

本文 Elasticsearch 版本为 7.2

1. 核心数据类型

(1)字符串类型: text, keyword

(2)数字类型:long, integer, short, byte, double, float, half_float, scaled_float


(4)日期 纳秒:date_nanos



(7)Range: integer_range, float_range, long_range, double_range, date_range

2. 复杂数据类型

(1)Object: object(for single JSON objects)

(2)Nested: nested (for arrays of JSON objects)

3. 地理数据类型

(1)Geo-point: geo_point (for lat/lon points)

(2)Geo-shape: geo_shape (for complex shapes like polygons)

4. 特殊数据类型

(1)IP:  ip (IPv4 和 IPv6 地址)

(2)Completion类型:completion (to provide auto-complete suggestions)

(3)Token count:token_count (to count the number of tokens in a string)

(4)mapper-murmur3:murmur3(to compute hashes of values at index-time and store them in the index)

(5)mapper-annotated-text:annotated-text (to index text containing special markup (typically used for identifying named entities))

(6)Percolator:(Accepts queries from the query-dsl)

(7)Join:(Defines parent/child relation for documents within the same index)

(8)Alias:(Defines an alias to an existing field.)

(9)Rank feature:(Record numeric feature to boost hits at query time.)

(10)Rank features:(Record numeric features to boost hits at query time.)

(11)Dense vector:(Record dense vectors of float values.)

(12)Sparse vector:(Record sparse vectors of float values.)

(13)Search-as-you-type:(A text-like field optimized for queries to implement as-you-type completion)




Multi-fields 通常用来以不同的方式或目的索引同一个字段。比如,一个字符串类型字段可以同时被映射为 text 类型以用于全文检索、 keyword字段用于排序或聚合。又或者,你可以用standard分析器、english分析器和french分析器来索引同一个 text字段。


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  7. MySQL数据分析(7)-SQL的两大学习框架
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