



  • 0:上交所
  • 1:深交所
  • 2:北交所


"1000001": {
"code": "1000001",
"percent": 0.002113,
"high": 14.25,
"askvol3": 1026758,
"askvol2": 810700,
"askvol5": 290493,
"askvol4": 461100,
"price": 14.23,
"open": 14.2,
"bid5": 14.18,
"bid4": 14.19,
"bid3": 14.2,
"bid2": 14.21,
"bid1": 14.22,
"low": 14.11,
"updown": 0.03,
"type": "SZ",
"bidvol1": 323600,
"status": 0,
"bidvol3": 244200,
"bidvol2": 673474,
"symbol": "000001",
"update": "2022/06/25 17:59:57",
"bidvol5": 343500,
"bidvol4": 145200,
"volume": 86604061,
"askvol1": 817268,
"ask5": 14.27,
"ask4": 14.26,
"ask1": 14.23,
"name": "平安银行",
"ask3": 14.25,
"ask2": 14.24,
"arrow": "↑",
"time": "2022/06/24 16:00:58",
"yestclose": 14.2,
"turnover": 1227798687.09



class NetTick:
def __init__(self, dict={}):
self.name = dict.get('name') # 股票名称
self.yestclose = dict.get('yestclose') # 昨日收盘价
self.bidvol5 = dict.get('bidvol5') # 买5数量
self.bidvol4 = dict.get('bidvol4') # 买4数量
self.bidvol3 = dict.get('bidvol3') # 买3数量
self.bidvol2 = dict.get('bidvol2') # 买2数量
self.bidvol1 = dict.get('bidvol1') # 买1数量
self.bid5 = dict.get('bid5') # 买5价格
self.bid4 = dict.get('bid4') # 买4价格
self.bid3 = dict.get('bid3') # 买3价格
self.bid2 = dict.get('bid2') # 买2价格
self.bid1 = dict.get('bid1') # 买1价格
self.askvol5 = dict.get('askvol5') # 卖5数量
self.askvol4 = dict.get('askvol4') # 卖4数量
self.askvol3 = dict.get('askvol3') # 卖3数量
self.askvol2 = dict.get('askvol2') # 卖2数量
self.askvol1 = dict.get('askvol1') # 卖1数量
self.ask5 = dict.get('ask5') # 卖5价格
self.ask4 = dict.get('ask4') # 卖4价格
self.ask3 = dict.get('ask3') # 卖3价格
self.ask2 = dict.get('ask2') # 卖2价格
self.ask1 = dict.get('ask1') # 卖1价格
self.symbol = dict.get('symbol') # 股票代码 第一位1:深交所 0:上交所 2北交所
self.volume = dict.get('volume') # 成交量
self.price = dict.get('price') # 当前价格
self.open = dict.get('open') # 开盘价
self.low = dict.get('low') # 最低价
self.high = dict.get('high') # 最高价
self.code = dict.get('code') # 去除标记为的股票代码
self.turnover = dict.get('turnover') # 成交额
self.percent = dict.get('percent') # 涨跌幅
self.updown = dict.get('updown') # 涨跌金额


import requests
import re
from models.nettick import NetTick
from utils.packages import * class NetEaseData:
def get_realtime_data(symbol):
:param symbol: 股票代码
:return: Tick
code = NetEaseData.convert_market(symbol)
response = requests.get("http://api.money.126.net/data/feed/{},money.api".format(code)).text
re_find = NetEaseData.__re_find(response)
if re_find is not None:
find_stock = re_find.get(code)
if find_stock is not None:
return NetTick(find_stock) except Exception as e:
logger.error('请求网易接口出错,错误信息:{}'.format(e)) return None @staticmethod
def convert_market(other_market_code=str):
转换通用股票代码 sz sh bj开头+股票代码
if other_market_code[0:2].lower() == 'sh':
return '0' + other_market_code[2:]
elif other_market_code[0:2].lower() == 'sz':
return '1' + other_market_code[2:]
return '2' + other_market_code[2:] @staticmethod
def get_realtime_datas(symbols=[]):
:param symbols: 股票代码列表
:return: Ticks列表
codes = [NetEaseData.convert_market(code) for code in symbols]
result = []
response = requests.get("http://api.money.126.net/data/feed/{},money.api".format(','.join(codes))).text
re_find = NetEaseData.__re_find(response)
if re_find is not None:
for code in re_find:
item = re_find[code]
except Exception as e:
logger.error('请求网易接口出错,错误信息:{}'.format(e)) return result @staticmethod
def __re_find(response):
find = re.findall(r"_ntes_quote_callback\((.*)\);", response)
if len(find) >= 1:
return to_obj(find[-1]) return None if __name__ == '__main__':
ticks = NetEaseData.get_realtime_datas(['sh588000', 'sz000001', 'bj831010'])
[print(tick.symbol, tick.name, tick.price) for tick in ticks]
tick = NetEaseData.get_realtime_data('sz127045')
print(tick.symbol, tick.name, tick.price)


  • NetEaseData.get_realtime_data:获取单个股票
  • NetEaseData.get_realtime_datas : 获取多个股票数据




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