-- 查看所有内容
select * from emp; -- 可以单列
select empno,ename,job,sal,mgr,hiredate,comm,deptno
from emp; -- 设定条件
select * from emp
where deptno=10; -- 条件可以用逻辑运算符连接
select * from emp
where deptno=10
or comm is null
or sal<=2000
and deptno=20; -- 注意括号和顺序
select * from emp
where (
or comm is not null
or (deptno=20 and sal<=2000)
); -- 起有意义的别名
select sal as salary, comm as commission from emp; -- 使用子查询可以在条件中用别名筛选
select * from
select sal as salary, comm as commission
from emp
where salary<5000; -- 代码执行的顺序:from -> where -> select select ename, job
from emp
where deptno=10; -- 连接符号
select ename||' WORKS AS A '||job as msg
from emp where deptno=10;
-- || 是concat的快捷方式
select concat(ename,' WORKS AS A ', job) FROM EMP where deptno=10; -- case when
select ename,sal,
case when sal<=2000 then 'UNDERPAID'
when sal>=4000 then 'OVERPAID'
end as status
from emp; -- 取前5行
select * from emp limit 5;
-- 任意序列的前5行
select ename, job from emp order by random() limit 5; -- 查询空值
select * from emp where comm is null;
-- 空值置换
select coalesce(comm, 0) from emp;
-- in的使用
select ename,job,deptno from emp where deptno in (10, 20);
-- like的使用
select ename,job from emp where deptno in (10,20) and (ename like '%I%' or job like '%ER')


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