.NET Foundation:https://github.com/dotnet/home
.NET Core:https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr
.NET Core Roadmap
ASP.NET Core 1.0 Schedule and Roadmap

现在.NET Core版本是RC1,ASP.NET Core现在版本是RC1  http://dotnet.github.io/docs/getting-started/installing/installing-core-osx.html

brew install wget
wget https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/dev/Installers/Latest/dotnet-osx-x64.latest.pkg

dotnet new
dotnet restore
dotnet run

.NET Core后期的工作

There are several areas of the product that are TBD. This designation doesn't mean that they are not important, just that there is no plan in place yet. Feel free to contribute that plan.

  • OS package manager support (e.g. apt-get, brew).
  • Broader Linux distro support (beyond Debian and CentOS).
  • Create low-level FX APIs for Linux (e.g. daemon support) and OSX, much like exists for Windows (e.g. Windows registry).

ASP.NET Core 后期工作

The following features unfortunately won't make it into the initial RTM release. We are tentatively planning on shipping them in the initial feature release after RTM, during Q3* of 2016:

  • Visual Basic support
  • SignalR 3
  • Web Pages 4

* References to yearly quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) are calendar-based

TBD 是什么原因?

2016年2月1日  https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/webdev/2016/02/01/an-update-on-asp-net-core-and-net-core

The .NET and ASP.NET teams could have made up some new dates to publish, but they wouldn’t be as accurate as we feel we could deliver without further review of our current state and the new tools we want to be sure we deliver. As soon as we have the new ASP.NET and .NET Core tools working together we will update the roadmap with more appropriate dates for ASP.NET and the .NET team will update their roadmap with dates for .NET Core. The two teams are working hard on the framework and tools, and we hope to be able to revise the roadmap with a more accurate schedule in the next few weeks.


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