de:41e7"};
IPConnectionMetric = 10;
IPEnabled = TRUE;
IPFilterSecurityEnabled = FALSE;
IPSecPermitIPProtocols = {};
IPSecPermitTCPPorts = {};
IPSecPermitUDPPorts = {};
IPSubnet = {"", ""};
MACAddress = "0A:00:27:00:00:10";
PMTUBHDetectEnabled = TRUE;
PMTUDiscoveryEnabled = TRUE;
ServiceName = "VBoxNetAdp";
SettingID = "{DF5268F5-C995-4010-984D-F9EA4C3889BE}";
TcpipNetbiosOptions = 0;
WINSEnableLMHostsLookup = TRUE;
WINSScopeID = "";
}; instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Caption = "[00000017] Microsoft ISATAP Adapter";
Description = "Microsoft ISATAP Adapter";
DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
Index = 17;
InterfaceIndex = 17;
IPEnabled = FALSE;
ServiceName = "tunnel";
SettingID = "{C21107AF-5813-4D7B-A4C1-3C16CA00FA2C}";



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  2. Daily Scrum Meeting 汇总
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  4. CEO应向软件工程师学习的7个技能
  5. 10 Best TV Series Based On Hacking And Technology
  6. Java RMI 远程方法调用
  7. 解决CAS单点登录出现PKIX path building failed的问题
  8. 学习Javascript闭包(Closure) by 阮一峰
  9. Children’s Queue
  10. 程序员面试必备经典CTCI,谷歌面试官经典作品!
  11. Error【0003】:配置桥接网络报错
  12. parallel Stream 学习
  13. 使用FormData进行Ajax请求上传文件
  14. Logcat命令详情
  15. 为docker配置HTTP代理服务器
  16. SharePoint PowerShell创建一个GUID
  17. Python3.X如何下载安装urllib2包 ?
  18. C#读写基恩士PLC 使用TCP/IP 协议 MC协议
  19. Spring学习笔记1——基础知识
  20. Android 透明状态栏


  1. day10 nfs服务,nginx负载均衡,定时任务
  2. 如何在select标签中使用a标签跳转页面
  3. 有道云笔记新功能发现——有道云笔记剪报,完美解决不开会员保存csdn博客到本地的问题。
  4. STM32 STM32F4 寄存器怎么配置不上, 无法往寄存器写入数据
  5. SpringBoot--外部配置
  6. java_static关键字
  7. MapReduce工作流程
  8. [转]gnome环境中将家目录下预设的文件夹由中文名称改为英文名称
  9. css3 ---1 基本的选择器
  10. Nginx的安装--------tar包安装