Load Data from Test Fixtures in Cypress

When creating integration tests with Cypress, we’ll often want to stub network requests that respond with large datasets. All of this mock data can lead to test code that is hard to read. In this lesson, we’ll see how to use fixtures to keep sample data in files and easily load it on demand in your tests.

If we load test data from the 'it', it is not a clean way, we should do it in fixtures:

// NOT
describe('App initialization', () => {
it('Displays todos from API on load', () => {
cy.route('GET', '/api/todos', [
{id: , name: 'One', iscomplete: false},
{id: , name: 'Two', iscomplete: false},
{id: , name: 'Three', iscomplete: false},
{id: , name: 'Four', iscomplete: false},
cy.get('.todo-list li').should('have.length', )

In fixtures folder, to createa new json file called: todos.json:

{"id": , "name": "One", "iscomplete": false},
{"id": , "name": "Two", "iscomplete": false},
{"id": , "name": "Three", "iscomplete": false},
{"id": , "name": "Four", "iscomplete": false},

Use it:

describe('App initialization', () => {
it('Displays todos from API on load', () => {
cy.route('GET', '/api/todos', 'fixture:todos') cy.visit('/')
cy.get('.todo-list li').should('have.length', )

Wait for XHR Responses in a Cypress Test

When testing interactions that require asynchronous calls, we’ll need to wait on responses to make sure we’re asserting about the application state at the right time. With Cypress, we don’t have to use arbitrary time periods to wait. In this lesson, we’ll see how to use an alias for a network request and wait for it to complete without having to wait longer than required or guess at the duration.

describe('App initialization', () => {
it('Displays todos from API on load', () => {
cy.route('GET', '/api/todos', 'fixture:todos').as('load') cy.visit('/') cy.wait('@load') cy.get('.todo-list li').should('have.length', )

Interact with Hidden Elements in a Cypress Test

We often only show UI elements as a result of some user interaction. Cypress detects visibility and by default won’t allow your test to interact with an element that isn’t visible. In this lesson, we’ll work with a button that is shown on hover and see how you can either bypass the visibility restriction or use Cypress to update the state of your application, making items visible prior to interacting with them

cy.get('.todo-list li')

Create Aliases for DOM Elements in Cypress Tests

We’ll often need to access the same DOM elements multiple times in one test. Your first instinct might be to use cy.get and assign the result to a variable for reuse. This might appear to work fine at first, but can lead to trouble. Everything in Cypress is done asynchronously and you’re interacting with an application’s DOM, which is changing as your tests interact with it. In this lesson, we’ll see how we can reference DOM elements in multiple places with the alias feature in Cypress.

describe('List Item Behavior', () => {
it('Deletes an item', () => {
cy.seedAndVisit() cy.get('.todo-list li')
.click() cy.wait('@delete') cy.get('.todo-list li')
.should('have.length', )

We be DRY, we can create alias for DOM element:

cy.get('.todo-list li')
.click() cy.wait('@delete') cy.get('@list')
.should('have.length', )

Test Variations of a Feature in Cypress with a data-driven Test

Many applications have features that can be used with slight variations. Instead of maintaining multiple tests with nearly identical code, we can take advantage of the JavaScript runtime and use normal data structures and plain old JavaScript to test and make assertions for multiple interactions in a single test.

describe('Footer', () => {
it('Filters todos', () => {
const filters = [
{link: 'Active', expectedLength: },
{link: 'Completed', expectedLength: },
{link: 'All', expectedLength: }
cy.seedAndVisit('fixture:mixed_todos') cy.wrap(filters)
(filters => {
cy.contains(filter.link).click() cy.get('.todo-list li').should('have.length', filter.expectedLength)
}) })


  1. user initialization list vs constructor assignment
  2. css加载优化
  3. [转]基于AWS的自动化部署实践
  4. 【noiOJ】p8209
  5. 自定义的 ListBoxItem 自适应ListBox的宽度
  6. [Virtualization][SDN] 讲的很好的SDN软件定义网络视频课程
  7. ExtJS 提示
  8. 使用Struts2 验证框架,验证信息重复多次出现
  9. Python学习笔记(六)Python的列表生成式、生成器
  10. servlet+jsp导入Excel到mysql数据库
  11. 网络1711-1712班 c 语言评分总表一览
  12. 【WebGL入门】画一个旋转的cube
  13. PostOffice最小距离问题
  14. WebSocket(4)---实现定时推送比特币交易信息
  15. Golang的select多路复用以及channel使用实践
  16. Dockerfile指令详解--VOLUME 指令
  17. zigbee3.0的协议特性
  18. Ruby学习笔记2 : 一个简单的Ruby网站,搭建ruby环境
  19. 第二次项目冲刺(Beta版本)
  20. java 调用 C# webapi


  1. Windows 下配置 ApacheBench (AB) 压力测试
  2. PHP被忽略的基础知识
  3. JUC之原子类
  4. Python26之字典2(内置函数)
  5. 从零开始学Flask框架-003
  6. Python+VSCode+Git【转】
  7. ALV报表——抓取工单长文
  8. C# 简单的区块链实现
  9. mysql8.0入坑体验
  10. springboot启动流程(目录)