The Go Project



Go is an open source project developed by a team at Google and many contributors from the open source community.

Go is distributed under a BSD-style license.

Announcements Mailing List

A low traffic mailing list for important announcements, such as new releases.

We encourage all Go users to subscribe to golang-announce.

Version history

Release History

summary of the changes between Go releases. Notes for the major releases:

Go 1 and the Future of Go Programs

What Go 1 defines and the backwards-compatibility guarantees one can expect as Go 1 matures.

Developer Resources

Source Code

Check out the Go source code.

Developer and Code Review Mailing List

The golang-dev mailing list is for discussing code changes to the Go project. The golang-codereviews mailing list is for actual reviewing of the code changes (CLs).

For general discussion of Go programming, see golang-nuts.

Checkins Mailing List

A mailing list that receives a message summarizing each checkin to the Go repository.

Build Status

View the status of Go builds across the supported operating systems and architectures.

How you can help

Reporting issues

If you spot bugs, mistakes, or inconsistencies in the Go project's code or documentation, please let us know byfiling a ticket on our issue tracker. (Of course, you should check it's not an existing issue before creating a new one.)

We pride ourselves on being meticulous; no issue is too small.

Security-related issues should be reported to
See the security policy for more details.

Community-related issues should be reported to
See the Code of Conduct for more details.

Contributing code

Go is an open source project and we welcome contributions from the community.

To get started, read these contribution guidelines for information on design, testing, and our code review process.

Check the tracker for open issues that interest you. Those labeled help wanted are particularly in need of outside help.


  1. 实现一个类 RequireJS 的模块加载器 (二)
  2. java中的hashSet和Treeset的分析
  3. Careercup 论坛上较有意思的题目整理
  4. 连通性1 求无向图的low值
  5. Protocol Buffer技术详解(数据编码)
  6. 基于Qt的P2P局域网聊天及文件传送软件设计
  7. 实战:sqlserver 数据实时同步到mysql
  8. linux查看系统版本
  9. samba服务器加入域控主机所需要修改的配置文件
  10. 切图教程,APP切图实例
  11. 转: css3动画简介以及动画库animate.css的使用
  12. HNCU1101:马的移动(BFS)
  13. Java1.5泛型指南中文版(Java1.5 Generic Tutorial)
  14. NBUT 1457 Sona
  15. macaca测试web小例子
  16. 玩转 Redis缓存 集群高可用
  17. Python系列-python函数(functools)
  18. mysql命令查看表结构及注释
  19. Swift用户通知授权
  20. git配置正确且权限已开但是pull或push提示无权限


  1. CentOS 7.0源码包搭建LNMP方法分享(实际环境下)
  2. CentOS 6.6搭建LNMP环境
  3. opencv 应用程序无法正常启动(0xooooo7b)
  4. Qt 文档编辑设置
  5. pg中删除的页是否仍被访问
  6. UIImage加载图片的方式以及Images.xcassets对于加载方法的影响
  7. unity还原three之旋转
  8. python中高阶函数与装饰器(3)
  9. java基础-引用数据类型之二维数组(Array)
  10. SQL Server 2008定期的备份数据库--差异+完整