Experiment report of Besti

course:《Program Design & Data Structures》

Class: 1623

Student Name: Wang, Yixiao

Student Number:20162314


Experiment date:2017.11.19

Secret level: Unsecretive

Experiment time:60 minutes


Experiment order:4

Experiment content

  1. Graph implement and apply-1
  1. Graph implement and apply-2

3.Graph implement and apply-3

Experiment situation

Exp1 Graph implement and apply-1

  • It's easy to finish this experiment.
  • To start with , import to form a new LinkedBinaryTree to start the experiment.
  • Next , use the method GetRight GetLeft to ealuation.
  • Then , new element "ABC".
  • Last , Assert.assertequals();

Exp2 Graph implement and apply-2

  • To start with , use the number to replace "A B C D ....."
  • Next , new newNode
  • Then, creat BinTree to get left child and right child
  • Use three methods preOrderTraverse,inOrderTraverse,postOrderTraverse.

Exp3 Graph implement and apply-3

  • To start with , creat a class TwentyQuestionsPlayer
  • String the Questions and the answers as the order
  • New them
  • Write a method play(),Yes =Y , No=N .
  • Next , write a function to finish this experiment.

Code hosting

PSP5.1(Personal Software Process)

Steps Time percent
requirement 45minutes 16.7%
design 50minutes 18.5%
coding 1.5hours 32.2%
test 30minutes 11.1%
summary 55minutes 19.2%


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  2. Sqoop增量从MySQL中向hive导入数据
  3. Linux Shell编程(2): for while
  4. python中关于正则表达式三
  5. 有感于NC的强大
  6. 文档PDF开放
  7. SQLite Select 语句(http://www.w3cschool.cc/sqlite/sqlite-select.html)
  8. PyPI可以使用的几个国内源
  9. 【LeetCode每天一题】Minimum Path Sum(最短路径和)
  10. Android中碎片的添加问题
  11. 物联网智能家居ppt
  12. 【腾讯Bugly干货分享】舞动的表情包——浅析GIF格式图片的存储和压缩
  13. Github page搭建博客使用自定义插件的方法
  14. 4.11Python数据处理篇之Matplotlib系列(十一)---图例,网格,背景的设置
  15. STL_string.vector中find到的iterator的序号
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  18. redis学习(三)redis持久化
  19. 使用 IntraWeb (4) - 页面布局之 TIWRegion
  20. Linux内核的ioctl函数学习


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  2. MQTT协议笔记之发布流程
  3. LeetCode——Search for a Range
  4. iconfont阿里爸爸做的开源图库
  5. 【BZOJ3551】[ONTAK2010]Peaks加强版 最小生成树+DFS序+主席树
  6. Unity3D笔记九 发送广播与消息、利用脚本控制游戏
  7. java使用poi解析或处理excel的时候,如何防止数字变成科学计数法的形式和其他常见Excel中数据转换问题
  8. Nginx配置ssl安全证书
  9. pandas的merge方法
  10. rac数据库单连接报错ora-12537解决办法