/* Redis可真能坑爷,原先的设计用redis保存临时数据,可到了实际应用(实际上也就是几十个人同时用),总是出现莫名其妙的问题,最常见的就是读不出数据来,调试了好多天,那问题还是偶尔出现(也不是一直有,偶尔读不到),幸好这段时间接触swoole,发现有swoole_table这么个好东东,于是就先试试吧,下面的就是用于替换redis的。完了后再测,基本没出什么异常,也用了N个客户端同时自动发送(比原先十几个人手工发速度要快很多了),运行了十多分钟,基本没问题。 swoole_table还有些功能上的不足之处:
3,创建表时,有点麻烦,如果能象redis那样允许直接一个字串就好了,虽然可以创建只有一个列的表,可还是觉得有点不方便; 下面的类是完整应用类,里面的表结构需根据实际需要设置 调用: $mem=new Mem_swoole(); 然后就可以按对象直接使用啦。 */ class Mem_swoole
private $user;//数据表
private $client;//数据表
private $master;//数据表 private $index;//保存数据表的所有键
private $count;//计数器 private $temp;//测试表 public function __construct($conf = [])
$user = [];
$user[] = ['key' => 'ip', 'type' => 'string', 'len' => 15];
$user[] = ['key' => 'port', 'type' => 'int', 'len' => 4];
$user[] = ['key' => 'dns', 'type' => 'string', 'len' => 30];
$user[] = ['key' => 'pid', 'type' => 'int', 'len' => 4];
$user[] = ['key' => 'mode', 'type' => 'int', 'len' => 2];
$user[] = ['key' => 'screen', 'type' => 'string', 'len' => 10];
$user[] = ['key' => 'name', 'type' => 'string', 'len' => 30]; $client = [];
$client[] = ['key' => 'dns', 'type' => 'string', 'len' => 15];
$client[] = ['key' => 'client', 'type' => 'string', 'len' => 100]; $master = [];
$master[] = ['key' => 'id', 'type' => 'int', 'len' => 4];
$master[] = ['key' => 'dns', 'type' => 'string', 'len' => 15];
$master[] = ['key' => 'lv', 'type' => 'int', 'len' => 1]; $index = [];
$index[] = ['key' => 'keys', 'type' => 'string', 'len' => 65536]; $count = [];
$count[] = ['key' => 'send', 'type' => 'int', 'len' => 8]; $this->user = new swoole_table(1024);
$this->client = new swoole_table(1024);
$this->master = new swoole_table(1024);
$this->index = new swoole_table(8);
$this->count = new swoole_table(8); $this->column($this->user, $user);
$this->column($this->client, $client);
$this->column($this->master, $master);
$this->column($this->index, $index);
$this->column($this->count, $count); $this->user->create();
} /**
* swoole_table的测试
* @param string $table
public function test($table = 'temp')
$count = [];
$count[] = ['key' => 'name', 'type' => 'string', 'len' => 50];
$count[] = ['key' => 'title', 'type' => 'string', 'len' => 50]; $this->{$table} = new swoole_table(1024);
$allType = ['int' => swoole_table::TYPE_INT, 'string' => swoole_table::TYPE_STRING, 'float' => swoole_table::TYPE_FLOAT];
foreach ($count as $row) {
$this->{$table}->column($row['key'], $allType[$row['type']], $row['len']);
$this->{$table}->create(); foreach ([1, 2, 3] as $val) {
$value = ['title' => "这是第{$val}个标题"];
$this->{$table}->set("K_{$val}", $value);
$this->record($table, "K_{$val}");
} foreach ([4, 5, 6] as $val) {
$value = ['name' => "这是第{$val}个名字"];
$this->{$table}->set("K_{$val}", $value);
$this->record($table, "K_{$val}");
} foreach ([7, 8, 9] as $val) {
$value = ['name' => "这是第{$val}个名字", 'title' => "这是第{$val}个标题"];
$this->{$table}->set("K_{$val}", $value);
$this->record($table, "K_{$val}");
} $value = [];
foreach ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] as $val) {
$value["K_{$val}"] = $this->{$table}->get("K_{$val}");
} $key = $this->record($table);
