1. 通过关联字段把一张表的字段值更新另一张表的字段值

update table_a a, table_b b set a.username = b.username where a.id = b.id;

-- 以下2种更新结果以table_b的查询结果为准,table_b中没有查到的记录会全部被更新为null,相当于外连接
update table_a a set username = (select name from table_b where id = a.id);
update table_a a left join table_b b on a.id= b.id set a.username = b.name; 

2. 将查询结果插入另一张表

-- insert into 表1(列名) select 列名 from 表2;
insert into table_a(username) select name from table_b where id=1;

3. with tab as...

  属于子查询的一种解决方案---公用表表达式(CTE), 使用该语法必须注意:

-- 1. CTE后面必须直接跟使用CTE的SQL语句(如select、insert、update等), 否则, CTE将失效. with 
tab as (
  select user_code from table_a where user_code like '%ad%'
select * from table_b where user_code in (select * from tab)
-- 2. CTE后面也可以跟其他的CTE, 但只能使用一个with, 多个CTE中间用逗号(,)分隔.
tab1 as(
  select * from table_a where name like '赵%'
tab2 as(
  select * from table_b where age> 20
tab3 as(
  select * from table_c where gender = 0
select a.* from tab1 a, tab2 b, tab3 c where a.id = b.id and a.id = c.id

4. 待更新


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