1 3D聚类和普通的二维聚类实质一样,只不过维数太高了,用三维图来表示了.


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- print(__doc__) # Code source: Gaël Varoquaux
# Modified for documentation by Jaques Grobler
# License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Though the following import is not directly being used, it is required
# for 3D projection to work
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn import datasets np.random.seed(5) iris = datasets.load_iris()
X = iris.data
y = iris.target estimators = [('k_means_iris_8', KMeans(n_clusters=8)),
('k_means_iris_3', KMeans(n_clusters=3)),
('k_means_iris_bad_init', KMeans(n_clusters=3, n_init=1,
init='random'))] fignum = 1
titles = ['8 clusters', '3 clusters', '3 clusters, bad initialization']
# for name, est in estimators:
name = 'k_means_iris_8'
est = KMeans(n_clusters=8)
picture = plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(4, 3))
ax = Axes3D(picture, rect=[0, 0, .95, 1], elev=48, azim=134)
labels = est.labels_ ax.scatter(X[:, 3], X[:, 0], X[:, 2],
c=labels.astype(np.float), edgecolor='k') ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([])
ax.set_xlabel('Petal width')
ax.set_ylabel('Sepal length')
ax.set_zlabel('Petal length')
ax.set_title(titles[fignum - 1])
ax.dist = 12 # Plot the ground truth
picture = plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(4, 3))
ax = Axes3D(picture, rect=[0, 0, .95, 1], elev=48, azim=134) for name, label in [('Setosa', 0),
('Versicolour', 1),
('Virginica', 2)]:
ax.text3D(X[y == label, 3].mean(),
X[y == label, 0].mean(),
X[y == label, 2].mean() + 2, name,
bbox=dict(alpha=.2, edgecolor='w', facecolor='w'))
# Reorder the labels to have colors matching the cluster results
y = np.choose(y, [1, 2, 0]).astype(np.float)
ax.scatter(X[:, 3], X[:, 0], X[:, 2], c=y, edgecolor='k') ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([])
ax.set_xlabel('Petal width')
ax.set_ylabel('Sepal length')
ax.set_zlabel('Petal length')
ax.set_title('Ground Truth')
ax.dist = 12 plt.show()




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