
using namespace std; int main()
string name,address;
cout << "Please enter your name and address:";
cin >> name >> address;
cout << "Your name is "<< name
<< " and your address is "<< address
<< endl; return ;

2.编写一个C++程序,要求用户输入一个以 long 为单位的距离,然后将它转换为码 。

(1 long = 220 码)

using namespace std; int main()
cout << "Please enter a distance in long: ";
double long;
cin >> long;
double yard = long * ;
cout << long << " long = "<< yard << " yard."<< endl; return ;


Three blind mice

Three blind mice

See how they run


void str_1();
void str_2(void);
using namespace std; int main()
str_2(); return ;
} void str_1()
cout << "Three blind mice."<< endl;
void str_2(void)
cout << "See how they run."<< endl;


Enter you age:29

using namespace std; int main()
cout << "Please enter your age: ";
int age;
cin >> age;
int contains = age * ;
cout << "Your age is "<< age
<< " You've been through "<< contains
<< " months."<< endl; return ;


Please enter a Celsius value:20

20 degress Celsius is 68 degress Fahenheit.

转换公式:华氏温度 = 1.8X摄氏温度 + 32.

double fah(double);
using namespace std; int main()
cout << "Please enter a Celsius value:";
double cel;
cin >> cel;
cout << cel << " degrees Celsius is "
<< fah(cel) << " degrees Fahrenheit."
<< endl; return ;
} double fah(double n)
double fah = n * 1.8 + 32.0;
return fah;


Enter the number of light years:4.2

4.2 light years = 265608 astronmical units.

转换公式:1 光年 = 63240 天文单位

double astronomical(double);
using namespace std; int main()
cout << "Enter the number of light years:";
double light_year;
cin >> light_year;
cout << light_year << " light years = "
<< astronomical(light_year)
<< " astronomical units."
<< endl; return ;
} double astronomical(double n)
double ast = n * ;
return ast;

7.编写程序,要求用户输入小时数和分钟数。在main()函数中,将这两个值传递给一个 void函数,后者以下面格式显示这两个值:

Enter the number of hours: 9
Enter the number of minutes: 28

void time(double,double);
using namespace std; int main()
cout << "Enter the number of hours: ";
double hour;
cin >> hour;
cout << "Enter the number of minutes: ";
double minute;
cin >> minute; time(hour,minute);
return ;
void time(double h,double m)
cout << "Time: "<< h <<":"<< m << endl;


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