U.S. fans of the hit talent show 'The Voice' may take for granted that its judges sit with their backs to performers, choosing winners purely on the basis of their voices. But in China, where television and much of society is frequently biased toward the well-connected, the backward chairs are an important clue about why 'The Voice' has become China's most popular show.

When the Chinese version of 'The Voice' appeared last year, many viewers expected it to be another typical Chinese variety show. TV networks in China are saturated with reality-show competitions, from dating to job hunting and cooking, which tend to be predetermined, often with the best-looking contestants destined to win.

saturated with:充满,饱和    predetermined:预先决定的    contestant:选手,参赛者    destined to:注定要,命中注定

Yuan Yawei, a 29-year-old self-taught singer from China's central Hunan province, originally turned up her nose when show organizers encouraged her to try out for 'The Voice.' 'I just rejected it,' said Ms. Yuan. 'It's too hard to be yourself on Chinese TV.'

But unlike other Chinese reality shows, 'The Voice of China,' now in its second season, has adhered more closely to its original Dutch format. Critics say it's one of the country's only reality shows with an element of surprise, in which every detail isn't already mapped out. Ms. Yuan finally decided to participate in the show after discovering it would be a true reality show. (She made it to the final rounds before being eliminated in the 11th episode.)


'Directors were actually willing to let me sing in my style,' said Ms. Yuan, noting that other Chinese TV shows insisted that she avoid jazz and blues, styles that define her but aren't popular in China.

'The Voice of China' defies long-held stereotypes that Chinese television is boring and performers are shy and reserved, says Edward Bell, head of strategy and planning at the Shanghai arm of advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather. Judges like pop singer Zhang Huimei, who goes by A-mei, scream with excitement and cry when team members are let go, Mr. Bell says. Yu Chengqing, an actor also known by the name of Harlem Yu, pours out emotions from elation to frustration.

Producers of 'The Voice of China' attribute the show's popularity to its unbiased contestant selections. The show has an average viewership of more than seven million per episode on television and more than 70 million viewers online, according to data from media firm GroupM and online market research firm iResearch Consulting Group. 'Almost every other show in China looks at someone's appearance to judge their talent,' says 'Voice of China' director Zhang Weiqi. 'This isn't one of those shows.'


Contestants such as Lin Yuqun, who sports thick, plastic-framed glasses and a bowl haircut and is referred to as 'Little Fatty' on the show, progressed well into the second season, belting out ballads that sounded like they came from singers Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston. Tian Yuan, who has one side of her head shaved, gained favor after singing a soulful version of the Police's 'Every Breath You Take.'

belt out:引吭高歌    ballad:民歌,情歌           
'Remember that this is the country that encouraged a lip-syncing girl to perform at the Olympic ceremony,' says Mr. Bell, referring to an incident in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, when a young girl was chosen to lip sync over a track of Yang Peiyi, another child who had a beautiful voice but was shunned because she had crooked teeth.

lip-syncing:对嘴    shunned:避开,躲开    crooked:弯曲的,不正的

Viewers like Shao Peixun see the show as the kind of hope that young audiences need in a society where success has famously been determined by political connections. 'We are all born with different backgrounds and resources, none of which contribute to equality,' said Mr. Shao, a 29-year-old writer in Beijing. 'That's why the idea of fairness is so appealing,' he said, even if on a TV show.

In its second season, the show has been criticized for accepting applicants who already have made inroads in the music industry. One has sung the theme song to a popular TV show, while another is in a band that's gained popularity with Chinese-Korean pop fans.


Mr. Zhang said the show is truly blind to judging. He said 'The Voice of China' has been highly influential in Chinese society, spurring other television networks to increase investments in higher-quality content. Chinese audiences are also broadening their musical taste beyond pop, to genres like rhythm and blues, introduced on the show, he said.

For Ms. Yuan, the show opened a door to a record deal and more bookings at clubs where she can sing in her experimental style. 'It's made a big difference,' she said.

She recalled that after the first few episodes aired, complete strangers asked for her autograph. 'Some contestants like me have never had a chance to make it this big,' Ms. Yuan said.


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