

Video series for Dynamic Programming


Planning a company party

Ref: http://mypathtothe4.blogspot.com.au/2013/03/dynamic-programming-company-party.html



Naive Recursive Solution

Idea 1

    1. 变成了从大集合中挑N个人组合,当然,最好是由多到少的选人。
    2. 然后判断这个集合是否满足情况。

Idea 2

Find-Max-Conv(Node n)
if n.children = null
return max(, n.rating)

return max( Sum(Find-Max-Conv(i)) for all i = n.children),
Sum(Find-Max-Conv(i) for all i = n.grandchildren) + n.rating) //return 的内容有问题,不过不要紧

Let's take a quick look at what this recursion does: the base case (leaves) in lines (1, 2) simply returns the max value of not 0 (not inviting someone) and the conviviality rating of the person. (We need the comparison with 0 in case the conviviality is negative). Line 3 is our recursive call; the solution, given some node, will be the maximum of inviting the current node (person) and not inviting the current node (person). If we invite the current node, we cannot invite children, and thus we sum the current value with the maximum ratings of the current node's grandchildren. If we don't invite the current node, then the maximum value would be the sum of maximum convivialities over all children.

Consider the running time of this algorithm. We go through every node in the tree, and consider adding or not adding it. So there are two options for each of n nodes (0, 1), meaning the number of operations will be some function of 2^n. This is exponential running time and undesirable.

Dynamic Programming


The principal idea then, is to start from node n and work back to the root, each time basing the current optimal conviviality on previously computed sub-problems that have been stored in some memoization table.

Find-Max-Conv(Tree t)
Let MC[ ] be an array of length n that contains max conviviality from this node down in the tree
for i = Node n down to
MC[i] = max(i.rating + Sum of all MC[i.grandchildren], Sum of all MC[i.children])
(If node i has no grandchildren or children, replace i.grandchildren and/or i.children with )
return MC[]





Find if a string is interleaved of two other strings

Ref: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/check-whether-a-given-string-is-an-interleaving-of-two-other-given-strings-set-2/

For example A = “XXY”, string B = “XXZ” and string C = “XXZXXXY”


Naive Recursive Solution


// A simple recursive function to check whether C is an interleaving of A and B
bool isInterleaved(char *A, char *B, char *C)
// Base Case: If all strings are empty
if (!(*A || *B || *C))
return true; // If C is empty and any of the two strings is not empty
if (*C == '\0')
return false; // If any of the above mentioned two possibilities is true,
// then return true, otherwise false
return ( (*C == *A) && isInterleaved(A+, B, C+))
|| ((*C == *B) && isInterleaved(A, B+, C+));

The worst-case time complexity of the recursive solution is O(2n).  // 从return的形式可见"二叉树的node的扩展方式"

The above recursive solution certainly has many overlapping subproblems. For example, if we consider A = “XXX”, B = “XXX” and C = “XXXXXX” and draw recursion tree, there will be many overlapping subproblems.
Therefore, like other typical Dynamic Programming problems, we can solve it by creating a table and store results of subproblems in bottom up manner.

Dynamic Programming


s1 = “aabcc”       <- x
s2 = “dbbca”       <- y
s3 = “aadbbcbcac”  <- z



当len z = 4时,只会是len x + len y = 4的情况;






"If z is the interleaving of x and y, it contains a subproblem z'= z1...zm+n−1 and the last bit zm+n must be xm or yn."

len z = 4时(黄色格子),sub-problem的结果就是桔黄色的格子如下。


Weights and Measures - Turtle Tower

叠乌龟问题:极其经典,研究价值五星 - 你值得拥有! - 因为五星,所以配图。

From: http://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3121/Lectures/COMP3121_Lecture_Notes_DP.pdf

You are given n turtles, and for each turtle you are given its weight and its strength.

The strength of a turtle is the maximal weight you can put on it without cracking its shell.

Find the largest possible number of turtles which you can stack one on top of the other without cracking any turtle.

Naive Recursive Solution

  /* 非常复杂,不太现实 */

Dynamic Programming

Subproblem P(j): Find the largest possible number of turtles from the set {T1 , . . . , Tj } 
which you can stack one on top of the other without cracking any turtle.



P(11) 的所有子情况是:

    • P(10)的最优解
    • P(09)的最优解
    • ...
    • P(01)的最优解

那么,P(11) 能利用这些么?

    • new P(11)的最优解中T11是最下面的位置么?
    • new P(10)的最优解中T11是最下面的位置么?
    • new P(09)的最优解中T11是最下面的位置么?
    • ...
    • new P(01)的最优解中T11是最下面的位置么?



故,new P(09)的最优解就不是extension of P(09) 的最优解。




Answer: strength + weight

Thus, we order turtles according to the sum of their strength plus their weight, i.e., assume that for all i, j ≤ n

关于这个意义在于,它保证了一种叠海归的方案,这个方案的最底下的海龟是新海龟,因为它的strength + weight最大。




To guarantee that optimal towers can be obtained from the previous optimal towers

we build a sequence of lightest possible towers of every possible height.

