You can config file by this command:

  • grep -rl "Could not detect Mac OS X Version from sw_vers output:" /Applications/

  • Terminal will show : /Applications/ /Applications/ /Applications/ /Applications/

  • Use command vim and config each file.


vim /Applications/

Config file:

  1. Change From ->

    case 10: _arr = ['10.8', '10.9', '10.10', '10.11']; _i = 0; 

    To ->

    case 10: _arr = ['10.8', '10.9', '10.10', '10.11','10.12']; _i = 0;

vim /Applications/

Config file:

  1. Change From ->

    try { stdout = (await exec('sw_vers', ['-productVersion'])).stdout; }

    To ->

    try { stdout = (await exec('sw_vers', ['-productVersion'])).stdout.trim(); }

  2. Change From ->

    for (let v of ['10.8', '10.9', '10.10', '10.11']) { if (stdout.indexOf(v) === 0) { return v; } } 

    To ->

    for (let v of ['10.8', '10.9', '10.10', '10.11','10.12']) { if (stdout.indexOf(v) === 0) { return v; } }

vim /Applications/

Config file:

  1. Change From ->

    case 10: _arr = ['10.8', '10.9', '10.10', '10.11']; _i = 0;

    To ->

    case 10: _arr = ['10.8', '10.9', '10.10', '10.11','10.12']; _i = 0;

vim /Applications/

Config file:

  1. Change From ->

    try { stdout = (await exec('sw_vers', ['-productVersion'])).stdout; }

    To ->

    try { stdout = (await exec('sw_vers', ['-productVersion'])).stdout.trim(); }

  2. Change From ->

    for (let v of ['10.8', '10.9', '10.10', '10.11']) { if (stdout.indexOf(v) === 0) { return v; } }

    To ->

    for (let v of ['10.8', '10.9', '10.10', '10.11','10.12']) { if (stdout.indexOf(v) === 0) { return v; } }

Click start the stethoscope button


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