
功能  Windows & Linux   Mac

  1. 移动鼠标到控制台 Ctrl+2 Ctrl+2
  2. 移动到鼠标命令编辑 Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1
  3. 控制台清屏 Ctrl+L Command+L
  4. 移动鼠标至第一行 Home Command+Left
  5. 移动鼠标至最后一行 End Command+Right
  6. 历史记录翻滚 Up/Down Up/Down
  7. 弹出历史记录栏 Ctrl+Up Command+Up
  8. 终止目前命令 Esc Esc
  9. 改变工作路径 Ctrl+Shift+K Ctrl+Shift+K


  功能     Windows & Linux      Mac

  1. 移动鼠标到文件搜索区 Ctrl+. Ctrl+.
  2. 移动鼠标至文件编辑区 Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1
  3. 新文档(chrome除外) Ctrl+Shift+N Command+Shift+N
  4. 打开文档 Ctrl+O Command+O
  5. 保存当前文档 Ctrl+S Command+S
  6. 关闭当前文档(chrome除外) Ctrl+W Command+W
  7. 关闭当前文档(chrome) Ctrl+Shift+Z Command+Shift+Z
  8. 关闭所有文档 Ctrl+Shift+W Command+Shift+W
  9. 预览HTML Ctrl+Shift+Y Command+Shift+Y
  10. 转换为HTML Ctrl+Shift+H Command+Shift+H
  11. 编译PDF (TeX and Sweave) Ctrl+Shift+I Command+Shift+I
  12. 插入块 Ctrl+Alt+I Command+Option+I
  13. 插入代码块 Ctrl+Shift+R Command+Shift+R
  14. 运行当前行 Ctrl+Enter Command+Enter
  15. 重新运行当前区 Ctrl+Shift+P Command+Shift+P
  16. 运行当前文档 Ctrl+Alt+R Command+Option+R
  17. 从开始运行至当前行 Ctrl+Alt+B Command+Option+B
  18. 从当前行运行至结尾 Ctrl+Alt+E Command+Option+E
  19. 运行当前函数定义 Ctrl+Alt+F Command+Option+F
  20. 运行当前块 Ctrl+Alt+C Command+Option+C
  21. 运行下一个块 Ctrl+Alt+N Command+Option+N
  22. 执行一个文件 Ctrl+Shift+O Command+Shift+O
  23. 执行当前文档 Ctrl+Shift+S Command+Shift+S
  24. 执行当前文档并且显示 Ctrl+Shift+Enter Command+Shift+Enter
  25. 折叠选项 Alt+L Command+Option+L
  26. 打开选项 Shift+Alt+L Command+Shift+Option+L
  27. 折叠所有 Alt+0 Command+Option+0
  28. 打开所有 Shift+Alt+0 Command+Shift+Option+0
  29. 前往行 Shift+Alt+G Command+Shift+Option+G
  30. 跳至 Shift+Alt+J Command+Shift+Option+J
  31. 换页 Ctrl+Alt+Down Ctrl+Option+Down
  32. 前一页 Win: Ctrl+Alt+Left, Linux: Ctrl+PageUp Ctrl+Option+Left
  33. 后一页 Win: Ctrl+Alt+Right, Linux: Ctrl+PageDown Ctrl+Option+Right
  34. 第一页 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Left Ctrl+Shift+Option+Left
  35. 最后一页 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Right Ctrl+Shift+Option+Right
  36. 往回导航 Ctrl+F9 Command+F9
  37. 向前导航 Ctrl+F10 Command+F10
  38. 行缩进 Ctrl+I Command+I
  39. 从选择中抽取函数 Ctrl+Shift+U Command+Shift+U
  40. 注释/取消注释当前行 Ctrl+Shift+C Command+Shift+C
  41. 重新注释 Ctrl+Shift+/ Command+Shift+/
  42. Transpose Letters Ctrl+T
  43. Move Lines Up/Down Alt+Up/Down Option+Up/Down
  44. Copy Lines Up/Down Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down Command+Option+Up/Down
  45. Jump to Matching Brace/Paren Ctrl+P Ctrl+P
  46. Find and Replace Ctrl+F Command+F
  47. Find Next Win: F3, Linux: Ctrl+G Command+G
  48. Find Previous Win: Shift+F3, Linux: Ctrl+Shift+G Command+Shift+G
  49. Replace and Find Ctrl+= Command+=
  50. Find in Files Ctrl+Shift+F Command+Shift+F
  51. Check spelling F7 F7