P(10) height:3 的构造过程:


T10 若能承受w1+w2,则T10必定在最底下。     <-- 保证了recursion的可行性!

T10 不能承受w1+w2,则不管如何排1,2,T10 都是不可能的。



"在P(10) height:3可行的大前提下,如此,必定真正的P(10) height:3就是这么组合的了"

何为"可行"?就是直接看sT10 > w1+w2就是可行。(因为有推理一作为保证)

P()  // Now

      • height 1  --> 若干results, 只选最轻的那一个
      • height 2  --> 若干results, 只选最轻的那一个
      • height 3  --> 若干results, 只选最轻的那一个
      • ...
      • height 10 --> 若干results, 只选最轻的那一个

P()  // Sub-problem

      • height 1 --> 若干results, 只选最轻的那一个
      • height 2 --> 若干results, 只选最轻的那一个
      • height 3 --> 若干results, 只选最轻的那一个
      • ...
      • height 9 --> 若干results, 只选最轻的那一个


Thus, we solve the following generalisations of our problem, for every j ≤ n:

Subproblem P(j):

For each k ≤ j for which there exists a tower of turtles of length k built from turtles {T1, . . . , Tj} (not necessarily containing Tj ),

find the lightest one.


With this subproblem, we can solve any P(i) like this:  // P(10)


To obtain the lightest tower θ(k, i) of any height k built from turtles {T1,...,Ti},  // θ(k, 10): P()下的一系列heigh k = 3

we look at

    • the lightest tower θ(k, i−1) of height k                                                               // θ(k, 09): P()下的一系列heigh k = 3

    • the lightest tower θ(k-1, i−1) of height k − 1                                                     // θ(k, 09): P()下的一系列heigh k-1 = 2

both built from turtles T1,T2,...,Ti−1, which we have got in the sub-problem P(i-1).



    • If the tower obtained by extending θ(k-1, i−1) with Ti is both legitimate and lighter than θ(k, i−1), we let θ(k, i) be such a tower. (this means Ti contributes to a better lightest tower with more Residual Capacity)

    • Otherwise we let θ(k, i) = θ(k, i−1).



  * 比第三名好的话,就拿前两名加这个新生构成新的top3;

  * 没第三名好的话,原来的top3依然保留地位。

Finally, we obtain the lightest tower θ(k, i) of any height k for P(i).

The solution to our problem is now obtained from the solution to P(n) by picking the longest tower obtained by solving P(n).

Box Stacking Problem


The Box Stacking problem is a variation of LIS problem. We need to build a maximum height stack.

Following are the key points to note in the problem statement:

1) A box can be placed on top of another box only if both width and depth of the upper placed box are smaller than width and depth of the lower box respectively.

2) We can rotate boxes. For example, if there is a box with dimensions {1x2x3} where 1 is height, 2×3 is base, then there can be three possibilities, {1x2x3}, {2x1x3} and {3x1x2}.

3) We can use multiple instances of boxes. What it means is, we can have two different rotations of a box as part of our maximum height stack.

Following is the solution based on DP solution of LIS problem.

1) Generate all 3 rotations of all boxes. The size of rotation array becomes 3 times the size of original array. For simplicity, we consider depth as always smaller than or equal to width.

2) Sort the above generated 3n boxes in decreasing order of base area.

3) After sorting the boxes, the problem is same as LIS with following optimal substructure property.

MSH(i) = Maximum possible Stack Height with box i at top of stack  // 这个顶上的 box i 是强制安排的

MSH(i) = { Max ( MSH(j) ) + height(i) } , where j < i and width(j) > width(i) and depth(j) > depth(i).

If there is no such j then MSH(i) = height(i)

4) To get overall maximum height, we return max(MSH(i)) where 0 < i < n

Bin-packing problem


Full-bin packing Algorithm中已体现出了动规的影子,或者叫必要性。


ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy45-JH8_yY

ref: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377221706004310?via%3Dihub

Idea: (核心思想)

opt(i, j, p)是由一堆子问题堆积起来的,or 推起来的。

关键在于理解这个opt(i, j, p)和下面子问题之间的关系,要如何建立之间的逻辑关系。


条件: s1 = 2,  s2 = 3,  s3 = 5,  C = 10 (size of bin)

i = 7, j = 3, p = 3  
opt(i-5, j, p) opt(i-3, j-1, p) opt(i-2, j-2, p) opt(i, j-3, p) opt(i-2, j, p-1) opt(i-1, j-2, p-1) opt(i, j, p-2)  
opt(2, 3, 3) = 3 4, 2, 3 5, 1, 3 7, 0, 3 5, 0, 2 6, 1, 2

7, 7, 0

  opt(0,1,3) = 2 bin 2,0,3 0,3,2 1,1,2 2,3,1 sub-p of 2,3,3

opt(0,1,1) = 1 bin

sub-p of 0,1,3

size: 2*2+3*3+3*5=28





size: 0*2+1*3+3*5=18







其实,这也体现了 prolog language 解决问题的思路,以及设计原理,即:


IDE online: http://potassco.sourceforge.net/clingo.html


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