$all = $this->getAll($table);
} /**
* 数据表定义
* @param $name
* @param $type
* @param int $len
private function column(swoole_table $table, $arr)
$allType = ['int' => swoole_table::TYPE_INT, 'string' => swoole_table::TYPE_STRING, 'float' => swoole_table::TYPE_FLOAT];
foreach ($arr as $row) {
if (!isset($allType[$row['type']])) $row['type'] = 'string';
$table->column($row['key'], $allType[$row['type']], $row['len']);
} /**
* 存入【指定表】【行键】【行值】
* @param $key
* @param array $array
* @return bool
public function set($table, $key, array $array)
$this->{$table}->set($key, $this->checkArray($array));
$this->add($table, 1);
return $this->record($table, $key);
} /**
* 存入数据时,遍历数据,二维以上的内容转换JSON
* @param array $array
* @return array
private function checkArray(array $array)
$value = [];
foreach ($array as $key => $arr) {
$value[$key] = is_array($arr) ? json_encode($arr, 256) : $arr;
return $value;
} /**
* 读取【指定表】的【行键】数据
* @param $key
* @return array
public function get($table, $key)
return $this->{$table}->get($key);
} /**
* 读取【指定表】所有行键值和记录
* @param $table
* @return array
public function getAll($table)
$recode = $this->record($table);
return $this->getKeyValue($table, $recode);
} /**
* 读取【指定表】【指定键值】的记录
* @param $table
* @param $recode
* @return array
public function getKeyValue($table, $recode)
$value = [];
foreach ($recode as $i => $key) {
$value[$key] = $this->get($table, $key);
return $value;
} /**
* 读取【指定表】的所有行键
* @param $table
* @return array
public function getKey($table)
return $this->record($table);
} /**
* 记录【某个表】所有记录的键值,或读取【某个表】
* @param $table
* @param null $key 不指定为读取
* @param bool|true $add 加,或减
* @return array
private function record($table, $key = null, $add = true)
$oldVal = $this->index->get($table);
if (!$oldVal) {
$tmpArr = [];
} else {
$tmpArr = explode(',', $oldVal['keys']);
if ($key === null) {//读取,直接返回
return $tmpArr;
if ($add === true) {//加
$tmpArr[] = $key;
$tmpArr = array_unique($tmpArr);//过滤重复
} else {//减
$tmpArr = array_flip($tmpArr);//交换键值
$tmpArr = array_flip($tmpArr);//交换回来
$this->index->set($table, ['keys' => implode(',', $tmpArr)]);
return $this->index->unlock();
} /**
* 删除key
* @param $key
* @return bool
public function del($table, $key)
$this->add($table, -1);
return $this->record($table, $key, false);
} /**
* 原子自增操作,可用于整形或浮点型列
* @param string $TabKey 表名.键名,但这儿的键名要是预先定好义的
* @param int $incrby 可以是正数、负数,或0,=0时为读取值
* @return bool
public function add($TabKey = 'count.send', $incrby = 1)
if (is_int($TabKey)) list($incrby, $TabKey) = [$TabKey, 'count.send'];
list($table, $column, $tmp) = explode('.', $TabKey . '.send.'); if ($incrby >= 0) {
return $this->count->incr($table, $column, $incrby);
} else {
return $this->count->decr($table, $column, 0 - $incrby);
} /**
* 某表行数
* @param string $TabKey
* @return bool
public function len($TabKey = 'count.send')
return $this->add($TabKey, 0);
} /**
* 锁定整个表
* @return bool
public function lock($table)
return $this->{$table}->lock();
} /**
* 释放表锁
* @return bool
public function unlock($table)
return $this->{$table}->unlock();
} }


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