三、Editing (Console and Source)

  Description  Windows & Linux    Mac

  1. Undo Ctrl+Z Command+Z
  2. Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Command+Shift+Z
  3. Cut Ctrl+X Command+X
  4. Copy Ctrl+C Command+C
  5. Paste Ctrl+V Command+V
  6. Select All Ctrl+A Command+A
  7. Jump to Word Ctrl+Left/Right Option+Left/Right
  8. Jump to Start/End Ctrl+Home/End or Ctrl+Up/Down Command+Home/End or Command+Up/Down
  9. Delete Line Ctrl+D Command+D
  10. Select Shift+[Arrow] Shift+[Arrow]
  11. Select Word Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right Option+Shift+Left/Right
  12. Select to Line Start Shift+Home Command+Shift+Left or Shift+Home
  13. Select to Line End Shift+End Command+Shift+Right or Shift+End
  14. Select Page Up/Down Shift+PageUp/PageDown Shift+PageUp/Down
  15. Select to Start/End Ctrl+Shift+Home/End or Shift+Alt+Up/Down Command+Shift+Up/Down
  16. Delete Word Left Ctrl+Backspace Option+Backspace or Ctrl+Option+Backspace
  17. Delete Word Right Option+Delete
  18. Delete to Line End Ctrl+K
  19. Delete to Line Start Option+Backspace
  20. Indent Tab (at beginning of line) Tab (at beginning of line)
  21. Outdent Shift+Tab Shift+Tab
  22. Yank line up to cursor Ctrl+U Ctrl+U
  23. Yank line after cursor Ctrl+K Ctrl+K
  24. Insert currently yanked text Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Y
  25. Insert assignment operator Alt+- Option+-
  26. Show help for function at cursor F1 F1
  27. Show source code for function at cursor F2 F2
  28. Completions (Console and Source)
  29. Description Windows & Linux Mac
  30. Attempt completion Tab or Ctrl+Space Tab or Command+Space
  31. Navigate candidates Up/Down Up/Down
  32. Accept selected candidate Enter, Tab, or Right Enter, Tab, or Right
  33. Dismiss completion popup Esc Esc


  Description Windows & Linux Mac

  1. Goto File/Function Ctrl+. Ctrl+.
  2. Move cursor to Source Editor Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1
  3. Move cursor to Console Ctrl+2 Ctrl+2
  4. Move focus to Help Ctrl+3 Ctrl+3
  5. Show History Ctrl+4 Ctrl+4
  6. Show Files Ctrl+5 Ctrl+5
  7. Show Plots Ctrl+6 Ctrl+6
  8. Show Packages Ctrl+7 Ctrl+7
  9. Show Workspace Ctrl+8 Ctrl+8
  10. Show Git/SVN Ctrl+9 Ctrl+9
  11. Show Build Ctrl+0 Ctrl+0
  12. Sync Editor and PDF Preview Ctrl+F8 Command+F8


  Description Windows & Linux Mac

  1. Build and Reload Ctrl+Shift+B Command+Shift+B
  2. Load All (devtools) Ctrl+Shift+L Command+Shift+L
  3. Check Package Ctrl+Shift+E Command+Shift+E


  Description Windows & Linux Mac

  1. Previous plot Ctrl+Shift+PageUp Command+Shift+PageUp
  2. Next plot Ctrl+Shift+PageDown Command+Shift+PageDown
  3. Show manipulator Ctrl+Shift+M Command+Shift+M


  Description Windows & Linux Mac

  1. Diff active source document Ctrl+Shift+D Command+Shift+D
  2. Commit changes Ctrl+Shift+M Command+Shift+M
  3. Scroll diff view Ctrl+Up/Down Ctrl+Up/Down
  4. Stage/Unstage (Git) Spacebar Spacebar
  5. Stage/Unstage and move next (Git) Enter Enter


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