


composer require topthink/think-image
    public function save(Request $request)
$data = $request->param();
// 接受文件上传
$file = $request->file('goods_logo');
if ($file) {
$info = $file->move(ROOT_PATH . 'public' . DS . 'uploads');
if ($info) {
// 成功上传后 获取上传信息
// $filename = echo $info->getSaveName()在源代码前面追加 DS .'uploads'.DS;
$filePath = DS .'uploads'.DS.$info->getSaveName();
// 打开缩略图
// 设置缩略图
$image->thumb(150, 150)->save('.'.$filePath);
$data['goods_logo'] = $filePath;
} else {
// 上传失败获取错误信息
$this->error($file->getError(), 'http://www.day.com/exam/exam/create');;
// 添加入库:
$res= Brand::brandId($data);
if (!$res){
} $this->success('添加成功','http://www.day.com/exam/exam/index');


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