alter user scott account unlock; 解锁

-- 新建用户
create user yym identified by 123456;

-- 放开用户权限
grant connect,resource to yym;

-- 开放数据表权限
grant select on scott.java0322 to yym with grant option;

-- 查询非本用户数据表
select * from scott.java0322;

-- 撤销权限
revoke select on scoot.java0322 from yym;


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  2. touches, targetTouches, changedTouches 区别
  3. POJ 2771 二分图(最大独立集)
  4. mybatis UpdateByExampleMapper UpdateByExampleSelectiveMapper
  5. ajax+json+java
  6. Trie/最短的名字
  7. java 面向对象 1
  8. Vue components Cannot read property '__ob__' of undefined
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  5. 使用Optional,不再头疼NPE
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  8. SpringBoot基础实战系列(二)springboot解析json与HttpMessageConverter
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