1,since I could basically walk : pretty much

2,Malaysian girl

3,profound love: deep very inportant

4,avid travelers:very interested in sth ethusiastic/ethusiasm

5,I feel so privileged that.... a high or better position

6,many important aspects with travelling :parts of

7,but if you do,embrace it to hug

8,you aren't enclosed in your bubble  inside

9,I hadn't been really exposed to it util...... poverty coming in to contact with sth bad

10,busking with a guitar playing music in a public place for money

11,they were begging tourist for money : for money or for help

12,I could see their distressed expressions:to be upset

13,Nowadays,some people wouldn't be caught buying a pair of $5 shoes that isn't branded or "in style"  not willing to be caght

14,consider shoes to be a luxury :expensive luxuries

15,Thai locals Thailand people

16,have a reputation for providing superb hospitality(n) amazing hospitable(adj)

17,please do not use The before the country name

18,in the Grand Bazzar market usually used in middle asian

19,the Turks tried to make us feel comfortable  Turkish

20,we never know what we have util we lose it

21,travelling can be perceived as the golden opportunity to escape from reality consider

22,after time is spend away from my comfy bed comfortable

23,you realised how much you miss all that regularity :consistensy A regularity is the fact that the same thing always happens in the same circumstances

24,even a road trip is a good idea

25,over your knees

26,to broaden your horizens

27,as the trending phrase rose to fame 流行的谚语 become famous

28,YOLO you only live once

29,absolutely/a hundrend percent/right/perfect/


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