# coding=utf-8
# urllib_get_file=urllib.request.urlretrieve(url=None,filename="test.zip")
# basic usage of urllib
from urllib import request
url = "https://www.cnblogs.com/SunshineKimi/"
msg = request.Request(url)
# msg.add_header("1",2)
# msg.set_proxy()
rep = request.urlopen(msg)
print(rep.read()) # how to use proxy to request in urllib
proxies = {"http": "user:passwd@ip:port"} # buy proxy
proxy = {"http": ""} # free proxy
proxy_handler = request.ProxyHandler(proxy) # there also exist HttpHandler() basic handler
opener = request.build_opener(proxy_handler)
response = opener.open(url, data=None)
print(response.headers) # auth by proxy



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